Presentation 34

Presented on: Saturday, August 22, 2015

Presented by: Roger Weir

Presentation 34

Transcript (PDF)

The Future and The New Past
Presentation 34 of 52

Presentation 3-8
Presented by Roger Weir
Saturday, August 22, 2015


Let's come to the 34th presentation. So, we're two thirds of the way through this year of Preparation 2015, heading towards an entry into 2016, which is a very pivotal year.

We have been looking at this series, The Future and the New Past of how civilizations, any civilization anywhere in the cosmos develop the ability to enter into further dimensions from nature because of written language. So that the metronome of the development of a civilization is always the written symbols that can be read increasingly refined through a series of phases actually. Just like there are phases from solid to liquid to gas. And that the solids come from plasma, which is an electrified gas, constellations. And that this cycle of phases is what is the cycle of nature everywhere in the universe. The farthest star of the farthest galaxy has the same kind of variant on the constitution of the elements familiar to us from our star. Our sun. The variety of planetary systems is extraordinary. And there are planetary systems that have binary stars, triple stars. Even rarely up to a cluster of stars.

Nevertheless, what's important is that the phases of written language, which includes then the phases of being able to read the written language, lead eventually to a maturity. And that maturity is the ability to lift off the four-dimensional circumstance of nature in its cycle into a fifth dimension of apprehension, sometimes called transcendence. And that enters into a fifth dimension that comes together with the four essential phases of the cycle of nature everywhere in the universe as a fifth quintessential phase of vision. Where one begins to understand the sourcing of these four phases of nature, that nature as a cycle ongoing, universally emerges out of a source, a quintessential source. And our word for that source has been various. But the best that we use now is consciousness.

But the fifth phase is different, like the thumb is related to the fingers but is different. The big toe is related to the toes. It's different. It has emerged so that it can complement the four fingers. So, that there is an ability to grasp. An ability to hold. An ability to choreograph, very delicate qualities of the employment of the fingers in nature into a quintessential ability to go beyond what was the given grasping into something that is different from but related to holding. And in any language, in any star system, whatever word is used, whatever written read word is used, it comes out as not holding, but beholding. Beholding the emergence. Fresh. Not now, but in a quintessential dimension of consciousness, where it has a different quality. Different character. One can hold phenomena, but one can only behold in the field of consciousness. Presence. And there's no way to grasp it. This is simple enough to say. But thankfully in practice, it forbids there being any commendation confiscation, order, tyranny that can control reality.

This becomes very important. It becomes important because the whole development of a, within a vision phase, has added a fifth dimension. And while the phases can be characterized universally, the dimensions can only be characterized cosmically. And so, this is not just a transition, not just a trance mutation. And partially, it is a transformation. But like the quality of the universe, the phases in the ecology, not the cycle, but the ecology of the further developments, maturing is better to say, of consciousness, of conscious dimensions has a quality that is able to be understood only in terms of the complementarity. It's only that that is able to in one way grasp but into another way to behold presencing.

One of the most extraordinary things that has happened to me in my lifetime was the presenting the presentation of a very odd task of inquiry, of reading and writing, of reading symbols. And being able to understand that the writers of these symbols were more consciously mature than we were, have been, so far. Except in very rare circumstances. I was presented with the task, the opportunity to try to decipher a set of symbols. And to come to understand not only what they meant. Not only what they could do in the universe. But who it was that wrote this and could read this cosmically. These were symbols that were on a very small metallic eye beam, and they were embossed in a kind of high energy way into the very atomic structure of the eye beam. And they presented a sequence, a series. But the symbols could not be read. And thus, it wasn't apparent that it was a sequence. And thus, there was no way to understand what it was for. And especially there was no way on Earth that one could understand who would write this and who would read this. How would they write it? How would they read it? And why?

It was the only piece that was picked up by one of the first investigators. And put up a sleeve with a military covered jacket and brought home later in that early morning as a little memento for his young son. Who kept this little memento hidden from everyone so that no one understood that it had been saved.

Now in very broad civilization learning, this is an archetypal theme. One of the great Chinese classic novels is called Dream of the Red Chamber. And its theme is that when the creators of the universe finish the dome of the sphere of our sky expanse, they had completed it, but there was one piece they had left out. Because the dome of creation was completed, and this piece was unneeded for the construction of the dome of the phenomenal physical universe. And so, it was thrown away. But it was thrown away and because it was of a different dimension, it did not fall in the dimensions of nature. It fell in such a way that it matured on its own. Developed a voice on its own. And one of the subtitles in Chinese in translation of Dream of the Red Chamber is The Story of the Stone. The stone that pre-dated the structure and creation of Heaven. Of the Heavens. And was the only part that acquired through its maturation of voice of its own.

And a great sage, poet heard the stone of pre-Heaven tell its story about mankind. And it was the greatest tragic, sad, splendid story possible for mankind. And The Dream of The Red Chamber is that story. The story of that stone.

This little eye beam was a part of the crashed flying saucer outside of Roswell, New Mexico. And the man who put it into his sleeve was Major Jesse Marcel. And the son was also became not just a Major, became a Colonel Marcel. And he had children. He had two sons and a daughter. I was very good friends with the daughter and one of the sons. And when it came time for them to want to square away this tremendous sense that something mysterious had happened to that family, this was the clue. And the clue had the symbols, but nobody could read them. And nobody understood they were a set. And especially they were unable to appreciate the scalar. That these symbols allowed for this set to perform a second and third transformation. Not just the transformation of differential consciousness rising transcendently above the four dimensions of nature of space-time, but that there was a second transform esoteric only available on this planet for now several thousands of years.

The first is sort of a differential transform from symbols into vision. From the structure of the brain-based thinking into a quintessential spiritual beholding that was a differential. Not integral. Not a part of a cycle. Not a part of a completion. But that special part that was of the source of the universe, not itself. And not just the source or a source. One has to use a gerund. It was the sourcing field. And like nature source fields, its cycle, it sorts source fields it's cycle not in terms of the dynamic energies that give one the geometry of the universe, the mathematics of the completion of the whole.

The simplest form of that is a symmetricality that is a very flexible of taking two motions, two directions, two dynamics, two vectors and relating to them on the basis of their unity. And what comes out of this, out of this victory of the pair of vectors is a relationship, a ratioing. And in math, it's called a tensor. But what calibrates it is that they both all begin with one, at the same hand. At the same source. They have the one as the way in which the index records. And in this regard, the arithmetic is rock solid anywhere in the universe. Not only do one and one make two, but two and two make four. And you can do all sorts of things with that.

But there is a second transform from the differential transform. And that in very high wisdom, high drama. As for a long time, used the term that is Greek language based and put into a Latin form and one can call that second transform a supplemental transform. A very wise about being wise mind not just the brain. Not just the intellect. Not just the differential conscious vision out of which can come miraculous developments like art. The art of being a person, a prismatic person, a jeweled person. Jeweled work of art. The second transform, the spiritual transform allows for the appreciation that there is a history phase in conscious ecology that allows for understanding not only the sequencing but the pairing of the sequencing. And that the tensor between them also has its own kind of sequencing. And that the scaler for that is not based on one but is based on zero. But the zero as in a Zen satori, does not record. Its record is that nothing appears. That's it sign. That's it's symbol.

But what does occur in beholding because the vision, the differential transform, its field is not the zero field of nature, not any part of the cycle of nature but the complementarity, and this is logically true as well, is an infinite field.

In the most strict scholastic logic East-West Center anywhere. If you have a higher mathematics, not an arithmetic, but a higher mathematics that is really matured not only will the mathematics mature, but your logic will mature to the threshold to where you realize that in the logical order you can substitute infinity for zero any place that it occurs, and the logic structure holds. That is really a discovery.

In Western mathematics, the great sage of that realization in Western European terms was a man named Cantor. Jewish. And he wrote in mathematics the Hebrew letter Aleph and gave it a superscript of zero. So that Cantor's Aleph zero was the scalar for the zero field of nature, but also was a way to write of infinity as possibilities. And Cantor was accused of being crazy. Insane. Wild Jewish mystic. All sorts of things. We matured in mathematics far enough in the 20th century to understand that this was not true.

And one of the great discovery figures in the 20th century later on was a man named Ben Rich. And Ben Rich was Jewish. His father's name was Isidore Rich. His, his mother was of French Jewish background. And her name was Annie. Because one of the oldest Semitic names in history is Anna. In some forms, it was on Anahita. In others it was Ha-Anna, Hannah and so forth.

Ben was born in Michigan. He was born in the northern part, Ishpeming. And he went to school. The family moved down to an industrial city Flint, Flint, Michigan. About 60 miles North of Detroit and about 25 miles south of the city that I was born in Saginaw, Michigan. He was a cause celeb intellectually, but also creatively. He could do things that were extraordinary. And if you look him up on wiki, Wikipedia, Benjamin Robert Ben Rich born 1925. Died 1995. The second director of Lockheed's Skunkworks from 1975 to 1991. He's the great genius that followed a genius. Like a Plato would follow a Socrates. Leading to an Aristotle. He followed a man named Kelly Johnson.

By the way, Ben Rich, by his great designs, he understood that what got in the way of supersonic speed in jets, propeller planes can't even approach the speed of sound, Mach one. But with jets, you can not only approach it, but it was shown that you could penetrate it. And in fact, the penetration happened right outside just north of Los Angeles at Edwards Air Force Base on my seventh birthday. October 14, 1947, break, Chuck Yeager Breaking the sound barrier. Mach one. And very quickly. Very quickly, because the phrase at the end of Saint John's Book of Revelation is, "Behold, I come quickly". In the twinkling of an eye, in fact. Not the blinking. Not the glancing. The twinkle is the differential and kaleidoscopic consciousness emerging in a hyper real space of beholding. This is how interstellar starships, intergalactic starships work.

And the symbols that I found were the navigational set of how that works. Everything else has been covered up. Everything else has been distorted so many different ways that to even enter I'm trying to make sense out of it introduces you to a chaos which proliferates. It's a fragmentation that continues to fragment. It's designed that way. It's made that way. Planned that way. It's constructed that way. It has a cosmic flaw. It can't commandeer a zero-field, nature. And it can't accommodate an infinite field, science. Not just as phases as dimensions, a fifth dimension and an eighth dimension are exempt from being commandeered. You can use everything in a military industrial alien complex on any star system in any galaxy until there is a maturation of being able to return to nature, to mature to the cosmos as a field of complementarity that is not co-optibal. It's not commondearable at all.

And the deep wisdom of this is feminine. That feminine deep wisdom is not co-optibal. It's not commondearable. Hence one says Mother Nature. Hence, really high understanding, high consciousness is called Sophia. Because the feminine deep wisdom has its great sourcing capacity, out of which not only does life come, but the universe itself emerges. And it emerges in a very interesting way. It emerges headfirst. Like a birth, and the head of space-time is time. And so, the first dimension as time emerging is the head, is that comprehensiveness of space-time. And time thus, in any kind of a symbol double transform, a differential transform, a supplemental transform led to a third transform the ability to have a movement in time-space that is free.

Let's take a little break and we'll come back.


Let's come back from our break and resume. And resume with a short precis of how the alien military industrial complex came to dominate the planet. Dominate, in fact, the star system. Hopefully, thankfully, there are days are numbered. Not years, days.

The Roswell situation has been since its revival in the 1970's, a Gordian knot that will not go away and yet can't be undone. So, we're going to apply a historical solution. The original Gordian Knot was a complication in the northern part of what is today lower Central Asia, upper Middle East. It was made by an inheritance of Persian Iranian dynastic, convoluted, super Byzantine complications. That everything was organized so that no one could live without the structures of control over everything that was important that they had commandeered. Sound familiar?

When confronted by this original Gordian Knot, the proverbial way that Alexander the Great undid the knot was to take out his sword and cut it. It's a proverbial way of saying Alexander the Great being Alexander the Great. Being honed by Aristotle as a personal tutor and was also the personal tutor of several of his generals who are referred to enmasse as his companions. That's what he called them, his companions. Companions along the way. Along the way, not of world conquest, but of establishing what he learned that Aristotle had learned from Plato. Aristotle studied 20 years under Plato. And what Plato had learned from Socrates all the time he was growing up as a young man until he was about 27 years old. His mentor with Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates. But Socrates had learned from a woman named Diotima. She was from Mantinea which is in Arcadia. The northern part of the Peloponnese of Greece on the Gulf of Corinth. Right across the Gulf from Delphi. And like the oracle of Delphi was feminine. Diotima on the other side of the Gulf of Corinth was a feminine wisdom genius who had studied under Pythagoras for many years and mastered this. The learning of Socrates from Diotima is recounted by Plato and his dialogue The Symposium, and you can read it there.

Curious the way in which the Gordian knot of the alien military industrial, political economic complex begins to be cut. Roswell, New Mexico was the home of an air base. The air base was the home of the sixth bomber Command of Yousef. And all of the very advanced bomber were stationed there. And so, the focus of the design of the constant improvement of these bombers rushed into high gear by World War Two, achieved an incandescent brilliance in the United States. Which was able to turn out a tank, a ship, a day towards the end of the Second World War. Faster than anyone could have ever destroyed them. The Japanese empire, the Nazi Reich never had a chance once the United States began to be as a Hermetic America was then, capable of marshaling everybody to roll up their sleeves. And the motto was can do.

I was a boy in World War Two and I remember it. Remember the absence of uncles and men and so forth. The absence of toys, because everything was going into the war effort. Comic books had just started coming out in the Second World War in a big way. And their motto was on every issue of every comic book, "keep them flying".

So that the evolution of bomber aircraft and the United States outdistance everyone. And the big plane by 1945 was the Super fortress, the B 29 Super fortress was only exceeded by the B 52 Stratofortress in the Korean War.

The WikiLeaks article. Enola Gay records this. "The Enola Gay is a Boeing B 29 Stratofortress bomber named for Enola Gay Tibbs, the mother of the pilot, Colonel Paul Tibbets. Who selected the aircraft while it was still on the assembly line on the 6th of August 1945, during the final stages of World War Two." This month, 70 years ago.

"It became the first aircraft to drop an atomic bomb." The crash program of the Manhattan Project to build an atomic bomb was augmented by a crash program to increase, not fighter jets, yet, but bomber propeller super aircraft.
The bomb codenamed Little Boy, was targeted at the city of Hiroshima. And caused unprecedented destruction. Enola Gay participated in the second atomic attack as the weather reconnaissance aircraft for the primary target of Kaikoura. Clouds and drifting smoke resulted in Nagasaki being bombed instead. After the war, the Enola Gay returned to the United States, where it operated from Roswell Army Airfield, New Mexico. It was flown,
eventually, "to Kwajalein in the South Pacific", an island. In recent memory Kwajalein is where space X tested its early rockets.

"The Enola Gay was flown to Kwajalein for the Operation Crossroads and nuclear tests in the Pacific, but was not chosen to make the test drop at Bikini Atoll." Which is where the hydrogen bomb took off. The Hiroshima bomb, the Nagasaki bomb where 20,000 tons of TNT. The first hydrogen bomb was more than a million tons of TNT. It obliterated Bikini Atoll.

It was transferred later that year to the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., on the mall. And spent many years parked at air bases exposed to the weather and souvenir hunters before being disassembled and transported to the Smithsonian storage facility at Suitland, Maryland, in 1961. It was taken apart, a few parts remaining and warehoused. Almost every fragment that is necessary to piece together the history complex, the kaleidoscopic gestalt of consciousness of what is going on, and how it got here and where they think it's going. And while all of it is flawed, their sourcing is flawed, their so-called history is flawed. Their so-called future vision is nonexistent. It's an illusion projected. Never will happen. Not here. Has happened in other star systems. Not here.

In 1980's, veteran groups engaged in a call for the Smithsonian to put the aircraft on display. And in the 1980's, slowly as an example of big stick-ness in the Reagan administration, they uncrated what was left and re did some of the parts and put the Enola Gay into the permanent exhibition at the…it reads here "Exhibited at the National Air and Space Museum in downtown Washington, D.C. for the bombings 50th anniversary in 1995." And a storm of controversy swirled around it. And since 2003, the entire restored B 29 has been on display at National Air and Space Museum's Steven F. Udvar-Hazy, hazy center. The last survivor of its crew, Theodore von Kirk, died at age 93, July 28, 2014. About a year ago.

Glen L. Martin had the aircraft building company in Omaha, Nebraska. Very far inland so any kind of invasion from the Japanese or the Germans would take a long time to get to Omaha, Nebraska. One of the reasons why Strategic Air Command is centered in Omaha, Nebraska, since the Cold War turned to hydrogen bomb like.

Glen L. Martin, whose company finally was subsumed under a great coming together. The new company, The Martin Marietta Corporation, was an American company founded in 1961 through the merger of Glen L. Martin Company and American Marietta Corp. The combined country became a leader in chemicals, aerospace and electronics.

In 1995, right when the Enola Gay was reassembled in Washington, D.C., not just for the American tourist public, but for all on the planet to understand we had this kind of power. Can you imagine what we can do to you now?

This is an ad on the inside back cover of the latest issue of Nature, August 15, 2015. The International Journal of Science. "Knock out any gene." There's the boxing glove. There's the double helix. "Crispr CAS nine Genome editing kits." Not just military industrial complex bio political manipulation tailored any way you like it. You want a cut of meat of humanity? Tell us what cut do you want. We can provide it.

"Martin, based in Baltimore, was primarily an aerospace concern with recent focus on missiles, namely its Titan program." In case you don't remember, history The American Titan Program, those Titan rockets were the first ICBMs, intercontinental ballistic missile. The secrets, the techniques, the engineering were quickly Soviet stolen so that they could develop ICBMs. And now there's a third country that has ICBMs, that's China recently.

"In 1982, Martin Marietta was subject to a hostile takeover bid by Bendix Corporation." One of the real powerhouses that developed in the Second World War. The Bendix Corporation was one of those. "Bendix bought the majority of Martin Marietta shares and in effect owned the company. However, Martin Marietta's management used the short time," days,
Separating ownership and control from ownership on the market to control in terms of the corporation structure. In those few days, the ownership of Martin Marietta used the short time to sell non-core material. Non-core for organizations. And Thomas G. Pownall, CEO of Martin Marietta, was successful at the end of this extraordinary, bittle…bitter battle that saw Martin Marietta survive and Bendix Corporation, what was left of it, was sold to Allied Corporation.

The, however, is this, "Martin Marietta's management used the short time separating ownership and control to sell non-core businesses and launch its own hostile takeover of Bendix", which they were successful at.

And this was known in the industry 1980's style. This was called the Pac Man Defense. The Pac Man was the first computer game. Are you beginning to understand a little bit here? It is the seed success on a military industrial scale. That if you learn to play computer games, you too can take over any kind of corporate power that you need. There are tens of millions, perhaps hundreds of millions, 99% are young males playing computer games. They're called gamers. They want to roll up their sleeves and help themselves to the piles and piles of cash and privileges and perks and so forth. This is a shortcut. This is the Gordian knot. This is the knockout punch to wealth, power, success, women, you name it.

Well, there are other star systems that have done similar things. And their success is taking over planets and planetary cultures and stars and star systems. They have a big portfolio. Amazingly, there are many of them. So, the competition is tough. There are some that are not co-optimal, not commondearable. And we're about to join that companionship.

Martin Marietta was bought by Lockheed that became Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin, an American global aerospace defense security and advanced technology company. Worldwide. Formed by the merger of Lockheed Corporation with Martin Marietta in March of 1995. It keeps coming up again and again.

For those who have been following these presentations since the science fiction vision several years back. Understand that the science fiction vision begins in 1895. 1995 is the centenary. It's the centennial. Began with The Time Machine. Jumped into The Island of Dr. Moreau, who's going to turn beasts into humans. And who knows what to do with humans. And followed by The Invisible Man. That's stealth. And followed by War of the Worlds.

The late 1890's are a classic parallel cataloging that anyone who is familiar in the differential conscious infinite field scalar of the universal one based logical structure application can understand that there is something immense that's recognizable. And finally realizable. And when you can realize you can do an alchemy.

And the first phase of an alchemical supplemental transform is to understand that the differential conscious transform its initial movement is to dissolve. And re-coagulant. Solvay **inaudible word** Coagulant is the motto of alchemy. It takes the lead and transforms it to gold.

But the second transformed, the supplemental transform of history science. Not the initial vision art, but history science. That second transform the supplemental transform is what an alchemy is called, the multiplication of the value of the gold. Of the quantity of the gold pedestrian. That multiplication is from the differential to the kaleidoscopic. What was aesthetic and prismatically personal, now is explosively multiplied. Like from sunlight to a supernova can be. That much.

What about Lockheed? Wikileaks, Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Kelly Johnson. Parentheses. Engineer. Kelly's original name was Clarence Leonard. Clarence Leonard Johnson. And he, people always made fun of him as a boy in school. And they said, well, it's not Clarence. You're kind of like a sissy about it. You're always not playing with us. You're not rough and tumble like us. You're not Clarence. You're Clara. He finally got fed up one day at being the quiet, non-muscular boy. And he so devastatingly quickly tripped the boy, egging him on that in the fall it broke his arm. And the boys stopped calling him Clara. They call them by an Irish nickname. They said, you're not Clara, you're Kelly. So, he's always been known as Kelly Johnson.

He earned renowned for his contributions to many noteworthy aircraft designs, especially the Lockheed SR 71 Blackbird. Which had an operating speed in the 1960's of Mach 3. It could make Mach 4.3 more than 50 years ago.

Beside the first production aircraft to exceed Mach 3 he also produced the first fighter capable of Mach 2, the United States first operational jet fighter, as well as its first successful twin-engine fighter, the first pressurized airliner. Many other contributions. As a member and first team leader of the Lockheed Skunk Works, Johnson worked for more than four decades, 40 years at the top. Not in the wilderness at the top. And many other contributions. He was called an organizing genius.

Lockheed's experimental nexus was in the northern northeastern part of Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley. Still there. Doesn't look so big and mysterious currently. But what it did was amazing. What was next door to it was a factory for chemicals that produced a bad odor that penetrated everything. And so, they began to call this super-secret military industrial research place, the skunkworks. This is its, its early symbol, a little skunk.

Anyway, it goes on from there and one can read. And as one reads one finally comes to the fact that Kelly Johnson, after decades of super work and building Lockheed Martin into a massive world class power, retired.

And in 1995 was the death of the successor to Kelly Johnson. His name was Ben Rich. Benjamin Robert Rich, born 1925, died January 5th, 1995, succeeding its founder, Kelly Johnson, regarded as the father of stealth. Rich was responsible for leading the development of the F117, the first production stealth aircraft. He also worked on the F104, the U2, the A12, the, the 812 is the forerunner of the SR 71 Blackbird. It broke Mach 2 very early in the 1950's.

Ben Rich understood we have to be very highly secretive. He saw that the skunkworks was but a fertile seed like a walnut. But what you need is a place where you can have the walnut grove. All the trees. So, to develop what became the origin of the stealth program, stealth bombers, stealth fighters. They moved and upped the scale out in the Nevada desert bordering Groom Lake. The infamous by now Area 51.

One of the first stealth aircraft was the 812. In terms of the metallurgy of its skin was improved by the SR71 Blackbird and then became industrially, massively the B-2 stealth bombers, the stealth fighters. And led because Rich was a genius at understanding that what was the problem in supersonic post-Mach speeds, was not that the sound barrier was something that you smashed against, it was the air itself that you smashed against. One of the keys, for instance, the dark matter is that it's the ripple of the fabric of space itself. Not anything, but that space itself is phenomenal. So, if you're going to go hyper light speed, you're going to have to go into a different kind of space or you're going to get smashed. Because space can't get out of its own way. Well, air can't get out of its own way.

So, Ben Rich used his ancient Semitic genius to understand this is exactly where the problem is. We can now make jet engines that are really powerful. Have a thrust that will throw that plane at multiple Mach speeds. We can have the metallurgy of the skin of the aircraft. We have the engineering structure of the skin. The delicate point is the air intakes of the jet engines. You have to be able to super process air in terms of time in order to keep the jet engines working so that the plane itself will generate a kind of an envelope dynamically. Like a shockwave with the point generating that. And if you can keep the air flowing so that the intake of jet engines was the point at which the genius of Ben Rich came into play.

Ben Rich was born in Manila in the Philippines. One of five children of British lumber Mill Superintendent Isidore Rich and his French wife, Annie, the daughter of one of the paternal grandfather's Jewish customers who resided in Alexandria, Egypt. His mother grew up in Alexandria, Egypt. His father grew up in Manila. And so, there is a very interesting historical transpacific heritage to Ben Rich.

Ben Rich was eternally famous. Some years back, 20 some years, when he was being interviewed and he classically with a twinkle in his eye and Catskills humor. He said, you know, don't be so impressed or stymied by E.T. We know can send E.T. home. That was a generation ago.

More next week.


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