The Classic Greek Spirit, 1981
by: Roger Weir
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The Classic Greek Spirit
11 of 12 presentations available
Thursdays, Oct 1, 1981 to Dec 17, 1981
This is the second part of a one-year-long series of lectures on the spiritual classics of the Greeks, the Orient (in two parts), and the United States.
- Homer: Iliad
Wrath as a Spiritual Demons and Its Cure by Equilibrium of Form
Recorded: October 1, 1981play audio
- Homer: Odyssey
The Eternal Return, the Mythic Journey, and Athena as Guiding Star
Recorded: October 8, 1981play audio
- Orpheus and Mystery Religions
Greek Mystery Religions, Open Air Temples, Cave Oracles, and Orphic Hymnos
Recorded: October 15, 1981play audio
- Pythagoras
Tetractys, Cosmology, Geometric Vision, and Utopian Communities
Recorded: October 22, 1981play audio
- Aeschylus and Pindar
Origins of Tragedy as Form. The Oresteia, Prometheus, and Pythian Poems
Recorded: October 29, 1981play audio
- Sophocles and Euripides
Completed Balance in the Theban Trilogy and Risked Personas in the Mask Form
Recorded: November 5, 1981play audio
- Socrates and Plato
The Interior Individual. Dialogue as a Form. The Phaedo, and the Timaeus
Recorded: November 12, 1981play audio
- Aristotle and Aristophanes
Philosophy and Formal Reality. Old Comedy as a Spiritual Art
Recorded: November 19, 1981play audio
- Menander
The Middle Greek Comedy
Recorded: November 26, 1981
no audio available - Herodotus and Thucydides
History and Its Forms. The Peloponnesian War as the Great-Power Archetype
Recorded: December 3, 1981play audio
- Alexander and Plutarch
The World Conqueror and His "Oikoumene." The Isis and Osiris, and the Parallel Lives
Recorded: December 10, 1981play audio
- Plotinus
The Completion of the Classic Greek Spirit to Its Transcendence from Formal Realism
Recorded: December 17, 1981play audio