Presentation 24

Presented on: Saturday, June 13, 2015

Presented by: Roger Weir

Presentation 24

Transcript (PDF)

The Future and The New Past
Presentation 24 of 52

Presentation 2-11
Presented by Roger Weir
Saturday, June 13, 2015


Let's come to the 24th presentation for this year of preparation 2015. Preparing for 2016, which is a watershed year. We're looking at the future and the new past as a continuity. And that continuity has an augmentation that occurs in terms of form. The form has a beautiful word that was invented by an architect. And Buckminster Fuller in his 1962 book, Ideas and Integrities, use the term tensegrity for a structure that distributes evenly all of the tensions of the structure and its environment. And out of that came a term which has become popular in cosmology and many other applications. And that is there is a geodesic to geometry. And by having tensegrity has a building has that even distribution through the entire structure. And out of that came the geodesic dome.

Continuity also comes from an architect, Frank Lloyd Wright, somewhat earlier than Bucky. And his flow of a building was that the reality of being in a building was being able to live in it. And so, architecture was the space that was accentuated, artistically, personally, by the space of the building that should flow throughout the entire structure and flow through that structure outside. So that the landscape as well as the house, the building with its cityscape, and not just the building, was a part of the way in which the continuity of architecture would be the phrase that Wright used. This is architecture of man in possession of his Earth in a living form.

And so, the quality of Frank Lloyd Wright and Buckminster Fuller in those paired terms, continuity and tensegrity is that the distribution of the tensions of form can also have a time element. And that that time element here that geometry geodesic tensegrity is applied to learning.
So, our structure of learning is one in which there are time forms that flow, and they do not flow simply as natural time, but they flow because it's an architecture as the time forms of civilization. And the time forms of civilization are triple. They have a carrier wave that is the main carrier of the energy frequency. And the frequency, like any any metric, can be geometric sized as a diagram. So that there is a carrier wave time form. But true to the way in which physics actually works, not just in a geometry, but in a trigonometric functioning, there is a reference wave that's related to the carrier wave. And that's a second time form frequency. So that if you were able to graph them, you would see that they follow each other in this kind of a graphable wave form pair. And when you look at a strand of DNA and put it into horizon, it has that form, a double helical form. Which means that the distribution of the tension in the form is a distribution of paired time energies that are able to have the third time form be a resolution of the way in which the two together create a pair of vectors in higher math, a little bit beyond trigonometry into calculus. And that third time form takes the pair of vectors of reference wave and carrier wave with a resolving third wave.

And the best name given to it was given in the 1920's by Louis de Broglie. Broglie, if you use a Yankee pronunciation. And he called such things a pilot wave, which mathematically comes from a phenomenon noted about a century before he gave it the name pilot wave, and it was called mathematically a soliton. A soliton is able to carry its energy wave undiminished by distance. And when it was first noticed, it was noticed in a, an artificial canal. And that someone on horseback, very observant, noticed that certain kinds of commotion would generate quite a special kind of a larger ripple which would go down the canal and not dissipate, not lose its energy.

So that in time forms of civilization, there are certain men and women, certain persons, not individuals, but more complex than individuals, because they have more dimensions. They have namely triple time dimensions functioning in their continuity and in their tensegrity. So that they are able not only to notice, but they're able to compute. They're able to appreciate that this is what is occurring and happening, not just in time, in space, in space time. Yes, that. But also, with these other dimensions that come into play. And that other dimensional field is a field which is in a complementarity with the field of nature.
When you come to the field of nature in a really powerful, penetrating yoga, one comes to understand poignantly that it cancels out perturbations by coming back to a complete zero field of openness.

Historically, one of the first to really appreciate that in a way of designing approaches to learning so that one could check this out for oneself. That was the historical Buddha. The early term was not nirvana. That came a little bit later. The original term in Sanskrit is moksha, which means extinction. It means that the perturbations and their resonances no longer occur so completely that they never did occur except in a illusory quality, a subset of time in nature. But they occur because of a reality about that zero field of nature. Not just a moksha, an extinction, but it is fertile. It's a fertile zero field. That's nirvana. That that zero field can engender form which has a special universal quality. It exists. It is phenomenal. And it's phenomenally, its existence, is characterized mathematically as an integral. Every aspect of its emergence from a fertile zero field is to have a space time geometry, which is fertile for further development.

And so out of the existential comes the organic. Out of the phenomenal comes the life forms. And those life forms carry the fertility from nature. They carry the integral from that emergence into being able to affect things, the power to be. And out of that comes the development further of evolution of life forms that are intertwined with the evolution of geology, geometric phenomena, occurrence forms. And so, when one comes to advanced civilizations of being able finally to use an analytic to look at how all of this triple time works in terms of being illuminated, beaconed, passed on, accumulated by pilot wave persons over several thousands of years.

In the early 19th century, about the time that Goethe passed away, 1831, an Englishman whose last name was Lyell, wrote a three-volume textbook on geology. And Lyell's Geology showed that you could tell from the strata of rock formations the past history of the geologic history of the Earth. And about 100 years later, it began to occur to some people who understood not only Lyell, but his near contemporary coming up was Charles Darwin, that life has an evolution to it and that one can study the developments of life through the fossil remains of life which are intertwined, as one would really expect in among the geologic layers. And the discovery that there are fossils in the geologic strata. Eventually, in the 20th century began to reveal that life forms are immensely ancient. This geologic layer goes back hundreds of millions of years. Therefore, these fossils are hundreds of millions of years old.

And one of the most prolific foster...fossils that one finds over an immense stretch of natural time, lifetime, are trilobites. And one finds the fossils of trilobites for approximately 400 to 500 million years. Populating an Earth that not yet had all of the oxygen accoutrement of different, higher, more evoluted life forms. But patient or...ordering of trilobite not generations, not even millennia, but by millions of years of geologic time. One gained the perspective that they are evolving. They are changing. Immensely slowly. Slower than one could conceive of slowness. Nevertheless, the integral is fertile for the changes to expand by the fertility that is there in that zero field of nature.

One of the great writers of this. Still alive. His name is Niles Eldridge. And among Eldridge's several dozen books is one published by Princeton, Princeton Science Library. And it's titled is Time Forms. And its subtitle is The Evolution of Punctuated Equilibrium. It's a recent edition of it. It's still in print. You can buy it on the net. It's been in print for a number of years.

Punctuated Evolution, that is when one comes to the higher evolved forms of organic life within nature one begins to notice that there is a speeding up because of the accumulated energy of the time of nature itself as an integral. And that the integral tends to have a lot of variety, and that this variety tends to branch out and experiment and all of this. But there comes an era, even geologically, even with in organic, but especially with organic forms in the universe. There are times when there is a sudden jump. There's a sudden difference. An emergence better. Happens across many false dead ends. But one of them will take. And eventually organic life forms discovered that you can have membranes that are permeable, and these life form factories are called now cells. And that the membranes preserve the integral, but that there are iron gates their ions of certain minerals, elements. Calcium, potassium, sodium, even magnesium. And these iron gates allow for the carrying of energy by sustaining food, are able to enter the cells. And they are put together within the cells by little collecting manufacturing, organelles. Mitochondria. And that this is the way then life proceeds. And development proceeds. And the cellular organisms begin to have a, an expanded quality of the tensegrity of form with the continuity of being able to move around and do things. And you get vertebrates. And eventually get vertebrates that have that central core of holding the form that becomes way down the line, spinal columns for a skeleton, which we have.

All of this is surprising in the sense that a punctuated equilibrium gains efficacy all along the accrual. And when it comes to the sophisticated nature, cultural, the nature culture, development of life forms like ourselves, there comes a punctuated equilibrium when they take a special kind of punctuated equilibrium that they were the same for tens of thousands of years, and all of a sudden, they're different. And when there is a variety of those differences, but one of them will take. And that by then what is effective with the continuity and the tensegrity, that is in the very emergence of phenomenon out of that fertile zero field nature sourcing. There is the development of language.

The species that was able to speak first was successful about 400,000 years ago. Because of the chance finding of initial skeletons in 1856 in Germany along the Neander River, they were called Neanderthals. They were able to speak. And Neanderthals began to replace all of the other kind of hominid variations. Some others that were in more isolated places, like in Indonesia, on the island of Flores. Not just a homo Neanderthalensis but named for the island Flores Homo Florencia. They were only about three feet tall, very much like hobbits are. And because their environment was a, an island, and other islands.

The Neanderthals about 100,000 years ago, began to run into a limitation of their foraging lands. And there was a new southern species of homo, that was really Homo sapiens, had a wildness because they could speak. Not only speak language in its primitive, really primitive, primordial form, but they had a special neuronal structure that allowed them to refine their speech so that they began to be able to speak sounds that were complex, that would come together, that would form what we would recognize as words. And to be able to have those words also have the tensegrity to collect in the continuity of communication so that there were communities of people who could finally be understood by each other that we're doing such and so. We need such and so. We're going to go so and so. Where? And so, Homo sapiens began to compete with homo Neanderthals.

The thoracic region of the spinal column of Homo sapiens has a sudden punctuated equilibria jump in neural capacity. In the brain that received and fed and further made the integration of it, the integral, have the tensegrity of its distribution and that geodesic of the body but in the continuity of the community. And Homo sapiens began to be much more effective. Not just in survival by hunting, but also in gathering. And that it was this capacity then that led to the development of a very, very high Paleolithic culture.

The huge jump that was a punctuated equilibrium to that was about 6000 years ago of being able to utilize a transform that had jumped from just being able to speak together in communities, but to be able to understand that you could speak not only in words together, but you could speak in images that were collected and arranged in a tensegrity of a continuity so that these paintings of these animals in this sequence, with this grouping, inter spaced by the human hand. Or occasionally, and that in red. You don't outline the animals in red. You outline them in black. But the human hand, both in its impress and in its silhouette, you mulch the colors, the manganese based mineral saliva. And with your breath instead of speaking you, you blow the image language into the composition of the cave art. And after tens of thousands of years one learned to have a higher tensegrity, a more extensive creative use of language by having a written language of words.

So that all of this is something that Niles Eldredge and his longtime friends, Stephen Jay Gould, who with Niles Eldridge, published the first article on Punctuated Equilibrium and Evolution in 1972. It's included in Time Frames as an appendix to it. And their third companion was from South Africa. And Elizabeth Vrba was somebody who was welcomed by these two young men and over their long life together in the development of Paleolithic studies, into evolutionary studies, into a very advanced scientific capacity to appreciate, we are again involved in an accelerated, punctuated equilibrium in our lifetimes. They called themselves the Three Musketeers because they were, they were able to outdo all, all of the King's Guards and get that adventure successfully all the way through. It took a while because there are always guards. There, always the King's guards. It goes with the territory. But they're always musketeers. They come together in small groups that are very successful. And not only is that, but they're able to bring in an apprentice. Somebody like a D'Artagnan, who's the young one, but he's kind of like an interesting. Yeah, he's handsome. Well, yeah, he is a good swordsman. Well, he saved our hide a number of times.

And so, you have this quality of being able to pass on an apprenticeship and one finds an architect like Frank Lloyd Wright in the latter decades of his life with Taliesin, his home in Wisconsin, having an adjunct in Arizona as Taliesin West, brought in the apprenticeship that was there in Taliesin in Wisconsin. That it advanced at Taliesin West so that the apprentices learn to build their own places where they would live while being apprentices.

When we come back from the break, we're going to take a look at something that just developed. This photograph is from the web and it's from today. It has Saturn, which has been known since antiquity as a planet, a moving star in the heavens. We've known through telescopes for well over a couple of hundred years that Saturn has rings. What we have not known until just yesterday is that Saturn, with its rings immense as it is. With its rings it's larger than Jupiter. Saturn actually is 7000 times larger than anyone had suspected astronomically. Because its larger ring begins about 3.7-million-year...miles out into space around the entirety of range Saturn and extends out to about 10 million miles. And that this immense thing they use an analog. That if you take Saturn with its rings as the size of a basketball, the new ghost ring of Saturn is about two thirds of a football field. Now you have a new past and a future which is alive.

And on that will take a little break.


Let's come back. Let's come back to Paleolithic cave art for a moment.

Up until about 40,000 years ago there was no cave art. No sculptures. No arrangements of skeletons and bones. Fossils. And all of a sudden, there, there. In what is today, Israel on the coast up above Tel Aviv, where the Bay of Haifa is, is Mount Carmel. And at the top of Mount Carmel were discovered back in the early 20th century, a tomb of a buried Neanderthal. And that Neanderthal by the geologies had been buried about 200,000 years before on the top of Mount Caramel. And one wonders, well, what kind of energies have accrued over 200,000 years? Because the burial was not just the skeleton of the Neanderthal man, but the skeleton was outlined with little, tiny, fossilized pollen grains. The man had been outlined in flowers 200,000 years ago in that Mount Carmel area of Israel. So that mountain, Mount Carmel, is a mystical generator. It's the place when Elijah was challenging all of the false prophets, he built a challenge for them on the top of Mount Carmel, not far from where eventually that Neanderthal tomb was found. That's why they were up there looking to see Elijah. He built a pair...pyre of wood, and then he soaked it with water. And of course, none of the prophetic magician men could do anything about it. And in front of a very large royal crowd, Elijah lit that pyre into fire.

Down below is a gully that leads out to the plain of Sharon and towards the Sea of Galilee. And that ancient trail road goes through a little defile pass, ravine, and eventually comes out near the shore of the Sea of Galilee. And right there where it comes out was ancient Magdala, the home of Mary Magdalene and her family.

But in the ravine, that's there by Mount Carmel, there is a cave. And in an aspect of that cave that had not been seen before, had not been explored. It had been shut off. It was opened up and there was a large rock flattened with the skull of a cave bear that was propped up. And that this propping up showed that there was a human skeleton, a woman, who was there that the cave bear was in fossil still, saluting. She died 39,000 years ago in what is today Israel. Right underneath Mount Carmel.

So, when one is looking at civilization, the dimensional penetration by this time is immense with the energy of time forms refined. We're going to be lighting very soon. The double planet, Pluto, in Charon next month. About a month from now that whole endeavor, which is the subject of nature, of astronomy, of science, of a nice little publication by Richard Grossinger up in Berkeley, North Atlantic Books, Pluto: New Horizons for a Lost Horizon. And the whole aspect about horizons, about the Far Horizons expedition to the limit, the ability of the old solar system. Pluto is the last planet, but well, it's not a planet anymore. It's a member of the Kuiper Belt named for the Dutch American, Hermetic American astronomer Gerhard Kuiper. Was at the University of Chicago for a long time. And Chicago Press has published all, most of his books.

That Kuiper Belt is immense version of the Asteroid Belt in Between Mars and Jupiter. And Pluto is the, one of the largest of the orbiting dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt. And Far Horizons is going to pass through the Pluto Charon, and their moons and so forth into the Kuiper Belt and look for another destination, another object in it.

Just a couple of months. Two months ago. While the very edge of the old solar system was being approached in a far horizon, the very center of what the star system, the solar system was, the asteroid belt, its only large member, Ceres, the only dwarf planet was encountered by the probe Dawn. Which is in orbit around Ceres. And at the same time Messenger exploring the planet Mercury, which is the Latin word for Hermes. The innermost planet is Hermes, is Mercury. Messenger, because Mercury is the messenger of the Gods to man. But in the ancient Hermes, Hermes is not a messenger so much. But he is the Greek word, for it was a psychopomp. He was the conductor of the souls of the dead into the underworld, so that they could go through the various ion gates of the membrane between the world and the underworld. And emerged through all of those 12 ion gates in a row, in a journey, in a concourse, in a continuity that accrued energy. And when one got through the 12th gate, one rose from the netherworld, through the world into the upper world. Into the celestial world.

So, when we talk about a hermetic triple, a thrice greatest Hermes time form of civilization, we're talking about something that is super charged. More, it is hyper charged with energy. We are living not just there, but we're living presence in the entire continuity conscious and exploring to the beginnings, to the middle, and to the end of an ancient mythological story that now is hardly halfway there. Because the Kuiper Belt has tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of bodies. And we know that that ain't all.

Pluto is about 30 times as far from the Sun as the Earth is. They call that an astronomical unit. Earth to the Sun is one A.U. Plato's...Pluto is at 30 A.U. The Kuiper Belt goes out to somewhere around 150 A.U. But at several thousand, A.U. is the Oort cloud, where comets, long period comets, come from. Which is almost a light year out. So that the true star system that we live in has a kind of a light year diameter to its completeness as a system.

This dwarfs mythology by science because the source of science is differential and not integral. The source of science has not a zero field, but an infinite field. And as one calls one nature, the ancient way to talk about the other infinite field is vision. That infinite because it has no limit, no beginning. The middle is wherever it is all over in the tensegrity of the structure. You can be poignantly not in a present time designation by one dimension, but you can be presented by a triple tripod of differential consciousness, double transform to kaleidoscopic consciousness. So that the appreciation esthetically of its prismatic possibilities becomes an analytic of its infinite actualities.

We have, because of that, events like this one that was held at Middlebury College in Vermont. Middlebury is about 7000 people. It's to the east of Burlington, Lake Champain, uh, Champlain and a little bit north. And one of the long-time professors there. He was there for 40 years or so. He's now approaching 80 was Steven C. Rockefeller. And he, in 1990 brought together a conference of speakers to do a double paired, a reference wave, carrier wave for pilot wave persons on a spirit and nature. Which he was doing a reprise of a conference at Middlebury College in 1984.

This volume of Spirit in Nature, which is the contributions there with his introduction and so forth, was published in 1992. The previous conference in 1984 was The Christ and the Bodhisattva. That there is a interesting parallel somehow pilot wave relation able if one could only find how these two vectors have a resolving higher hyper mass tensor, one could understand how that functions and not what does it mean, but what does it doing not now, but all the time in three different kinds of time, into eternity.

These are the kinds of larger issues that dwarf economics and politics, theology, and ideology. Which is something that's arguing about the dirt and sand in one's backyard when the backyard. Or clusters of galaxies for almost 14 billion light years of space time. It is shameful not because the other is wrong. It's shameful because it is a non-real manufacturer of a tri pod of illusion. The ancient classification in early Buddhism was anger, greed, and lust. In the development in the 500 years after that, it became really something even more simply profound. And that is regression, ignorance, and fear.

We're looking at a development that gains in penetration into not higher dimensionality, but out of the cycle of a limited ideology of dimensions into being freed for the complementarity of how dimensions pair, intertwine, resolve creatively to a colossal openness which is able to engender a fertile zero field. Able to dance very easily with an infinite spirit field. And together they are a field of the real.

When one looks at the time forms of civilization the last 6000 years, you can see that the main carrier wave is the refinement of written language. When it first emerged, when it became able to be put together in a very high poetic transform of the myths and the rituals. So that the symbols, instead of just summing up a meaning of the experience, mythically of those rituals collectively, all in a cycle that was integral by these symbols. Now the symbols became multifaceted, cut into jewels. And those jewel crystal differential conscious resonances as persons we're able to come to act, to vision, to create, to remember in such a way that whole dimension of history now becomes not a subject matter for schooling, but becomes a remembering dimension of an advanced conscious memorization that is no longer just in the memory, but is in the refining future possibilities and the new past that's constantly emerging.

So that one would never have been able to see the ghost ring of Saturn expanding the basketball to two thirds of a football field. That's the size of Saturn for real. Because that goes during is only visible in infrared light. And you had to wait for a infrared telescope raised off the Earth into orbit, quite far into space, The Spitzer Space telescope. Named for Lyman Spitzer, who was a very great, Hermetic American astronomer. And the Spitzer telescope is milled, lensed, polished, put up there specifically to look at a very wide field.

There are other infrared telescopes by now, but the Spitzer is really rare, almost unique, because it can look at a very wide field. And it saw this photograph complete. This is about 30 million miles in diameter of this photograph.

In this way, the refinement of vision in terms of a theoria, a contemplative visioning, bringing forth prismatic persons as pilot waves who are able in their activities, in their doing, in their community, the refinement so that one can have an analytic with a kaleidoscopic technology based upon a differential conscious visioning through the prismatic persons into the technological capacity to see infrared as far away as Saturn. And Saturn is about a billion miles away. Minimally. And to see and to take an infrared photo of 25 or 30 million miles scope and publish it worldwide overnight.

2015 is 100 years from 1915. Which is deep into the realization in 1915 that the World War, The Great War, was not going to end quickly, but had settled into an incredible intransigence. Into a monumental ravine of fear, ignorance, and regression. From the coast of the English Channel all the way across Belgium, France, Germany. So that that trench warfare was like a stalemate of stupidity. The anger become fear mutually.

And it was apparent in 1915, especially to the most kaleidoscopic historical visioning writer in the world at that time was H.G. Wells. Who had come out of supposedly very ordinary circumstances. Born in Bromley Kent, which is not too far from London. Out of a middle, middle class family. But he had the advantage of being precocious and eventually falling out of being able to do the ordinary menial jobs, job offerings. Ended up getting into the Science University near London. And to have a teacher on the level of Thomas Huxley.

Huxley was known as Darwin's Bulldog. Who courageously taught Darwin in an age where Darwin was being castigated for being irreligious, for being stupid. He says man came out of apes. What an idiot. Huxley knew that this is the important wave of a whole scientific understanding that shows that the evolution is there in geology. It's there in the fossils. It's there in the living organisms, animal, plant. It's there in the way in which mineral molecular structures arrange and new ones come out and so on and so forth.
And Wells learned not so much to become like an all-A student, but he learned to vision wide in this way. And when he was 29 years old, he discovered that his facility to do these little articles on science for various publications led him to understand that he was really good at visioning a new kind of a story. A new kind of a literature. And in 1895 published The Time Machine, not a very large book. I have a first edition. It's like a little tiny book. I'll bring it next week.

It rang a bell at the very same time in 1895 that the experiments with radiation. Showed that undeveloped film in a drawer that was closed to sunlight had an image on it. And it was discovered that a piece of radium was in that drawer. And so, the discovery of x rays. Not only infrared rays coming up and other kinds of rays coming up. But x rays can render matter transparent. Time in civilization renders the present moment now ness transparent. So that what flows really is the continuity and the tensegrity. I one learns to see, to hear, to feel, to think. And those dimensions of consciousness that very easily are in complementarity with the dimensions of space time of nature. They dance together.

One of the earliest forms of higher cultures is that those people learned to dance their rituals, not just to do them. And to festoon their rituals with memorable images. Selections of this, that and the other. So that one then had the way in which bringing all of this together was like a very good not just a ceremony but would go on for days eventually on the American plains. The most powerful of all of the ceremonies, the Sun dance, the Akan in Algonquin. The Akan was eight days. That eighth day was a day of Thanksgiving after seven days of building up to the test. Do we have the courage to sustain and maintain this call for continued life from the sun, from that energy, from that regulator of time forms?

In one of the latest issues of Science, the one that just came out this week with natives from Amazon, Peru and Brazil fighting not to be absorbed by mining companies and so forth, is a photograph of Mr. Spock holding up his hand. The article is about Irrational Actors. The subtitle is Embracing the Mystifying Choices that Flummox the Field of Economics. Live Long and prosper. It is like the hand in the ancient Paleolithic caves that shows it isn't just Homo sapiens as a species, but doubly refined. So that one now refers to Homo sapiens sapiens. Not just wise man, but wise about being wise. And now another refinement. Star system wide, wise wisdom man. Homo sapiens Stellaris coming right up.

More next week.


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