Search result(s) for "Plato"

Series Name Matches: Plato's Theory of Education, 1990 (Series) Plato, 1990 (Series) Plato II, 1991 (Series) Neoplatonism: The Journey to Selflessness, 1987 (Series)
Presentation Name Matches: Plato's Symposium and the Cosmic Person (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Plato's Parmenides and the Cosmic One (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Spirit Quest Guides: Plato and Manly P. Hall (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Socrates and Plato (The Classic Greek Spirit, 1981) Ficino (1433-1499) and Pico Della Mirandola (1464-1495): Platonic and Hermetic Theology (Italian Renaissance, 1983) Dutch and English Hermetic Neoplatonist (Hermetic Tradition (New Series), 1986) Neoplatonic Life of Pythagoras by Iamblichus (300 A.D.) (Pythagoras: Western Traditions of the Sage, 1989) E.G. McClain's The Pythagorean Plato (1978) (Pythagoras: Western Traditions of the Sage, 1989) Neoplatonism (Neoplatonism: The Journey to Selflessness, 1987)
Artist Name Matches: Plato (Artist)
Art Works Name Matches: Platonic Theology (Work) Collective Dialogues of Plato (Work) Neoplatonism and Indian Thought (Work) Esoteric Mathematics for Understanding Plato (Work) Therapeia: Plato's Conception of Philosophy (Work) Man in His Pride: A Study of the Political Philosophy of Thucydides and Plato (Work) Pythagorean Plato: Prelude to the Song Itself (Work) Plato's Theory of Knowledge (Work) The Human Soul in the Myths of Plato (Work) The Myths of Plato (Work) Plato: The Laws (Work)
Transcript Text Matches: Ptolemy and Manetho (Alexandria and Rome, 1982) Cicero and Lucretius (Alexandria and Rome, 1982) Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau (Hermetic America: American Spiritual Classics, 1982) Herman Melville (Hermetic America: American Spiritual Classics, 1982) William James (Hermetic America: American Spiritual Classics, 1982) Michelangelo (1475-1564) (Michelangelo (1475-1564), 1983) Plotinus and Patanjali (Plotinus and Patanjali: Patterning Toward Realization, 1984) Presentation 5 (Star Wisdom Man, 2009) Presentation 7 (Star Wisdom Man, 2009) Presentation 9 (Star Wisdom Man, 2009) Presentation 11 (Star Wisdom Man, 2009) The Encyclopedia's Scope. The Book of Hopi to Reconstruct a Ritual Year (Symbolism, 1980) Ideas and Thinking in Manly P. Hall's Encyclopedia. Cassirer's Symbolism. (Symbolism, 1980) Oceanic Symbols in Moby Dick. Mystical Theologies (Symbolism, 1980) Meister Eckhart (1260-1328) (The Mystic Century, 1983) William Occam (1295-1346) (The Mystic Century, 1983) Richard Rolle (1300-1349) (The Mystic Century, 1983) Salt March to the Sea at Dandi (1931) (Gandhi, 1983) The Round Table Yogi: 1931-32 (Gandhi, 1983) An International Orphan: Gandhi, 1947 (Gandhi, 1983) Sarvodaya and the New World Coming (Gandhi, 1983) Gandhi, Vinoba, and the Dharma Chakra (Gandhi, 1983) The Pictorial Gandhi (Gandhi, 1983) Fra Angelico (1386-1466) and Fra Filippo Lippi (1406-1469): Dominican Visionary Artists of the Interior Life (Italian Renaissance, 1983) Donatello (1386-1466): Sculptural Refinement of Man; Nicholas of Cusa (1401-1464): Philosophical Refinement of the Vision (Italian Renaissance, 1983) Cosimo de' Medici (1389-1464) and Lorenzo de' Medici (1449-1495): Florentine Patrons of the Rebirth of Learning (Italian Renaissance, 1983) Ficino (1433-1499) and Pico Della Mirandola (1464-1495): Platonic and Hermetic Theology (Italian Renaissance, 1983) Botticelli (1444-1510): The Famous Florentine Painter (Italian Renaissance, 1983) Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519): The Renaissance Man Refined (Italian Renaissance, 1983) Giordano Bruno (1548-1600): Cosmic Orders in the Hermetic Tradition; Francesco Giorgi (1466-1540): Harmonia Mundi (Italian Renaissance, 1983) Campanella (1568-1639): Hermetic Science in Utopian City of the Sun; Galileo (1564-1642): Starry Messenger of Science (The New Magic) (Italian Renaissance, 1983) John Colet (Origins of Hermetic Science, 1983) Trithemius (Origins of Hermetic Science, 1983) Paracelsus (Origins of Hermetic Science, 1983) The Mysteries of the State and Individual in Archaic Rome (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Presentation 4 (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Book of Enoch (Part 1) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Book of Enoch (Part 3) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Book of Enoch (Part 4) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Book of Enoch (Part 6) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Greece and Egypt Interacting (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs (Part 3) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Rome in Times of Cicero and Caesar (Part 1) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Rome in Times of Cicero and Caesar (Part 2) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Sibylline Oracles (Part 1) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Archetypal Alexandria (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Pre-Philo (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) More Pre-Philo (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Paul, Philo, and Cicero (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Clement of Alexandria (Part 1) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Clement of Alexandria (Part 2) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Philo and Hillel (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Philo and Therapeutae (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Roots of Hellenistic World Religion (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Hellenistic Alchemy and the Character of Jesus (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Origen of Alexandria (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Numenius (fl. 160) and Plotinus (207-270) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) James Fenimore Cooper (Hermetic America - Our Critical Heritage: James Fenimore Cooper, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Adams, Mark Twain, 1985) Abraham Lincoln (Hermetic America - Our Critical Heritage: James Fenimore Cooper, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Adams, Mark Twain, 1985) Henry Adams (Hermetic America - Our Critical Heritage: James Fenimore Cooper, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Adams, Mark Twain, 1985) Mark Twain (Hermetic America - Our Critical Heritage: James Fenimore Cooper, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Adams, Mark Twain, 1985) Mark Twain (Hermetic America - Our Critical Heritage: James Fenimore Cooper, Abraham Lincoln, Henry Adams, Mark Twain, 1985) Thomas Jefferson's Monticello (Hermetic America: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Henry David Thoreau, 1985) Henry David Thoreau (Hermetic America: Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Henry David Thoreau, 1985) Summer Solstice: The Tao of Journeying (Summer Solstice: The Tao of Journeying, 1980) Egyptian Beginnings: Thoth, Osiris, Isis (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) The Poimandres (Lecture 1) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) The Poimandres (Lecture 2) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Kore Kosmou (Lecture 2) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Royal Road: Hermetic Overview (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Hermes to His Son (Lecture 1) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Hermes to His Son (Lecture 2) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) The Greek Hermes (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Astrology and the Hermetic Mind (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Asclepius: Nag Hammadi (Lecture 2) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Plotinus (Lecture 1) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Plotinus (Lecture 2) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Plotinus (Lecture 3) (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Hieroglyphics of Horapollo (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Zosimus and Iamblichus (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Hermetic (Hermetic Tradition: From Osiris to Benjamin Franklin, From Egypt to America, 1986) Core of Jung's Alchemy: Introduction (The Alchemical Core of Jung's Work, 1987) Seminars on Dream Analysis (1928-1930) (The Alchemical Core of Jung's Work, 1987) Modern Man in Search of a Soul (1933) (The Alchemical Core of Jung's Work, 1987) Psychology and Alchemy (1944) (The Alchemical Core of Jung's Work, 1987) Spirit and Nature (1945-1946) (The Alchemical Core of Jung's Work, 1987) Conscious Transformations in The Structure and Dynamic of the Psyche (1960) and The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1959) (The Alchemical Core of Jung's Work, 1987) Upanishads (Great Spiritual Classics of the Orient: 2500 B.C. to 300 A.D., 1981) Tao Te Ching (Great Spiritual Classics of the Orient: 2500 B.C. to 300 A.D., 1981) Hermes Trismegistus and the Renaissance (Hermetic America: A Vision of Our American Future, 1991) Ritual 8 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 1 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 2 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 3 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 4 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 5 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Art 12 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 2 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 3 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 4 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 6 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 7 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 8 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 9 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 10 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 12 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Science 1 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Science 3 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Nature 2 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Nature 5 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Nature 6 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Nature 7 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Nature 8 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Nature 10 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Nature 12 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Ritual 5 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Ritual 6 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Ritual 7 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Ritual 11 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Myth 1 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Myth 3 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Myth 4 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Myth 6 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Myth 9 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Myth 10 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 1 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 5 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 6 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 8 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 9 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 10 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 11 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 12 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Interval 4 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Vision 1 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Vision 2 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Vision 3 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Vision 4 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Vision 6 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Art 1 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Art 3 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Art 7 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Art 8 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Art 10 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Art 11 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) History 1 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) History 2 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) History 3 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) History 5 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) History 6 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) History 9 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) History 10 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) History 11 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Interval 7 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Science 6 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Science 7 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Science 9 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Science 11 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Interval 8 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Vision 1 (Stellar Civilization, 2002) Nature 1 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Nature 2 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Nature 4 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Nature 7 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Nature 9 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Ritual 4 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Ritual 7 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Ritual 8 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Ritual 11 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Interval 2 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Myth 3 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Myth 8 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Myth 9 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Myth 10 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Myth 11 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Myth 12 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Symbol 6 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Symbol 10 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Symbol 12 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Vision 1 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Vision 4 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Vision 5 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Vision 6 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Vision 7 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Vision 8 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Art 4 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Art 6 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Art 8 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Art 10 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Art 11 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) History 2 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) History 3 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) History 4 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) History 6 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) History 10 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) History 12 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Interval 7 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Science 6 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Science 9 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Science 12 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Presentation 1 (Shared Presence, 2009) Presentation 4 (Shared Presence, 2009) Presentation 5 (Shared Presence, 2009) Presentation 11 (Shared Presence, 2009) Presentation 12 (Shared Presence, 2009) Presentation 13 (Shared Presence, 2009) Odysseus and King Arthur (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Plato's Symposium and the Cosmic Person (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Plato's Parmenides and the Cosmic One (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Manly P. Hall's Order of the Quest Holy Grail (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Thomas Taylor's Version of Cupid and Psyche (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Spirit Quest Guides: Athena and Merlin (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Spirit Quest Guides: Plato and Manly P. Hall (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Divine Kingship in the Quester (The King and Queen in the Quest, 1981) Presentation 3 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 6 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 13 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 15 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 16 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 18 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 22 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 24 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 34 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 41 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 43 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 45 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 51 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Dead Sea Scrolls: The Rule of the Congregation (Dead Sea Scrolls, 1989) Nature 1 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Jesus in Alexandria (A New Aion: Four Talks On Our Once and Future Wholeness, 1994) Shared Presence Bodhisattvas (A New Aion: Four Talks On Our Once and Future Wholeness, 1994) Hermetic America (A New Aion: Four Talks On Our Once and Future Wholeness, 1994) Stellar Civilization (A New Aion: Four Talks On Our Once and Future Wholeness, 1994) Early Pennsylvania Rosicrucians, Pietists, and Friends (Interconnections of the Secret Societies, 1983) Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Pietists, and Friends (Interconnections of the Secret Societies, 1983) Myth 12 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Special Presentation (Differential Consciousness, 2000)