Presentation 18

Presented on: Saturday, May 2, 2015

Presented by: Roger Weir

Presentation 18

Transcript (PDF)

The Future and The New Past
Presentation 18 of 52

Presentation 2-5
Presented by Roger Weir
Saturday, May 2, 2015


We come to the 18th presentation in this 2015 year of preparation. Preparation for 2016, which is an epochal year in history. We are on the verge. On the cusp, which is a verge of a major development in the time forms of civilization. And we have been talking about, talking around, swirling into free form configurations to illuminate the peculiar resonances and the rather transcendental harmonic that controls the time forms of civilization.

And we have talked about the structure that occurs when one prepares in a measured way to be able to position yourself to, to have that meditative, contemplative, uh, openness. Getting into the right position. The right posture. The right circumstances, is an age-old issue. It goes back to Paleolithic cultural times. It goes back to men maybe 100,000 years ago learning that to get enough game for the really larger number of people now it's best to hunt in groups. And for the women it's likewise same situation. It's best to gather in groups because gathering is more complex. There is not only the gathering, but there's the stages of preparation and of saving and so forth. Right down into pioneer times.

For women the harvesting from the garden has a long following of canning and making sure that you're stocked up. For men it's making sure that you are bringing the young men into the hunting in groups. That they learned that this gun is not for killing people. This gun is for hunting to preserve life for all of us. And so, we hunt together.

Those kinds of ethos are so distant now by at least three generations, minimally. That many persons, male and female, have forgotten and are reminded of the surreal state of civilization by 2015.

One of the many catalogs that I receive in the mail occasionally. This one is for Au Current DVD's Blu-ray's. Uh, Kino Lorber experience cinema. And the cover of it is of a new DVD from Iran by a woman about a vampire. And it reads. The title of the film is A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night.
Direct from its smash out Arthouse run. The film is the first vampire Western ever made in the Farsi language. Anna Lily Amirpour debut basks in the sheer pleasure of pulp. A joyful mash up of genre, archetype, and iconography. Its prolific influences span spaghetti westerns, graphic novels, horror films and the Iranian new wave loaded with features.

On the page just before it is a new DVD, not yet in Blu ray from China. Its title is Web Junkie. Just came out along with A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night.
Internet addiction is now a global issue. And China is the first country to classify it as a clinical disorder. Witness the cases of three teenagers struggling with online withdrawal and controversial treatment as questions about the nature of addiction, emotional attachments and cure come to the fore.

Third, there is a very, very interesting new DVD from Russia. Its title is Putin's Kiss. It's made by, um, Live Better Off. "Masha is the rising star of Nashi, a youth movement in Russia that pledges unwavering loyalty to Putin while Putin." Hail Putin. "However, when her journalist friend who is critical of Putin becomes the victim of a violent attack, she realizes that she must take a stand."

The Nashi, in case you don't know, feature a biker motorcycle club very reminiscent of Hells Angels, but without the accoutrement of a Hells Angel. To hell with all of you. This is we're going to make a hell for all of you unless you fess up. Putin rides with that motorcycle gang. They're very numerous. And if you've been watching the news the last couple of days, they were refused entrance at the border of Belarus and Poland. They had ridden from Moscow. They were riding towards Berlin. 50 or 60 or more cyclists, men revved up. Not looking like Hells Angels, but looking like very severe, dedicated Russians of a reclaiming action that we want to come back from that embarrassment of the fall of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union may have fallen, but not Mother Russia and you better know it.

So that China, Russia, Iran make a stable triangle of challenge that now approaching the middle of 2015 is mounting in Ukraine, in the South China Sea, in Yemen, in Syria, to a more than a pushback. it's a claim forward. So that we are going through a preparation in 2015 for something which is not totally calm in 2016.

It's important for our consideration to understand that all of this time form confusion has been noted all through civilization. That one of the earliest indications that something major was amiss is recounted long centuries later in the Myth of Eden, of Adam and Eve. How Eve samples the fruit, the apple of the tree of knowledge. The knowledge between good and evil. Which seems a shattering of innocence that seems incredibly severe in its outcome from such a simple act. But the simple act is that to have the knowledge of good and evil presupposes a judgment by your mind. By the mind that this is ok, that is not ok. And in a peculiar way, especially when it's shared. When that knowledge, that Apple, is shared with the male from Eve to Adam, he immediately gets a hunter's quality that, um, we're naked. We're vulnerable. Not Eve, but Adam. And so, he right away makes the preparation of certain hides or certain cloths to clothe themselves. And the presence of God walking in the Garden of Eden comes upon Adam clothed. What's this? You no longer belong in Eden. Therefore, you must leave. Before you taste the fruit of this other tree. The fruit of which is eternal life. The presence is aware that they will become like Gods were they to have this other tree fruit.

All of this is recounted in Genesis at the beginning of Genesis by Moses about 1350 B.C., which is about 3000 years after something which is hugely formative, which is the true seed beginning of civilization, and that is about 4350 B.C., as we have been talking about for some while from this chair and various series, various years. The development of a discursive written language which can not only be written but can be read changes in a radical way the structure of the mind. Changes the way in which thought structures through language, which is written and read. And that this communication of restructuring is distant to an increasing energy that amounts to discord with nature. That in the field of nature the emergence of matter of phenomena, the refinement of it to organic matter to life. And from there, the further refinement to the ability to understand moves from nature through ritual as a base, to experience as the mythic horizon of being able to talk about it, to the internalization of the structure of thought, symbols. And that this spoken of in this way constitutes a frame. A frame by which there is a reference to the ability then to understand that this frame is a one, two, three, four square of attention. And that one's whole meditative or contemplative posture is classically to find one's self so that you can calm down all of the distractions from all of the discords that have piled up ever since, and find a comfortable posture in a calming situation. And that this aids meditation, aids prayer, aids contemplative continuity allows for the ability for mindfulness to join into a square of attention, a frame of reference, which then is hopefully in its calmness, in its comportment of squared attention, is able to slip into a wholeness.

And so, this square of attention, this frame of reference goes all the way back to the origins of language as the seed of civilization that goes through a series of references, of references that have energy. And so, they are actually waves. They're energy waves. They are reference waves. And that they culminate reverentially referring to a really important threshold which carries that energy, carries that dynamic, carries that referentiality of attention made into its squared presentation of stability. And that is the threshold of a carrier wave. So that the culmination of the reference wave is a carrier wave which has the oomph of the meaning of all of it, with all the possibilities of development, all in one great to a discordant quality, has the makings of a storm, to a congruent confluent continuity quality. It has the promise of freshness.

Those two waves call forth a third wave, a third resolution wave. And in the early 20th century in the twenties, finally, it was given a name, pilot waves. And pilot wave people make the adjustment so that one can understand what this reference wave and this carrier wave were all about. And that, in fact, as civilization has progressed, has continued, there are periodic reference waves and concomitantly periodic carrier waves that that have occurred. So that the complexity of the reference wave people now has become not just synthesis or visionary prophetic but has become complex. And so pilot waves now in terms of modern, that is to say 2015 science, one can come to the net.

This is October 7th, 2013, Strange Behavior of Bouncing Drops Demonstrates Pilot Wave Dynamics in Action with a video. The initial blurb,
A research team led by Eve Quadir at the University Paris Diderot recently discovered that it's possible to make a tiny fluid droplet levitate on the surface of a vibrating bath, walking or bouncing across propelled by its own wave field. Surprisingly, these walking droplets exhibit certain features previously thought to be exclusive to the microscopic quantum realm.
So that a pilot wave person carries a resolving rating not only synthesis, but proportioning dynamic energy of waves, their time dimension being primordial and their space blossoming being essential.

By 2015, pilot wave guiding persons are quite prismatic because they must deal with a number of reference waves and a number of carrier waves. And they come in pairs so that one has if one is able to be a guiding star prismatic person by 2015, you have to be able to understand the structure of civilization. In its cultural origins of tens of thousands of years. In its career, at least on this world, in this world, on this planet of about a billion years of vertebrate activity, on the basis of 3 billion years of organic life. On the basis of four and one half, four, actually 4.6 billion years of being extant out of the gas. Out of the space within the time of a universe that is a cosmos, actually of almost 14 billion years old and counting. Not only forwards, but back. Back to the original past, which now will be a new past and the sophistication of instruments able to peer back through space, back in time to the origins of the universe.

This is the cover of the latest issue of one of the international science journals. It's called Science. The other one is called Nature. Nature and science are, as we are describing, phases of a learning about civilization, paced as a yoga. So that one can understand not only the posture in the setting to have contemplation, to have meditation, to have prayer, to have this opening occur, but to have all of the resonances become sets that eventually disclose something thrice hidden previously. And that is a very complex harmonic, which is reality to say itself is actually redundant.

Let them in. Okay.

This cover of Science. This is the latest issue, just came out two days ago after Hubble. This is the Hubble Space Telescope that was sent aloft. Its blastoff was in early 1990. And it took a couple of months for the first test. It was April of 1990, and by June of 1990, the first test went up. Its home base was the Space Telescope Institute at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. It's in the news, yes. Maryland, very close to Washington, D.C. The northern part of Washington, D.C., as a megalopolis is only an hour's drive or so away from where Johns Hopkins is. And if you were curious even ten, 12 years ago, like I was, and you were able to resource and look up how much research, money and funds went to major universities in the United States, you would have seen up near the top, of course, MIT, Caltech, Stanford, etc. But at the very top by multiple times was Johns Hopkins University. At about 4 to 5 times what Caltech or MIT get every year. Because there is a tandem between Washington DC and Johns Hopkins University as the academic research hub for a whole web of research which is global and has ties with universities in China now.

One of the ads in here actually is quite interesting. This is from a foundation in Germany, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The Sofia Kovalevskaya Award become a research group leader in Germany. That all of this is being developed to such an extent that in Bonn, the capital of Germany, they have €1.65 million for young researchers from all disciplines.
The foundation is calling for applications for this award. One of the most valuable academic words in Germany creates unique opportunities for excellent researchers to conduct their own research in Germany. Award winners are invited to spend five years working at the Institute of their Choice and setting up their own research groups independently and virtually free of bureaucracy.

This leads us back to the Hubble. Two months after its launching at first light, its first photograph of this huge step forward in astronomy, in astrophysics in civilization, it came out blurred. It had been technically checked so many times that it was like passed, passed, passed, passed on every metric that a square of attention could have. It didn't have a fifth dimension. That is outside the square of space time four dimensions so that there was no visionary quintessential fifth quinta dimension of being able to vision how, how will this work? That does it work according to specs but does it in fact see. And took three years to correct that. And was only correctable in 1993 three years later. Because after ten years the space shuttle was sophisticated enough, updated, updated, refined, refined. The crews trained, retrained, better trained, ultra-trained. And by 1993, it was possible to send a space shuttle crew of seven with a large bay door that opened wide to go out and rendezvous far beyond low earth orbit with the Hubble Space Telescope to position the space shuttle so that it nested the entire Hubble telescope into its bay, where all of the repairing instruments, including the glasses that had been finally made, honed, polished, presented, loaded, taken up, taking it to rendezvous and was able to be installed by that crew.

First light was a magnificent realization that what had been blurred in the first photo was now what is called crystal clear was an ancient, far away spiral galaxy that instead of being a a kind of a blurred pinwheel, something was a gorgeousness, where almost with that clarity, one could begin to pick out individual star clusters in this galaxy millions of light years away.

And in the 25 years since, this is the 25th anniversary of Hubble, that's what this issue is about. What comes up for them is that we do not have a space shuttle anymore. Haven't had for a number of years. In fact, we don't have crews that are trained. We haven't had those for a number of years. And that the replacement, the Orion, that supposedly is going to carry people to the next frontier to Mars will only carry four. And it's a capsule very much like the Apollo capsules. And to anyone who can see, who has a quintessential vision, this is a planned major regression. A forced ignorance. A almost lustful deception of civilization that has been curled back to the point to where one can understand if you're a chef, this is meant to curdle the milk. Not to make cheese, but to make it sour. And we better take a little break because the implications of this is that civilization has been sabotaged. Not then but leading up to that covertly for some long while.

In the meantime, the update of the Hubble, which is the James Webb Space Telescope, has been not only pushed back and pushed back and pushed back. And more and more expensive so that the vote by the House of Representatives in Washington, D.C., was to stop funding it. Well, just cancel it. Throw away all that investment and research. We don't need it. It's too much. We can't afford it. We, we've got to have this, that and the other. We have constituents and they're hungry. Yeah. It was reinstated. It's supposed to go up in 2018 now, where it was supposed to be ready to replace the Hubble about a decade before.

What is going on is that a stuck frame, and this is astrophysics. A stuck frame will stagger and shutter just like an old film strip in a projector. When the gate is dirty, the film will shutter and stagger and eventually burst into small flame. And you will have a screen that shows a dead white. Anyone who knows technology can understand this. The teaching of quintessential vision is imperative, and that's what's going on here.

Let's take a break.


Let's come back to a poignancy that we are in the midst of. That quantum world where pilot waves were first mentioned and noted. All of that happened in the 1920's and came to a disclosure excellence in the Solway conferences held every three years in Belgium. Solway was a Belgian industrialist, and he sponsored the creme de la creme of the new emerging realm of physics and astronomy and mathematics, science, chemistry, etc. That by the 1920's was showing that we are indeed broaching something that dwarfs revolutions. We are broaching a recalibration not only of civilization but of our species. To recalibrate a species is a major development. To recalibrate civilization only goes back about 6000 plus years.

Our particular species, the last recalibration of which was some 40,000 years ago. After having been around from an initial get go of a single woman about 200,000 years ago in South Africa. And in that 160,000 years, there were Homo sapiens. Not many at first. For a long time, not many. But they learned. And they were accepted. There were concomitant species of the genus homo for some long while. Several. Homo habilis was going out, but in came and remained Homo Neanderthal and Homo floresiensis named for the island of Flores and Indonesia, where these small hominids about the size of hobbits lived for many, many tens of thousands of years and up until even 30,000 years ago. And Homo sapiens.

But about 40,000 years ago that quintessential dimension of vision, which, like the thumb, is not just integral. Yes, it can close to grasp as an integral cycle when it's complete grasp. In ancient Greece, in Plato's time, Socrates' time, when the arguments between those who made a lot of money and got a lot of fame because they could teach how to do what they do. They were called Sophists. Yeah, it's less like Sophia wisdom and more like sophisticated. They were well togaed and plenty of acclaim. Plenty of what served as shekels. And their gesture after they made their point, and someone grasped it, they were told, that's right you've got it. You, you got it. You got what I mean and now you know why I'm the teacher.

Instead, Socrates, as Plato learned and wrote about from the time, he was about 27 years old, he began to understand that this is a huge refinement going on here. Socrates is not a Sophist. He had been trained in wisdom. He'd been trained not to be sophisticated, but to be Sophia-ized, if you will. Because his teacher was a woman who was in that first generation of philosophers. Philo Sophia. Lovers of wisdom. Yes, we are lovers of wisdom. And she accepts our love. Because out of that fertility comes a better life.

Her teacher was Pythagoras, the first to call himself a philosopher, a Philo Sofia. The women were always accepted, along with the men in Pythagorean communities. The great feminine teacher along with Pythagoras was Theano, his wife. They had children. And that student, Theorema was from Mantineia. Mantineia is in the northern part of the Peloponnese across the Corinth Gulf from Delphi. On a good day, you could see shore to shore. She taught Pythagoras about the spirit dimensions of love, which required not just a grasping by the thumb, but to understand that these fingers are integral with the thumb. The hand is a differential transform of the integral into being operative in a quintessential dimension of visioning, creative imagining and remembering braided together. And held by that invisible horizon of a new kind of time that braids the two by a third into a thrice greatest reference wave where it is possible to not only share the integral logic of understanding, but to have the quintessential quality dimension of understanding, which the ancient name for translates to the word that we use with a capital P as Presence. About 750 B.C. we have a writing in The Old Testament, The Book of Isaiah. And then the 63rd chapter of Isaiah that visionary prophet talks about that there is an angel of the Presence of God who can teach us. We can get to interchange with the angel of the Presence. No matter how difficult the suffering, the endurance, the seemingly intolerable.

That wisdom of presence is the way in which nature is originally fertile. To bring out of zero, not a zero point. Zero points vanished long before you can say anything. Euclid and his Pythagorean geometry 300 B.C. starts off, "a point is a locus of no dimensions". You can read it for yourself. It's the first sentence in the study of geometry. It's 2300 years old. It's still used as a text to teach you the logic of the shapes of understanding. Geometry is a metric of space time.

When he was writing one of his most interesting little books. Published 1969 by the University of Southern Illinois Press, R. Buckminster Fuller Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth. When you stop thinking of this world as the globe and you begin to vision that the motion of this planet is like a spaceship. And it's not just that the planet is journeying through space around the sun like all the other planets in some kind of a system planet, family but the whole ensemble is itself traveling. And traveling with a whole entourage of companion stars and star systems. And that whole entourage is moving like a family pilgrimage through larger and larger movements. So that the entire swirl of a whole arm of our spiral Milky Way galaxy, the Sagittarius B arm, where a slight spur on the B arm. And this galaxy is a part of an enormous mega, mega, ultra-family of clusters of galaxies. Not just galaxies. Clusters of galaxies. That move in reality as an enormous splay of creative and remembering differential consciousness that pairs with another such mega, mega, ultra. And that these together form something so large we don't even have words, adjectives for.

Buckminster Fuller in this premiere Manual for Operating Spaceship Earth has a couple of pages. This is under general systems theory. The couple of pages are the ways in which there is geometric occurrence universally. The first column here is "the conceptuality of number of most economical relationships between events or minimum number of interactions of all events". The second column is "the number of relationships". And the third over here, we're just going to look at the first three closely packed, "symmetrical and most economical arrangement of the number of relationships". Here you have a dot of point, a point of zero dimensions. So that it actually is quite interesting. It's numbered one, but its number of relationships is zero.

So, in order to really count, in order to find accountability, you're being told in teaching, you don't look at the initial numeracy of the minds, assumptions and projections. It's one off. Which means it's offset by the whole concept of limited form. Your oneness is in error immediately. The quintessential beginning is not one but zero. Do you ever see that mudra? It means just so in a high Dharma, in the Vajrayāna, in the diamond **inaudible word**. Just so.

There was once a great illustration for a cover of a skinny little book. It was about 70-80 pages. And it was called, its title was Meditation in Action. And the Hawaiian artist who did the cover for it had the OK sign with all of the vibrations in that same configuration of filling into like a harmonic that extends. The book's title was Meditation in Action was by a young lama. At the time, it was his first book. It was. His name was Chögyam Trungpa. He was the ninth Trungpa. One of the Tulku lineages of Tibet, born in Chengdu and the far west of Tibet. And his lineage, the interesting Trungpa as reincarnations, not out of death, but out of the 49-day bardo **inaudible word**, which is much more relentless than death. Death, is just the fact that a trigger was pulled. The speed of what is going to hit you takes about 49 days to progressively accumulate. And if you're not real, you're not going to make it. Well, that is you'll get the default prize and come back as something rather undesirable if you come back. Unless you emerge differentially fresh and can remember spontaneously before immediacy that you are, not who you are. That you are.

All of these have a whole other three columns in the Manual for Operating Spaceship Earth written and published in 1969 by the inventor of geodesic dome. Geodesic dome. Of the geometry of structure that has a quality that post, and beam architecture will never have. Bucky, everyone got used to just calling up Bucky. Buckminster was way too formal for this character. Born in Bar Harbor, Maine. Grew up where islands are populated by wildly independent men and women and children. That dogs were not mainlanders. Were off the coast out into the Atlantic. Maybe not very far, but far enough that we're out already. Bucky Fuller in geodesic domes, called that architectural structure a geodesic dome because it has tensegrity. That is the tension of the forces that affect it are distributed equally throughout the entire structure. There's no weak point. There's no point of is this post going to hold up that beam. All of the posts and all of the beams are geodesic. They take a domed-ness. And you can have any kind of a cross section of a dome-ness that you would like and even do configurations of it so that you have by now at least three, maybe even four generations of architects since Bucky, you not only have geodesic domes, but you have the wild creativity of forms.

One of the great pioneers of that was Eero Saarinen, which led the TWA airport in New York City in the early 1950's that still looks like a science fiction set. Or you had Felix Candela in Mexico City, not only building paper thin concrete shells that could take all kinds of forms. And he, of course, is ignored by the architects associations because he realized that this is not complex to build once you understand. And so, he specialized in training villagers from all the little Mexican communities and down into South America and Central America. All you need is a grit to make your own concrete. And here's how you make the forms, and you can build it yourself. You can get the village together and you, you can make your own structures.

And that one of the really sophisticated ways to translate Candela's form Geometrics was a Paolo Soleri down in Arizona. He got thrown out of Taliesin West, Frank Lloyd Wright's Ranch Society. He yes, he understood Wright. He appreciated Wright. He was not going to worship right now Italian. So, he moved about an hour's drive to the north of Taliesin West. And he founded his own community architecturally, it's called. It was called Arco Santee. This is the structure of a real sacredness. Where you can take a cue from Candela from Bucky etc. Saarinen. And you can carve out of the local soil with a mixture of additives, and you can make whatever shape you want, and you can fill it in with bracing and your pliable concrete. To use quotation marks, will take whatever structure there is. And because it was formed in this way, it is then able to be rotated. That is to be lifted out of its quote hole so that it rotates and becomes that shape above the shape, also symmetrically there in the ground. And voila, you have a really complex, interesting original building.

He went further than that by far. He began to design very large structures, and someone said to him, these are impossibly huge buildings, Mr. Soleri. And he said, yes, but they are very small cities. They will hold 50 to 100000 people. But what will they stand up? And he quipped, one time. He was little, and he sort of straightened up to his full five-foot six height, and he said, they will do very nicely on the moon.

Currently the great woman architect Zaha Hadid takes that to unheard of artistic swirls. She's building huge buildings almost all over the world, but not in the United States. And one wonders why. Shanghai, Beijing, etc.

Let's come back to how all of this came with the Hubble Space Telescope being planned in the 1980's being gone back to pilot wave people from the 1920's. And those pilot wave people were clustered at the 1927 Solway conference. It was, I think, the seventh of the conferences that then went back from then to the beginning of the century. Everybody was there. It was a who's who. But the two emergent stars of that were Niels Bohr and Albert Einstein. With a concomitant resonance of different people. The outstanding woman was Marie Curie. Etc., etc.

One of the French physicists was Louis de Broglie. De Broglie. A prince. He comes from a royal family. But he and his brother Maurice were into science. We don't need the palace. We need the labs. We need to figure things. He's the one that named them pilot waves. And mathematically, they're called solitons. Like we talked about and read, "Strange behavior of bouncing drops demonstrates pilot wave dynamics in action". The telling line, "It's possible to make a tiny fluid droplet levitate on the surface of a vibrating bath, walking or bouncing across propelled by its own wave feel."

That's how you go Interstellar. Intergalactic. It does no good to argue it. It's been going on for billions of years. But every time a species reaches that stage of recalibration carrier waves, it becomes of cosmic interest. Because it's always different. It's always unique. How are these men and women and children going to do it this time? It's you need a front row seat. It's the biggest ticket that there is. And it's a nail biter every single time. Every single carrier wave. Because it gets more and more complicated, because not just that it has a reference wave that would be simple, but because it has competing reference waves. Because the reference reality originated, originated with the original origination of written read language.

The first carrier wave is about 4000 B.C. in Ireland. The archbishop Usher, Archbishop of the church in Ireland was a great Bible reader and figured out the math and added it up. And he said all of the begets end up, ahh, Adam and Eve date back to 4004 B.C. Amazingly accurate. Irish archbishops are known to be very amazingly accurate sometimes. Adam and Eve are about 4000 B.C.

But the reference wave of that carrier wave is 4350 B.C. So, that the reference wave takes precedence over the carrier wave. And if you have a confusion of reference waves, it scatters the energy that is trying to levitate the pilot wave persons in the first place. So that they can teach. So that others can learn. It's complicated because right in the middle of a carrier wave is a middle. Not just a mythic middle, a pivotal middle. And that pivotal middle is in terms of the reference wave energy flow in time, which is 2000 years, it's 1000 years, it's a millennium. And that millennium has its reference wave about 350 years before it, which is quite distinct from the reference wave after the millennium, which is for the carrier wave. And if a deep enough deception elicits a scarring enough corruption, the resulting regression skips back to the previous reference wave predominance and projects fourth, as a part of the regression back to it incorporates the millennial apocalypse with it so that you have those two bundled together as if they were a dosey doe this and that. And the illusion become a delusion on a global scale is a war of pilot wave claiming vis a vis the real pilot waves. It's going to take the rest of the year to sort that out.

Our reference wave is the mathematization of written read language, about 1650 A.D. The previous reference wave is 658 A.D. The Millennium 1000. Many different parts of the globe have different ways of computing it. But one goes back in terms of a master energy carrier wave about 2000 years ago.

By 1985, it was apparent after 40 years that we were approaching something dire. And so, to celebrate the centenary of the birth of Niels Bohr, 1885 and 1985, a conference was held. The Challenge of Nuclear Armaments Essays Dedicated to Niels Bohr on his centenary. A few years later, because of this, just four years later, was published The Challenge of an Open World because the realization was the problem is not nuclear armaments. The problem is with the closed mind, the closed frame of reference, with the square of attention being stuck and in the midst of a cosmic layering of dynamics. Stuck frames of reference jitter the projector so that the film will skip and finally break at the jammed gate.

More next week.


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