Manly P. Hall's Order of the Quest Holy Grail

Presented on: Thursday, February 19, 1981

Presented by: Roger Weir

Manly P. Hall's Order of the Quest Holy Grail

Transcript (PDF)

The King and the Queen in the Quest
Presentation 7 of 12

Manly P. Hall's Order of the Quest Holy Grail
Presented by Roger Weir
Thursday, February 19, 1981


This is the 7th lecture in a series of lectures by Roger Weir entitled The King and Queen in Quest. Tonight's lecture is Manly P. Hall's Order of the Quest for the Holy Grail.

That little introduction is part of a coronation of Elizabeth. And **inaudible few words** talented friend of **inaudible few words**. And they got together and decided that it would **inaudible few words ** long-awaited cosmic lady. And they would do. And the 40 part **inaudible word** that you heard part of was part of a musical expression of the Paradiso **inaudible word** . And Dante just a few centuries before had expressed so well at the end of The Divine Comedy. God reveals himself and exfoliates **inaudible word** in terms of the nature in which we can apprehend and appreciate. And the benefits out of love. **inaudible few words**

And there's a part of the choreography of human life and **inaudible word**. We sometimes
**inaudible few words** as is our human nature. And the simply **inaudible word** within all **inaudible few words**. And the processes then **inaudible few words** comprehension in the world. The world becomes **inaudible word** and you find oneself. And the energy **inaudible few words** until, until **inaudible few words** orbit. And part of the system of this process of **inaudible word or two** of the world. It's called the quest. The quest.

This particular **inaudible word**, we begin the second part **inaudible word or two**. And the **inaudible word** I think the most interesting **inaudible word**. And the book that I have gone with **inaudible word** is by Manly Hall. And it is the first in a series of books on **inaudible few words**. This is entitled The Order to the Quest, Subtitled The Holy Grail.
It's still only 5$.75 I think in hardcopy. **inaudible few words** great **inaudible word or two** As the man of this castle and **inaudible word or two.**

He wrote this book and the **inaudible word** books to describe, or as best as could be described. An order of developments that usually left out of the history books. Because it is so difficult to follow that it required almost a **inaudible word** presence of mind of someone like Nostradamus or **inaudible few words**. I think he's done an esquite job and he **inaudible word or two** like I do. **inaudible word** every iota **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. And that's the way to do it. I will get to this book in just a minute. But I thought I **inaudible several word/sentence or two**...and full of mystery. I thought I would read you something a little humorous to **inaudible several words**. A paragraph. And the first poem is called **inaudible word** History of Chivalry. **inaudible several words/sentences** and this is about. This is **inaudible several words**. And this is a kind of a contrast to the wonderful coronation music of Elizabeth the First.

All **inaudible word**" it reads "will not be **inaudible several words** but the required **inaudible few words**. But the **inaudible word or two** damsel would in private conduct herself as **inaudible word** a good **inaudible word** coat, a belt **inaudible several words**. The **inaudible word** of chivalry **inaudible few words**. Were we to meet and **inaudible few words** the mortal combat we should say that the weather had not **inaudible several word** and recorded by Filbert **inaudible word several words/sentences** of Normandy. No law **inaudible few words** by a woman. The lady Elousa and the lady Isabella **inaudible several word** beauty and their **inaudible word** like that of **inaudible several words** of noble women. The chivalry is **inaudible word** to the holy land **inaudible several words**. And some themselves **inaudible word**

Well far be it for me to promote stereotypes. But you have to understand there has been some **inaudible few words**. And I think **inaudible word or two** to consider that whenever we use **inaudible word** and whatever we do **inaudible few words** of a man. **inaudible word or two** a time when it was a woman who was the questor **inaudible several words**. And natural. Sexuality that manifests itself **inaudible few words**. The whole human cycle comes into play. And it can be either **inaudible several words**

Well Mr. Halls book **inaudible few words**. And essentially the history **inaudible word or two**. He spends the time of **inaudible word** the climb of the Roman Empire. And rise of the enlightenment in Europe roughly from about 800 to about 1700 A.D And in those **inaudible word** centuries there were a lot of changes. What was the puzzle for these people is that the classical world came to an end rather abruptly **inaudible few words** But by about 300-350 A.D. the classical world didn't really exist. In fact, the last great **inaudible several words** all the way from Plato and Alexander the Great to Virgil, through all the Roman times. The last person to manifest the classical mentality was Plotinus. Plotinus died around 270. And he was generally regarded as **inaudible few words** and the classical **inaudible word** in the classical world. And **inaudible few words** something else came into play.

Saint Augustus or Augustine, some would say occupies the **inaudible few words** form the world of Plotinus, the classical world, to the medieval world that **inaudible few words** the renaissance some 1200 years down the line. **inaudible several words**

Mr. Hall has **inaudible word** a very serious **inaudible few words** a more interesting transition. **inaudible several words/sentence or two** . **inaudible few words** He was a contemporary of Plotinus. A very interesting religious **inaudible few words** Mr. Hall in about 10 minutes and you'll get an idea. **inaudible word** the founder of **inaudible several words/few sentences**...influenced by the Gnostic and the **inaudible word** Christians. There is also evidence that both father and son had **inaudible few words** Had money. Traveled extensively. They were *inaudible word** writers. **inaudible few word words**
China, as well as to Central Asia. So that **inaudible few words** with what we would call a cosmopolitan **inaudible word**.

**inaudible question/comment from the room**

He was the cosmopolitan **inaudible word** in the sense that, for probably the first time in **inaudible few words** the world **inaudible several words/sentence or two**...Egyptian philosophers **inaudible few words**. So that **inaudible word** became a focus of all the great traditions in the world of the occult. There was a tradition that **inaudible word** was a **inaudible several words/sentences**. It was certain however that his contact with **inaudible word** heretical sects and **inaudible few words** had a Kabbalistic **inaudible several words/sentence** to both Judaism and Christianity. **inaudible several words/sentences** about
**inaudible several words/sentence or two**. He dies about five years after **inaudible word few words**

The legacy that **inaudible word** left was the **inaudible word** for certain individuals to suppose that there was, the possibility at least, whispering in the background of a world **inaudible word**. That the attempt that **inaudible word or two** some 600 years before had been **inaudible word or two**. It was not the wrong idea. It was **inaudible word or two** in terms of world history. And that obviously with the decline of Roman **inaudible word** all over the civilized world, the **inaudible word** assumed in time, not to be the **inaudible word** of a generation but a **inaudible word** of a century. And that somehow an ethical world order would manifest. Was thought to be **inaudible few words** by those who read it. And that something else was coming to replace it. There's always this **inaudible word** supposition in the human mind that in order to **inaudible word** some other energy source is **inaudible few words**. To somehow have the same **inaudible few words** that there's a **inaudible few words** and the **inaudible few words**. And whenever the response of the civilization is unequal to the **inaudible word** that means that a new order will **inaudible word** and come in. And at the time of the decline of Rome this is happening.

The powers that were coming into be were **inaudible few words**. And Mr. Hall describes it in this way, "**inaudible few words** mind to a circle of **inaudible word**. And these define

the degrees in order in the story. Define the symbols and the passage. The **inaudible word** episode that **inaudible word or two** is the **inaudible word** of all belief of a better-informed person." And so forth.

And what we have, we have the beginning of a **inaudible word** society. That is, and we'll have to backtrack just a little bit here, until having your experimentation of **inaudible word**. Like Socrates in the forum. Or Plato in **inaudible word**. Or Aristotle in **inaudible word or two**. Until you have **inaudible word** here as we are today that the **inaudible word** should be a secret society requiring **inaudible few words** and the passing on by verbal instruction rather than anything written down. So that one must not **inaudible few words** in living order from someone that manifested it. **inaudible few words**.

And I have to use an example here. Imagine in your mind a **inaudible word** with a center **inaudible word or two**. That **inaudible few words** with any kind of an interrupted, the flame of that candle will bend around, and it will produce the effect of the there being many **inaudible word** of the flame, many flames. Whereas a flame that is at rest has a single form and a single point. That it has the **inaudible word** in its presence that cannot be denied. But a flickering flame can go anywhere. **inaudible few words**.

The **inaudible word** flame of **inaudible several words/sentence**. Only that which **inaudible word** can be transmitted completed and fully. That a **inaudible word or two** will have an indecisive direction and cannon be transmitted. The **inaudible word** always **inaudible word or two**. Whereas a single flame, almost like lighting a candle upon candle down to **inaudible several words/sentence or two** And this is what they were after. So that by the 3rd or 4th century A.D. there was a development of this kind of an attitude and of this kind of transition. **inaudible several words/sentence or two**

Now the next order that Mr. Hall **inaudible few words** called the **inaudible several words/few sentences**. In order to achieve **inaudible word** the degree of organized existence **inaudible several words** it is only necessary to consider the **inaudible several words/sentences**....philosophy **inaudible several words/sentences** by the Roman church that it was almost impossible to **inaudible few words**. We know that they were Catholic and **inaudible word** believing in the ultimate salvation of mortal men. And were devoted Christians **inaudible few words** without being reconciled to God born again and again as a **inaudible word** being or possibly as an animal. The **inaudible word** baptized as a way of **inaudible several words** and not of this world.

By this **inaudible word** this development of the **inaudible few words** in the 12th and 13th centuries but it had its **inaudible word** beginnings in **inaudible word or two**. And this is where the **inaudible several words** is no longer a symbol of **inaudible few words** destroyed it. And within about two or three generations they ruined the classical Roman life. I think someone described this, I think it was **inaudible word** when he **inaudible few words**, that for a thousand years people had not even recognized that these **inaudible word** were man made. That they were so gigantic, so out of proportion that **inaudible several words** considering human **inaudible several words** of and Christian poets and so forth was simply beyond the comprehension. **inaudible few words** beyond comprehension. If you can imagine that this was science fiction in **inaudible few words**. A post nuclear war. Instead of **inaudible word** humans **inaudible word** through the ruins of **inaudible word** and not have any idea that these thousands of **inaudible few words**. That kind of a situation.

**inaudible few words** tale of **inaudible few words** and domination by **inaudible few words** of religious elements **inaudible word** of Rome, the development of Islam, to the development further east in Asia. **inaudible few words** world **inaudible few words** who kept alive through this **inaudible word or two** plane of understanding, the notion that there had been in fact at one time a cosmopolitan **inaudible word** focus and **inaudible word** of expression. And that in fact it proceeds **inaudible word or two** only the opposite of divine wisdom worldwide **inaudible word** do you see how the development of, for instance, Mr. Hall **inaudible several words**. The development, the development of the guild(?) **inaudible several words**. Who were they**inaudible word** during the late 11th and 12th centuries built all the cathedrals of Europe. They were not built my townspeople. They were designed and built by the roving band of the day. **inaudible few words** and were able to translate them into architecture and plans and masonry and so forth. **inaudible word** left us a note here in Mr. Hall's **inaudible few words** He also points out that **inaudible several words** that the first people that **inaudible word** in Europe always put occult designs in the elements. So that if anyone in questing **inaudible few words** document with any kind of a comprehension. **inaudible several words/sentence or two** On page 21 here, a watermark **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. And it almost reminds one of another eras of human achievement, some 3,000 years before this. The great **inaudible word** of the old **inaudible few words** that this has happened many times in history.

**inaudible few words** and one of the great **inaudible word** poets **inaudible several words**. It was again an era of great **inaudible few words**. So **inaudible word** some 2,000 years later **inaudible few words**. Well again, this time **inaudible word**.

Now the order **inaudible word or two** capture the imagination of so many people. Simply because there is so little written on in in England. It's almost impossible to find an adequate description. **inaudible few words** of the whole **inaudible word** Hermetic **inaudible word or two** occupied by the Knights Templar. And the story of the Knights Templar of course is interesting. And Mr. Hall writes, the order of the Knights Templar was founded in 1118 by Hugues de Payens and Godfrey de Saint-Omer together with seven other French knights **inaudible word or two** and powerful. **inaudible few words** as system of **inaudible word** the holy land. Within the first nine years of the order the templar were impoverished. And **inaudible several words/sentence or two**

And then I found the, **inaudible word** quite a surprise I found the **inaudible several words/sentence** It's so interesting. And this book is about 170 years old **inaudible word** different societies in the middle ages **inaudible several words/a few sentences** more and more the companion book to **inaudible word**.
I **inaudible word** to do something here.

Among the most **inaudible word** extraordinary phenomena **inaudible word** the middle ages **inaudible several words** and the institution of the **inaudible word** military order. And there were several of them. One of them the Knights Templar. Of these orders, all of these orders **inaudible word** their origins in **inaudible few words** 12th century **inaudible few words** of the holy land **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. And other one was the **inaudible word or two**. And the templars **inaudible few words** An order consisting of so many members **inaudible few words**. That is to say that for the person who joined the Knights Templar. And **inaudible word** all over the world **inaudible word or two**. That any individual who **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. There were many members. And so, the ephagy **inaudible several words/sentence or two**...great master of the temple. Or I suppose in medieval times it would be the **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. That kind of a **inaudible word**.

This **inaudible word or two** with all of the knights and has been withheld **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. And the **inaudible word**, the masters of the temple **inaudible few words** and sat next to the **inaudible few words** to the master of the temple for the **inaudible few words** of the order. And he represented the **inaudible word** of the philosophic empire. The Knights Templar being the Knights of the round table at that order. That kind of thing **inaudible few words**. This is interesting, the election of the master of the temple was as follows: when the master **inaudible few words** has always occurred in the **inaudible several words** in the kingdom of Jerusalem. And **inaudible several words/sentence of two**. He was appointed a great **inaudible few words** that would represent the master. **inaudible few words** so the death of the master **inaudible several words**. The friar or the father took **inaudible few words**. And early in the morning, after performing their usual devotions and doing the mass and **inaudible few words**. That is to say the **inaudible word or two** more for the whole **inaudible word** than for the father or the son in that order **inaudible several words**. The element, the religious element of symbolism as a **inaudible few words**. To perform the election **inaudible several words/sentence or two**...the number twelve in honor of the apostles. The twelve then chose **inaudible few words** and named him the **inaudible word**. It was necessary that these **inaudible several words/few sentences** remind the elected of his duties. And part of **inaudible several words/sentence or two**...friar and his companions to **inaudible several words/few sentences** ...where he was appointed. The elected Friar came with men of the night and formed and assembly of **inaudible several words/sentence or two**.

So, there's a motion here. **inaudible few words** with **inaudible word** represented the **inaudible several words**. But what it represents with enlightened observations, enlightened **inaudible word** that comes from having the living **inaudible word** of love(?) **inaudible word or two**. That is to say **inaudible several words** Hermetic society **inaudible word or two**. You have the confidence that anyone can **inaudible word or two** and possession of that simple **inaudible word** and understanding. And therefore, **inaudible word** who and why **inaudible few words**...unanimous consent. This is a very interesting kind of a **inaudible few words**. The Knights Templar.

And this **inaudible word** down from there **inaudible few word** Solomon who lived about 300 A.D. And you bring in the, at this point the **inaudible few words**. He writes this, "It seems that **inaudible word** is the most important of all psychological **inaudible word**. If one would think the world **inaudible word or two** and **inaudible word** themselves the privilege of chivalry. And **inaudible few words** the values of a **inaudible word** cultural viewpoint. Are we **inaudible word or two** simple, honest **inaudible several words/few sentences**. This is more important than the **inaudible word**. A **inaudible word** is a sign of **inaudible word** but a open tomb is a sign of **inaudible several words/few sentences** ...established that these mean numbered about 400. And that they had a different mystical and philosophical **inaudible several words/few sentences** ...a universal destination of **inaudible few words**.

**inaudible few words** and take a look at **inaudible few words** Think again about the mysterious origins of **inaudible several words/few sentences**. And we inherit both orders today and **inaudible several words/few sentences**...found this next stage of **inaudible few words** in 1000 B.C. and about five **inaudible word**. That is to say that **inaudible several words/few sentences**....a new kind of symbol. Who was not an **inaudible several words/few sentences**. And Odysseus also **inaudible few words** and so forth. **inaudible word or two** had taken all these things, the **inaudible word**, the above and **inaudible few words**. In Mahayana Buddhism **inaudible few words** which oddly enough is **inaudible several words** is Gnostic. And here is an awareness that stems **inaudible few words** outward into nature **inaudible word or two**. That **inaudible several words/few sentences**. It comes out in the form regardless the individual geniuses **inaudible word** contemporaneous with Plato in the development of this strategy


In comes in the form regardless of the individual **inaudible word or two**. That is, contemporaneous with Plato **inaudible several sentences*... revealing itself time and time again. All over the place. So that one can see the pattern enlarged, one could then realize that it happened. **inaudible several words**...level, that is **inaudible few words** representing **inaudible word** value. They can keep the **inaudible word or two** around. They cannot **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. Whether they are made **inaudible several words/few sentences**....fill in about 5-600 years. **inaudible few words** and these manifest themselves...**inaudible several sentences** the Holy Grail. And that's what **inaudible several words** That is, that it is for communion, of nourishment for the spirit. Whether it's out of **inaudible word**. Or whether it's that glass you bring(?). Or whether it is the **inaudible word or two**. It is the same. **inaudible several words** is food for the Last Super. Or the blood from the sacrifice. Whatever level and realm **inaudible word or two** symbolism and **inaudible word or two** Holy Grail. And that **inaudible several words/sentence or two**
The relationship to the Holy Grail **inaudible several words**. Very understated **inaudible several words**...cannot put this into a linear order. That is to say you moved from the 5th century to the 6th, 7th and so forth. **inaudible few words** like Plato or anyone that's a great **inaudible several words** to listen and **inaudible word** for yourself.

Well **inaudible word or two** at this point in the book, several interesting individuals who manifest from time to time in human nature. **inaudible few words**. In our time **inaudible name** of course. And Frank Lloyd Wright for his architectural home and school. **inaudible several words** on the anatomy the **inaudible word** of life. **inaudible word or two**...Mysterium Coniunctionis and Merlin. In other words, he's giving us interesting individuals for King Arthur and the grail and all of that.

The...How are we going on time? Are we running...

**inaudible response from the room**.

**inaudible few words** Just a little bit more then we'll take a break.

He brings in **inaudible word or two** and I think, I thought of bringing in The Divine Comedy by Dante. But **inaudible few words** to something else.

Finally, on page 80 he comes down to the Holy Grail. That is that he's prepared the tradition. That what we have before us from the time of the death of **inaudible name** to the time of the 11th or 12th century, it is somehow kept alive, to keep the tradition which by the 11th at least by the 12th century, it begins to manifest themselves again. **inaudible word** was built at roughly the same time that **inaudible name** wrote his Quest for the Holy Grail. They were written and built within a stone's throw of **inaudible few words**. Enough to realize that all the sudden in the 11 50's, 60's and 70's, especially in France, there began to be this **inaudible few words**. And what had been a secret tradition began to manifest itself, not in a mysterious philosophic empire but in the creation of a world order expressed in **inaudible word** and literature and song.

In the grail cycle. Of course, this is the most **inaudible word** cycle that we have before us. I can only compare it to the **inaudible few words** and very complicated **inaudible word** and just dozens and dozens of **inaudible word or two** cycle. **inaudible few words**. So that in order to separate one has to become **inaudible word or two** that some traditions by the time you've got all that you wonder what it was you say in the first place. Because know you only see the individual gears and you no longer make this **inaudible word or two** vision that you had before. And so, as your comprehension becomes clearer the **inaudible word** becomes differentiated and simply falls apart. And you wonder what was the problem. And of course, leads to another because you know there's a problem. **inaudible several words/a sentence or so**. The interesting thing and I think we I think that we have this paragraph of real **inaudible few words** wonderfully written. He writes this, "It is recorded that King Arthur **inaudible word or two** King George, who's **inaudible word** is said to garter the most perfectly **inaudible word** for it advance his ephigy **inaudible word or two** about 200 years after **inaudible word or two**, after King George's murder. And at the very early **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. The reference to Cappadocia links Saint George to the genealogy of the Grail Kings. Saint George of **inaudible word** is certainly the Perseus of Greek mythology. **inaudible several words** Andromeda from **inaudible few words** dragon episode **inaudible few words** the actual **inaudible several words/few sentences** only to God.

And it became quite interesting and **inaudible few words** to the second line. **inaudible few words** religion. That in Ethiopia Saint George is portrayed over and over again on these old, archaic handmade papers. And at first glance you wonder in the world is **inaudible word or two** and some of the very, very early **inaudible word** from Ethiopia does Saint George so recognizably, right down to the profile, appear. However, did it get there? Well of course this is **inaudible word or two**.

Let's take some time now for just a few minutes to talk about the Grail King and the genealogy and **inaudible few words**. When, when Christ was crucified, the man who took him off the cross and prepared him for quote burial, was named Joseph. Not the Joseph who was the father. Joseph and was known as Joseph of Arimathea. When he took the Christ down from the cross and the sacrifice and was preparing the physiological body, he was party to the process in motion. He **inaudible word or two** that was happening was a transformation of the body. And none of that **inaudible few words** but a true transformation. And so, he had taken from the last supper the bowl, the crater which had served the apostles. And took that and collected the blood from the spear wounds in the side of the Christ. So that vessel became a double entendre. Life, the last supper, and death, the blood of the sacrifice. The chalice itself became a symbol of universal opposites in this one **inaudible word**. The legend is that Joseph of Arimathea, in order to preserve the sacredness of the vessel took it to the end of the world, as it was known at that time. And took it to the place where they have been **inaudible word or two** some 2,500 to 3,000 years before. He took the grail to where **inaudible several words** because that is where it should have been taken all along in terms of every cosmic myth that was known at that time **inaudible several words**.

And that from there the whole story unfolds about the mystical significance. Not only of the grail but of the **inaudible word or two** tradition, which was prepared before his death by keeping himself. And by the disciples who was not **inaudible few words** order but someone who is outside that whole **inaudible word or two**. It was in a **inaudible word** of cosmic unfolding **inaudible word**. There has to be something other than the progressive order of the time and space. There has to be an eternal element that has no members in order to come in and put **inaudible several words**.

In the tradition of the real king, it says that on the far side of the **inaudible word** was built a castle that **inaudible few words** a piece of kingdom that had never been found. **inaudible few words**

And there were series of **inaudible word** who were born. And the transition was passed on. I'll, I'll give you some of the names. Chretien(?) was the first grail king. Saint Graal was the second grail king. And the third was someone from **inaudible word or two** Perceval. And Perceval **inaudible word** before his time. So that Perceval becomes a very special person. And of course, Perceval will be **inaudible several words**.

This is course by **inaudible few words** written about 70 years after **inaudible few words (name)** had written his Quest of the Holy Grail. This is from book 9 of **inaudible word**. And we have **inaudible word** this translation. "God shares two **inaudible word** his love and his **inaudible word**. And all the world can choose. Now consider which would help you more? **inaudible few words** he will atone for the guilt of **inaudible word or two**. This **inaudible few words**. It penetrates our thoughts. **inaudible word** can be hidden from the light of the sun(?) **inaudible few words**. Truth against all fiction. **inaudible word** darkness without light. Only **inaudible word** can be so pure and fresh(?) that it cures this level of darkness that **inaudible several words/few sentences**...before it can pass through the heart out through the skin, it **inaudible few words** Pure thoughts. Pure **inaudible word or two** are thought so clearly **inaudible few words**"

A little further on. It's a conversation. **inaudible word or two**. "You say that you yearn for the grail, you foolish man. I agree **inaudible word** hear this. **inaudible word or two** the grail. Let it be known in heaven **inaudible word or two** that he be called by name to the grail. This I will tell you about the grail for I know it to be so and have seen it for myself. Were you there, asked Perceval." See he doesn't know. **inaudible few words** is filled with spiritual mystery and he **inaudible word** were you there. He thinks it's a place. Or some **inaudible word**. Or some location. **inaudible several words/sentence or two**. So **inaudible word** replies, Sir I was **inaudible several words**.

The development of the grail **inaudible word**. And the development of their order. Less with the situation of the **inaudible word or two**. Quite an interesting laugh(?).

And I think perhaps we'll stop here and have a little break. And then we'll carry on. The cassette taping **inaudible word** just stop there and we'll carry on **inaudible few words**

**inaudible background chatter for a few minutes**

I will catch up some of the, some of the material next time. I am...for those who have been coming I guess you're getting used to the fact that I always double back. The old way of educating, of course, is that you mention something casually, the most important thing. And then a month later you mention it again with different context and the truth be more important. And finally, at the very end you realize that that issue and very briefly. And it seemed simple then. Truth should seem this simple. Truth **inaudible word or two**. You didn't even know it. Right there. **inaudible few words**

I want to draw your attention to free critical thought. **inaudible word** criticism. Which in your meanderings, which I hope that you do. If you run across it will be of great interest to you. I don't know if the P.R.S. library has then. They will have them. I'll loan my copies to them if need-be. The first book is called The Grail Castle and Its Mysteries. And it's a little tiny book. **inaudible word or two** Just a quarter of an inch thick. Published about 15 years ago by the **inaudible word or two** California Press. Leonard Olschki wrote several excellent books. One of them on Marco Polo is a classic. Marco Polo's Asia. This is translated from the Italian. The Grail Castle. And the author is O-l-s-c-h-k-i. Leonardo Olschki. **inaudible few words** No. no bull **inaudible word**. It's a wonderful little thing. The Grail Castle and Its Mysteries.

And of course, I think this will be interesting just to...ummmm. The theme of the grail with its accompanying mysteries is about as disturbing and difficult as all the problems the medieval literature presented to contemporary readers and handed down to the curiosities of later ages. And it has, and such it has remained in its numerous developments in both prose and verse throughout the centuries. **inaudible several words ** in his famous romance in rhymed verse **inaudible word or two** Perceval and **inaudible few words**. It's interesting that in the works of the triad, you rarely find the grail passage **inaudible word**. He lived long enough to like four complete books and was working on the fifth, which was going to be a huge great book. The first book is sort of very matter of fact. Knights, king, history and so forth. And then the next one introduces a little bit of what we call fantasy. and the next one more. And what he was doing was like you're the architect who is producing the transition from the world which we think we live to the world which we really are. And as every book goes on the **inaudible word** lessened and lessened until with the Grail book, which he was writing would be about 3,2000 lines. **inaudible word or two** About 9,000 only 200 lines are about the grail. And yet it is the name of the whole work. It is the, just a great work.

So Olschki's book The Grail Castle and Its Mysteries. **inaudible few words** very esoteric. In fact, they only published about a thousand copies. They didn't mean it to be esoteric, it just was. Published in 1965. This is before the renaissance of 1966 when there were finally people paying attention. Published in **inaudible word** Illinois, University of Illinois Press. Published in a language series, number 56 in the series. And was ignored by just about everybody in **inaudible few words** when it was new. There weren't many of us looking at it at that time. It's called The **inaudible word** and the Grail. There are Hermetic sources in this article. And the two authors of this **inaudible few words** for years. And like those great disinterested scholars who have come up completely anonymous, they just stuck with it until they had it. Its delightful. There's a huge section of about 70 pages on this the transmission, the Hermetic transmission of the Grail. the first section is called **inaudible word**. The second the Arabic **inaudible few words**. The third The Hermetic tradition from **inaudible word** and the tradition called **inaudible few words** and so forth. And then **inaudible word or two** Hermeticism **inaudible several words**. And all kinds of **inaudible word or two**.

**inaudible question from the room**

The authors are Henry and Rene Kahane. K-a-h-a-n-e. Henry and Rene Kahane. **inaudible word or two** just wonderful to have gone through this. It's very, very difficult.

Here's a paragraph, "The Hermetic treatises have a specific form that of oral instruction. Oral instruction usually consists of either a formal lecture or an information conversation conducted by the master with one disciple. Masculine disciple have a different role in a Hermetic dialogue." They are briefly described by T.H. Dodd, **inaudible word** Charles Dodd in this little magazine, a little tiny one **inaudible few words** library.

The **inaudible word** plays an **inaudible word or two** part. It is in tripulation no more than to provide an occasion for the teacher to elaborate his thought. We have the enigmatic or vernacular **inaudible word** in comprehension or understanding of the disciple. The reproach for his confusion and then the development of theme.

It's all very sophisticated. We cannot have comprehension without confusion. We have to have the confusion first. So real educators, the first thing they will do is confuse you. Absolutely essential. The **inaudible word** is always in a **inaudible word** order. Not an ordering **inaudible word** but a re-ordering. So, you have to have material. You have to have a jumble. You have to have **inaudible word**. You have to have a ruin. So, the very first thing that a real educator will do is create a ruin. And if nature has provided **inaudible word** already for you they will do it. They will rope you in. it may take some time because you're trying to maintain your order and they're trying to mess it up. Because the **inaudible word or two** Life does that to us naturally. We think we've done something wrong when in fact we've been doing it all right and it's time for us now to learn. So neurotic, anxiety, all these things, they are great signs. It's time to grow.

So, there's always a dialogue. There's always a disciple and the teacher. There's always this enigma. What is happening? What is going on? There's always this **inaudible word** utterance. Somebody coming out and saying, this is it. And this is the key. This is the clue. And that of course is the psyche saying where, where? What? The incomprehension, the misunderstanding, the reproach for obtuseness and then to the development of a theme. Not an answer but a theme. The answer can be whatever it is. But the theme always is what it is.

So, there's a **inaudible word** and the Grail and **inaudible word or two**. And then a book which is available in paperback. I happen in my library to enjoy a first edition from Cambridge University Press. It's called From Ritual to Romance by Jessie L Weston. And **inaudible few words** a very, very great **inaudible few words** Now at the Warburg Institute in London.

**inaudible question from the room**

Weston. W-e-s-t-o-n. Jessie L Weston.

And the title again.

From Ritual to Romance.

It's available with an anchor paperback. And its tremendous. It is on the Grail ritual origin through the legend through, through the mythology, to the romantic. And it leaves you off to where one can see that if you interiorize that development in yourself you will have that kind of comprehension. That of course the very first person who read this book and **inaudible word or two** was T.S. Elliot and **inaudible word**. Because she had given him the vision. And of course, this was in 1920 when this came out and very quickly all kinds of other concerns **inaudible few words** took away from this kind of material. And it languished until about fifty years later. When other people took it up and found the excellence that's here.

A contemporary of his was Sir James George Frasier who wrote The Golden Bough. And The Golden Bough is thirteen volumes. It's like one of those treasure chests. That you go back to year in and year out that you **inaudible word** and you just. And it's like an amazing **inaudible word**. That anyone could have had the Grandfatherly vision to compile and amass all these treasures for you. And arrange them so that it were like one of these Grail Castle. You go through The Golden Bough you just view after view after view of what you thought of all your life only in ways in which you had never thought of. So, Jesse Weston, Sir James George Frazer and some others.

Chapters. There's an introduction. There's a chapter called The Path of the Hero. The chapter called The freeing of the Water. Chapter called **inaudible word** and Adonis. Medieval and Modern Forms of Nature Rituals. The symbol. There's a lot of the tarot deck and tarot symbols. The **inaudible two words**. The medicine man. The Fisher King. the secret of the Grail in several chapters. Mithra and **inaudible word** the paralis Chapel.

We've got a paragraph here from The Path of the Hero.
As the first stop towards the successful prosecution of an investigation, the true nature and character of the mysterious object we know as the Grail. It will be well to ask ourselves whether any luck will be thrown on the subject by examining more closely the details of the quest. In other words, what was the **inaudible few words** Take up the task undertaken by or imposed upon the Grail hero.
Precisely what was the task? What was to be done? And there of course was the question that the grail questor always must ask, what's to be done? What is there to be done? In other words, in given the realm of possibilities in the universe what is it that I should do?

"The grail hero, whether that hero was Gawain, Perceval or Galahad, what was the results to be expected from a successful achievement of the task?" In other words, purpose. What's the purpose? What shall I do? and why am I doing it? To what the end does it lead?

We shall find at once a uniformly which assures us that the essential identity of this tradition underlying the various form. And a diversity indicating that **inaudible word** tradition has undergone a gradual, radical modification in the process of evolution taken in the relative order to **inaudible word** gives the following results.
And so forth. And of course, the first version **inaudible several word**

And next week of course, we will take that task and we will find out about Gawain and the Green Knight. So, this is, it is the essential, quintessential story of this type of quest. Part of it is **inaudible word or two** that it was written by Hugo Day. Heartfelt, talented. Like Homer, capable. They don't know his full name. The only manuscript that we have simply has the name Hugo Day. And something blotched up on the top of it. So, his name is Hugo. And he lived in the Midlands of England about the time of Chaucer. And Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is one of the great landmarks of spiritual literature in the world. And we'll see in detail what that is next week.

I've got some slides. I've got some images. One thing I should remind people before. Joseph Campbell speaking on his missionary journey over at Pasadena City College. And I'll leave this up here if you're interested. Campbell is about 75. He's the great grandfather of the sort of things that we all love. And he's excellent. And it's an all-day thing. 9:30 to 11:30 and 2:00 to 4:00. Spiritual background in Medieval Modern literature and Spiritual background in **inaudible word** art. The two inner-penetrate oddly enough.

**inaudible question from the room**

Saturday February 21st. I'll leave this up here **inaudible word or two**.

I have some slides which I hope will elucidate some of these things that we have been considering and **inaudible few words**. The first slide is sort of my treat to you. **inaudible few words**. This is the, I've gotten to know an odd population in Los Angeles, and I got this from one of the directors at J.T.O. **inaudible few words** So when the classical descriptions of **inaudible word or two** beautiful **inaudible word**

That's a real photograph?

That's a real photograph **inaudible several words** They take seriously the idea that its more grand than you ever could believe. **inaudible few words** labyrinth finally **inaudible several words**

Here is **inaudible word or two**. This is the primordial starting point. **inaudible few words** is always described in whatever language **inaudible few words**. The purpose of the quest is to find out and not to guess. Not to guess.

This is one from William Blake. The title **inaudible few words**. And you can see that there's a **inaudible word** lantern and **inaudible word** order. **inaudible word or two** going into a **inaudible word** garden and**inaudible few words**.

Again Blake. This is Blake and one his illustrations to Dante's Divine Comedy. He **inaudible few words** and he had some sketches and there is a tremendous power of light and darkness. **inaudible word** consider light and darkness. And then work in that complementarity into the landscape. A feeling of **inaudible few words**. A feeling tone in the image of the cliff behind the **inaudible word** on the one hand. And the path to the gothic lighted tower on the other. There is a light and there is a dark cloud and **inaudible word** a tower. All of these **inaudible word or two**

This again **inaudible word or two** vast ocean **inaudible few words** lightness and darkness **inaudible few words**.

These are the contemporations of **inaudible few words**. The inference of all those bells produces a kind of a chaos. It is a chaos of sound. **inaudible word or two**
There is a passage in the Grail story where Perceval hears the clanking of armor by the Knights of the round table and **inaudible word**. All that armor clinking and clattering produces and illusion in here that **inaudible word or two** engulfing. And he **inaudible word** himself up to face the **inaudible word**. And then he sees the knights and the **inaudible word or two** of the sound **inaudible word**. When he sees the knights, the sunlight glimmering off their amour, he thinks they are **inaudible word or two** and therefore are **inaudible several words/few sentences**.


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