Reference Works

The following is an incomplete list of works relevant to the presentations.

100 views of Edo Series 2001: A Space Odyssey42 Temple Hymns of Enheduanna50 Years of Yang-Mills Theory 6th SymphonyA Century of Galaxy Spectroscopy A Collection of Qian Zhongshu's English Essays A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel, Judaism and Christianity A Discourse of Hermes to Tat Concerning the Mind and MenA Discourse of Hermes Trismegistus to Thoth Concerning Mind in MenA Discourse of Mind to HermesA Dream Play A Feeling For The OrganismA Handbook of Greek MythologyA History of Greek Philosophy Book Series A History of Indian Philosophy A History of Magic and Experimental Science A History of the Jews A History of Western Philosophy A Holy Book of Hermes Trismegistus Addressed to AsclepiusA Knight's Tale À La Recherche du Temps PerduA Letter to a HinduA Manual of Abhidhamma A Merchant's Tale A Midsummer Night's DreamA Monk's Tale A Natural Wisdom: Gleanings From the Journals of Henry David Thoreau A Passage to India A Pilgrimage for PeaceA Plea for VegetarianismA Pluralistic UniverseA Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Righteous Struggle: A Chronicle of the Ahmedabad Textile Laborers Fight for JusticeA Scientific Theory of Culture and Other Essays A Short History of Chinese CivilizationA Short History of Chinese Philosophy A Stubbornly Persistent Illusion: The Essential Scientific Works of Albert Einstein A Study of Correlations in Historical EventsA Study of Navajo Symbolism A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of the Libido: A Contribution to the History of the Evolution of ThoughtA Tour on The Prairies A Treatise of Human Understanding A Vindication of the Rights of Woman with Structures on Political and Moral Subjects A VisionA Week of Kindness A Week on the Concord and Merrimack RiversA Week with GandhiA Yankee in Canada: With Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers Abdul Ghaffar Khan: Faith is a BattleAbout The Conditions and Possibilities of New Humanism About The Contemplative LifeAbsalom, Absalom! Acts of ThomasAdam's Ancestors: The Evolution of Man and his CultureAdornment of the Spiritual MarriageAdvancement of LearningAdventures of Huckleberry Finn AgamemnonAitareya Upanishad (Mukhya Upanishad)Akhenaten: The Heretic King Albert Einstein, His Work and Its Influence on Our World Alchemical Active ImaginationAlchemical HieroglyphicsAlchemyAlice in Wonderland Alien Wisdom: The Limits of Hellenization Almagest AlphavilleAltai-Himalaya A Travel Diary American Renaissance: Art and Expression in the Age of Emerson and Whitman Amor and Psyche (Apuleius)Amor and Psyche (Neumann)An Account of General LaFayette's Visit to Virginia, in the years 1824-1825An Agnostic's Apology and Other EssaysAn Early Christian Psalter An Egyptian Hieroglyphic Dictionary in Two Volumes An Essay Concerning Human Understanding An Essay on Man: An Introduction to a Philosophy of Human Culture An Icy NightAnatomy of the Psyche: Alchemical Symbolism in PsychotherapyAncient and Future WomenAncient Art and Ritual Ancient Egyptian Religion: An InterpretationAnd God Created Great WhalesAnima AnimusAnnalsAnother Language of Flowers Answer to JobAnti-Minotaur: The Myth of a Value Free Society Antiquities of the JewsAntony and CleopatraAon: Researches into the Phenomenology of the SelfApocalypse NowApologiaApology Apuleius' Asclepius Arcana MundiArgonauts of the Western Pacific Aristophanes The Birds Art And Intuition in YogaArt and Yoga in IndiaArt As Experience Articles of Confederation (U.S.A.)As I Lay DyingAscension of IsaiahAsides on the Oboe Aspects of Science Astrology Among the Greeks and RomansAstrology and the RenaissanceAstronomy and Astrology of the BabyloniansAt Home in the Universe At the Feet of BapuAtharvavedaAtomic Energy for Military Purposes (The Smyth Report) The Official Report on the Development of the Atomic Bomb Under the Auspices of the United States Government 1940-1945 Attack On ChristendomAureum VellusAurora ConsurgensAutobiography of Benjamin FranklinBacchaeBacchae Of Euripides: A Communion RiteBack to the Future (film)Bakhti YogaBardo Thödol: The Tibetan Book of the DeadBasic English Basic National Education: Report of the Zakir Husain Committee and the Detailed SyllabusBasic Rules of Reason Beat Zen, Square Zen and Zen Beauty and the Beast (movie)Beethoven Symphony Number 3 Beethoven Symphony Number 9 Beethoven: His Spiritual Development Beggars in SpainBentham's Theory of Fictions BeowulfBeyond the Milky Way Bhagavad GitaBig Little Book SeriesBilly BuddBiohazard Birthday Black Elk SpeaksBlack Holes And Time WarpsBlack Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy Black OrpheusBlake and TraditionBlind Swimmers (Effect of a Touch) Bodhicaryavatara (A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life)Bohr The Open Mind Book of AmosBook of ChroniclesBook of DurrowBook of EcclesiastesBook of EzraBook of HoseaBook of IsaiahBook of JeremiahBook of JobBook of JudithBook of KellsBook of KingsBook of MenciusBook of NoahBook of ProverbsBook of PsalmsBow-shaped Moon Yumiharizuki Brahms Symphony Number 3 Brats StationBratsk Station (poem) Bread Labor (pamphlet)Bride of Frankenstein (film)Bright Galaxies, Dark Matter Bright Galaxies, Dark MattersBrihadaranyaka Upanishad (Mukhya Upanishad)Buck Rogers Buddha and Brahma Buddha and Early BuddhismBuddhism in Christendom: Or, Jesus, the Essene Building a Character But the Son of Man By SilenceC. G. Jung: His Myth for our TimeCalculusCaleb Williams or Things as They Are Canterbury TalesCape Cod CapricornCarl Jung: Collected Works 1Carl Jung: Collected Works 10Carl Jung: Collected Works 13Carl Jung: Collected Works 15Carl Jung: Collected Works 16Carl Jung: Collected Works 17Carl Jung: Collected Works 4Carl Jung: Collected Works 7Carl Jung: Collected Works 8Carl Jung: Collected Works 9Cat's Yawn: The Thirteen Numbers Published From 1940 To 1941Centrality and Commonality: An Essay on Chung-Yung Cézannes Composition: Analysis of His Form with Diagrams and Photographs of His Motifs Ch'i Pai Shih's PaintingsChac (film)Chandogya Upanishad (Mukhya Upanishad)Chariots of FireCharmidesChemical MarriageChildhood's End Chiral Quark Dynamics Christianopolis: An Ideal of the 17th CenturyChuang TzuCity of GodCivilization: Its Causes and Its CuresClairvoyant ClarelClassical Literary Criticism. Aristotle: On the Art of Poetry, Horace: On the Art of Poetry, Longinus: On the SublimeClement of Alexandria and a Secret Gospel of MarkCodex BrixianusCollectanea Hermetica Collected Papers on Analytical PsychologyCollection of the Essene Writings from Quran (aka The Rule Annex)Collective Dialogues of PlatoColorado of the Medusa, Color Raft of Medusa Commentaries on the Gallic War (Commentarii de Bello Gallico) Comparative PsychologyComplementarities: Uncollected Essays Conceptions of God in Ancient EgyptConcerning The Cave of The NymphsConcerning the Spiritual In ArtConcluding UnscientificConfessionsConscious Transformations in the Structure and Dynamics of His PsycheConsciousness in Concord: The Text of Thoreau's Hitherto Lost Journal (1840-1841) Consolation of PhilosophyConstitution of the United States (U.S.A.)Coral Gardens and their Magic Corpus HermeticumCosmic Consciousness Cosmos: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe CratylusCreative Evolution Creative Mythology (The Masks of God) CritiasCritique of Judgement Critique of Practical Reason Critique of Pure ReasonCritoCrystals and Light Cyclic Time and Ismaili GnosisCymbeline Cyrano de Bergerac Dada Manifesto Daisy Miller Dark Gods (Les dieux obscurs) Das Glasperlenspiel (aka The Glass Bead Game) De Monarchia De Natura Deorum De Re Publica (The Republic)De Recta Ratione Audiendi De Rerum Natura Dead Sea Scroll: The Commentary on the Prophet NahumDeerslayerDelhi DiaryDemian Democracy: A Man Search Democracy: An American Novel Democracy: Real and Deceptive (pamphlet)Democratic Vistas Demonology and Devil WarDer Ring des Nibelungen Des AstronomicaDescent to the Goddess: A Way of Initiation for Women Design for Escape: World Education Through Modern Media DeuteronomyDhun Diagrammatica: The Path to Feynman Diagrams DialoguesDictionary of Analytical PsychologyDictionary of National BiographyDidache: The Teaching of the Twelve ApostlesDisclosing The Past: An AutobiographyDislocations in Plastic Flow and Crystals Doctor Dolittle Doctor Zhivago (book)Dogma and Natural SymbolsDon QuixoteDramas, Fields and Metaphors Symbolic in Action in Human Society Drum-Taps Dulce et Decorum Est Dune (film)Easy Journeys to Other Planets Ecclesiastical History of English PeopleEducation and the Cult of Efficiency: A Study of the Social Forces That Have Shaped the Administration of the Public Schools Educational Reconstruction: A Collection of Gandhiji's Articles on the Wardha Scheme Along With a Summary of the Proceedings of the All India National Educational Conference held at Wardha, 1937Effortless Being Egypt of the Pharaohs: An Introduction Egyptian Book Of The DeadEgyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of HieroglyphsEgyptian Grammer Being an Introduction to the Study of HieroglyphsEgyptian MagicEgyptian Sculpture Egyptian Temples Eight Views of ?mi Einstein: His Life and Universe Electra Elements of TheologyEleusis: Archetypal Image of Mother and Daughter Encounter With the Self: A Jungian Commentary on William Blake's Illustrations of the Book of Job Encyclopaedia Judaica Encyclopedia BritannicaEnquiry Into the Sublime and Beautiful Epilegomena to the Study of Greek Religion Epistles of Paul (aka The Letters of Paul)Epochs of Chinese and Japanese Art: An Outline History of East Asiatic Design Ernst The Polish Rider Eschatology: A Critical History of the Doctrine of a Future Life in Israel and Judaism and in ChristianityEsoteric Mathematics for Understanding PlatoEsoterism and SymbolEssay on Human Understanding Essay on WotanEssays in Psychical Research (The Works of William James)Etruscan PlacesEuclid's Elements Euclid's Elements of Geometry EuthydemusEuthyphroEvening Shower at Atake and the Great Bridge Evening Snow on Mount Hira Existentialism and Humanism: Three Essays ExodusExperience and Education Experience and Nature Fable of Cupid and Psyche Fahrenheit 451 Fall of the Roman RepublicFama FraternitatisFarm House Fasciculus ChemicusFasting in SatyagrahaFaulkner's World: The Photographs of Martin J. Dain FaustFear and Conventionality Federalist PapersFeeling and Form Fifth Symphony Fifty-Three Stages of the Tokaido (book)Finnegans Wake First MaccabeesFlash Gordon and the Red Sword Invaders Flaxman's Illustrations to Homer Following the Equator: A Journey Around the World For Alice and her Friends Forbidden Planet (film)Force and Freedom: An Interpretation of History Four Stages of Greek ReligionFour Ways of Being HumanFragments of A Faith ForgottenFragments of a Zodiac ManuscriptFragments of the Zadokite WorkFrank Lloyd Wright: Writing And BuildingsFrank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater: The House and Its History FrankensteinFrankenstein (film)Franklin's Experiments: A New Edition of Experiments and Observations with Electricity Free and Easy Wandering From Adam's peak to Elephanta: sketches in Ceylon and India From India to the Planet MarsFrom Ritual To RomanceFrom Ritual to Theatre: The Human Seriousness of Play From the Stone Age to Christianity: Monotheism and the Historical Process Full Bloom: The Art And Life Of Georgia O'KeeffeGalaxies (The Harvard books on Astronomy) Gandhi (1982; film)Gandhi Marg JournalGandhi Versus the EmpireGandhi: An Autobiography - The Story of My Experiments with Truth Gandhi: The Last YearsGathas: The Holy Songs of ZarathustraGeneral Lafayette's Visit to Monticello and the University (Virginia University Magazine, vol. 4, 1859)General Psychopathology (Allgemeine Psychopathologie) Genes, Girls, and Gamow: After the Double Helix GenesisGenomesGeorgicsGilgameshGitanjaliGlad Day (illustration) Gleanings in Europe, England Gleanings in Europe, France Gleanings in Europe, Switzerland Glimpses of World HistoryGnosis The Nature and History of GnosticismGo Down, MosesGod Created the Integers: The Mathematical Breakthroughs that Changed History Gods Who Dance Golden Verses of PythagorasGoodbye to All That GorgiasGreek Magical PapyriGreek PietyGregor Mendel: The First Geneticist Gunga Din (film)Hail Chant and Water Chant Hakuin The Ten Bulls Han Fei Tzu Handbook for Satyagrahas: A Manual for Volunteers of Total RevolutionHannibal's LegacyHarijan (newspaper)Harmonies of the World (Harmonices Mundi) Harper's MagazineHarry Potter Harvard Oriental SeriesHaystacks He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (song) Health through Sport (La santé par le sport) Heaven, Earth, and Man in the Book of Changes Hellas: Chorus HellenismHenry Adams: Scientific Historian Henry Adams. The Formative Years. 2 Volumes Henry Moore, Writings and ConversationsHerald of Freedom Hermes Guide of SoulsHermes the Thief: The Evolution of a MythHermetica (Four Volume Set)HiawathaHidden Scholars: Women Anthropologists and the Native American Southwest Hierarchy of Types and the Axiom of Reductability Hieroglyphics of Horapollo NilousHind Swaraj / Indian Home RuleHiroshige's Woodblock Prints: A Guide Historia Ecclesiastica or Historia EcclesiaeHistory Begins at Sumer: Thirty-Nine Firsts in Recorded History History of Civilization: A Complete History of Mankind from Pre-Historic Times History of Florence History of PhilosophyHistory of The Christian Church, A Preparation for The GospelHistory of the Peloponnesian War History of the United States During the Administrations of James Madison History of the United States During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson History of the United States in the Administrations of Jefferson and Madison History of the United States of America During the Administrations of Thomas Jefferson Holy LandHomer (painting) Homeric Hymn to DemeterHosteen Klah: Navaho Medicine Man and Sand Painter Houses for Science: A Pictorial History of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory How Natives Think How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali Huai-Nan TzuHymn on FaithHymn to InannaHymn to Intellectual BeautyHymn to Joy (Hymn to Freedom)Hymn to the BuddhaHymns Before Sunrise in the Vale of Chamouni Hymns from the Vedas Hymns to the Mystic Fire Hymns to the NightI and Thou I ChingI, Claudius IcemanIdeas Upon the Type Problem Idylls of the King Illustrated Tarzan Book 1 Illustrations of the Book of JobImages of Shadows of Divine Things Impressions of Ukiyo-e Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from SumerIndian Opinion (newspaper)Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (film)Indians of the American Southwest Individualism Reconsidered, and other essays Individuals in Thucydides Inner Teachings of the Golden Dawn Innermost Asia: Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia, Kan-su and Eastern IranInternational Journal of ScienceInvestigations Together with an Essay on the Chinese Written Character IonIonIsha Upanishad (Mukhya Upanishad)Isis and OsirisIsland Life or the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras Israel: An Echo of EternityIt's a Grand Night for Singing Jakobson-Pomorska Dialogues Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings JatakaJefferson's "Bible:" The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth JerusalemJerusalem and Rome: The Writings of JosephusJesus in AlexandriaJesus The MagicianJew and Greek: Tutors unto Christ: The Jewish and Hellenistic Background of the New TestamentJewish Gnosticism, Merkabah Mysticism and Talmudic TraditionJewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Era Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman PeriodJewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman World Jews, God and History Jnana YogaJob, A Masque for Dancing John Carter of Mars Book Series John Florio: The Life of an Italian in Shakespeare's England John Jay’s Treaty 1794-95Journey Into Kashmir and Tibet Journey to the Center of the Earth (1959 film)Journey to the Center of the Earth (book) Journey to the WestJuliet of the Spirits (film)Julius Caesar (play)Jung Collected Works Alchemical StudiesJung, His Life and WorkKakuan The Ten Bulls Karma YogaKatha UpanishadKaushitaki Upanishad (Mukhya Upanishad)Kena Upanishad (Mukhya Upanishad)KhadiKimKindergarten Chats and Other Writings King and Queen (sculpture) King Grinch Bible CommentaryKing James BibleKing LearKis? Mountains in Snow Kisokaido Series Klänge Kore Kosmou (Hermetica)L'Amour et PsycheLa Comedie HumaineLabor, Work, Action: The Active Life in the Modern Age LachesLanguage and Myth Last Year at Marienbad Lawrence of Arabia (film)Leaves of GrassLectures on the Apocalypse Lectures on the Philosophy of World HistoryLegends of Our Lady Mary, the Perpetual Version Virgin and her Mother Hanna Letter from Paris to Comrade Kostrov on the Nature of Love Letters to AtticusLetters to C. K. Ogden with comments on the English translation of the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Letters to Friends (Cicero)Letters Upon the Aesthetic Education of ManLeviticusLex Romana CuriensisLi Po And Tu Fu: Poems Selected And Translated With An Introduction And Notes (Penguin Classics)Life MagazineLife of Lao-Tzu Life of PythagorasLife of RamakrishnaLife of VivekanandaLife on the Mississippi Light and Life Light of Iris Liking The Soul to A ProstituteLincoln and His Generals Liquid Helium: Cambridge Monographs on Physics Little Black SamboLittle MenLittle WomenLiving Time and the Integration of the Life Living with Walt Whitman Day by Day Logan's RunLohengrin Looking Backward Lore and Science in Ancient Pythagoreanism Lost Horizon (movie)Love's BodyLucifer – The Light Bringer (magazine) Lumen de LumineLunar Asparagus MacroevolutionMacroevolution, Diversity, Disparity, Contingency: Essays In Honor Of Stephen Jay GouldMad Max Beyond Thunderdome (film)Magic of the Brush Magic Squares and Cubes Mah?bh?rata MahatmaMahatma (film)Mahatma Gandhi: The Last PhaseMahatma Gandhi: The Man who Became One with the Universal BeingMahatma: Life of Gandhi, 1869-1948 (1968; film)MahayanaMahidasa AitareyaMain Currents in American Thought Majjhima Nik?yaMajor Trends in Jewish MysticismMakers of RomeMan and the SupernaturalMan and Time: Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks (Bollingen Series 30, Vol. 3) Man in His Pride: A Study of the Political Philosophy of Thucydides and Plato Man in the Modern Age Manetho: History of Egypt and Other WorksManifest Destiny and Mission in American History ManusmritiMargaret Fuller: A Life of Passion and Defiance Mark Twain: The Development of a Writer Mark Twain’s Fables of Man Mars Masked Gods Masonic Orders of FraternityMasoretic TextMaternity Mathematics in the Time of the PharaohsMatter and Light: The New Physics Max Ernst, A RetrospectiveMax Ernst: Beyond Painting: And Other Writings by the Artist and his Friends Meaning Of MeaningMeditation in Action MeditationsMelancholia Melanesian Design: A Study of Style in Wood and Tortoiseshell Carving Memories, Dreams and ReflectionsMencius on the Mind: Experiments in Multiple Definition MenoMerlin And Vivien MetamorphosesMetamorphosisMetropolisMiami and the Siege of Chicago Microbiology: Hazardous Profession Faces New Uncertainties Mime: The Technique of Silence Mind and Nature Mind from Matter Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling Missing Persons: An AutobiographyMission Interplanetary MistyMoby DickModern Cosmology and the Dark Matter Problem Modern Man in Search of a SoulModern Times (film)Molecular Biology of the Gene Monkey Bridge in Kai Province Mont Blanc Mont Sainte-Victoire Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres MoraliaMorals and DogmaMother and Child Mozart Eine Kleine Nachtmusik Mr. Tomkins Learns the Facts of Life Mr. Tompkins Explores the Atom Mr. Tompkins in Wonderland Mundaka UpanishadMurder TrialsMust We Mean What We Say? A Book of Essays My Funny Valentine My Life in Science: Sydney Brenner, A Life in Science (Lives in Science) Mysterious MountainMysterium ConiunctionisMystical ManMyth and Symbol in Ancient EgyptMyth, Literature And The African WorldMyths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization Myths of the Origins of FireMyths to Live By Nag Hammadi libraryNatural HistoryNatural History (Histoire Naturelle) NatureNature (Journal)Nature and IdeaNature Of Space And TimeNature: The International Journal of ScienceNavajo Bird Tales told by Hosteen Clah Chee Navajo Folk Tales Navajo Medicine Man SandpaintingsNavajo Medicine Men: Sandpaintings Navajo Omens and Taboos Navajo Religion: A Study of Symbolism Neoplatonism and Indian ThoughtNew AtlantisNew Light on the Ancient Mystery of Glastonbury New Testament (Holy Bible)News and Views: A Quantum Less Quirky Niels Bohr (book)Niels Bohr's TimesNiels Bohr's Times: Physics, Philosophy and Polity Night Rain at Karasaki Nine Billion Names of God Ninth SymphonyNo Cross, No CrownNovum OrganumNucleus: A Trip into the Heart of Matter NumbersObservations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime Occidental Mythology (The Masks of God) Occulta PhilosophiaOde To JoyOde to Liberty (poem) Ode to the West Wind Oedipus Rex Oedipus Trilogy Old Testament (Holy Bible)On Ponkawtasset, Since We Took our Way On Psychic EnergyOn The Aesthetic Education Of ManOn the Connection Between the Animal and Spiritual Natures of Man On the Contemplative LifeOn the Edge of the Primeval Forest On the Kabbalah and its SymbolismOn the Laws of Japanese Painting On the MysteriesOn the Natural Philosophy of the Chinese On the Nature of the GodsOn the Notions of Causality and Complementarity On the Shoulders of Giants On the Six-Cornered Snowflake On the Spectrum of the Great Nebula in Andromeda On The SublimeOn World Government; Or De MonarchiaOne Hundred Famous Views of Edo series One Thousand and One Arabian NightsOne Two Three . . . Infinity: Facts and Speculations of Science (Dover Books on Mathematics) One, Two, Three... Infinity Oppenheimer The Open MindOpticksOpus MajusOpus TripartiitumOracle of GodOration on the Dignity of Man Orbis PictusOrders of the Quest Book Series Orders of the Quest, The Holy Grail Oriental Mythology (The Masks of God) Outline History of Greek ReligionOxford Encyclopedia of Ancient EgyptOxford English DictionaryPagan and Christian in an Age of Anxiety: Some Aspects of Religious Experience from Marcus Aurelius to Constantine Paideia: The Ideals of Greek Culture Papers from the Eranos Yearbooks (Bollingen Series)Paradise LostParadisoParallel LivesParmenidesParsifal Parzival (poem)Pashtun (newspaper)PathfinderPatternsPatterns Of CulturePaul Éluard Poésies, 1913-1926 Paul Klee: Bauhaus Master Paul Klee: Notebooks, Volume 2: The Nature of Nature Pearl (poem)Pedagogical Sketchbook Penn's Treaty with the Indians [painting]PentateuchPeople Get Ready (song) Perry Mason (Television show)Persephone and DemeterPhaedoPhaedrusPhage and the Origins of Molecular Biology Pharsalia (De Bello Civili)Phenomenology of the Spirit PhilebusPhilosophiæ Naturalis Principia MathematicaPhilosophical Foundations of Quantum Field Theory Philosophy in a New Key: A Study in the Symbolism of Reason, Rite, and Art Philosophy of Science and the OccultPhoenix: The Posthumous Papers of D.H. Lawrence Phylogenetic Patterns and the Evolutionary Process: Method and Theory in Comparative Biology Pierre: or The AmbiguitiesPistis SophiaPlatform Sutra of the 6th PatriarchPlato: The LawsPlato's Theory of Knowledge Platonic TheologyPlotinusPlotinus the Road to RealityPoems of Heaven and Hell from Ancient Mesopotamia Poimandres (Corpus Hermeticum)Point and Line to Plane Polarity and Analogy: Two Types of Argumentation in Early Greek ThoughtPoor Richard's Almanack Porphyry: On the Life of Plotinus and the Arrangement of His WorkPortraits from the Quattrocento Possible Worlds of Science Fiction Practicing the PresencePraises of GodPrayer to The Virgin of Chartres Prayers Of the Heart for Soren KierkegaardPrecaution Preparation for the GospelPrimavera Primitive Culture V1: Researches Into the Development of Mythology, Philosophy, Religion, Language, Art and Culture Primitive Culture, Volume II Primitive Mythology (The Masks of God) Principia Mathematica Principles of Condensed Matter Physics Principles of Geology Prizzi's HonorProcess and Reality Progress and Poverty Progress of Insight: Treatise on Buddhist Satipatthana Meditation Prolegomena to the Study of Greek ReligionPrometheus BoundPrometheus UnboundProtagorasProtein Folds: A Distance Based Approach Protostars and Planets II Psyche (magazine)Psyche: On the Development of the Soul – Part 1: The UnconsciousPsyche: The Cult of Souls and Belief in Immortality Among the Greeks Psyche's Task: A Discourse Concerning the Influence of Superstition on the Growth of Institutions Psychological TypesPsychology and AlchemyPsychology and LiteraturePsychology and ReligionPsychology of The Unconscious: A Study of the Transformations and Symbolisms of the Libido, A Contribution to the History of the Evolution of ThoughtPtolemaic AlexandriaPtolemy's Theory of Visual PerceptionPutnam’s Magazine (periodical)Pyramid Pyramid TextsPythagoras: His Life and Teachings Pythagorean Plato: Prelude to the Song Itself Pythagoreans and Eleatics: An Account of the Interaction Between the Two Opposed Schools During the Fifth and Early Fourth Centuries Pythian PoemsQED: The Strange Theory Of Light And MatterQuantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena Quantum Field Theory of Point Particles and Strings Quantum Mechanics with Applications to Chemistry Quatermass and the PitR.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots) Raag Marwa (The Forty Minute Raga) Raja YogaRamayanaRamayana (Valmiki)Ratnaguna Samcaya GathaRealm of the Nebula Reason and ReligionReasons and Existenz Records of the Grand Historian of ChinaRecords of the Grand Historian: Qin Dynasty Religious Tradition and Myth Rembrandt The Polish Rider Remembrance of Things Past Representative Men Res Gestae Divi Augusti (The Deeds of the Divine Augustus)Resonator Driven Protein Folding, The Implication Of Topology For Protein Structure Enfolding ResurrectionRevelations of Divine LoveReviews of Modern Physics (Journal)Rhetorica ad Herennium (Rhetoric for Herennius)Ringolevio: A Life Played for Keeps Ritual, Myth and the Modernist Text: The Influence of Jane Ellen Harrison on Joyce, Eliot and Woolf Rosinante to the Road Again Roswell (film)Roughing It Rule of Phase Applied to HistorySadhanaSand Paintings of the Navajo Shooting Chant Sandpaintings of the Navajo Shooting Chant Sands of Iwo Jima (film)Satipatthana Sutta Satthipatthana SutraSatyagraha (newspaper)Satyagraha in ChamparanSatyagraha in South AfricaSaving the Appearances: A Study in Idolatry Scarlet Letter Scheherazade Schelling: An Introduction to the System of FreedomScience and Civilization in ChinaScience and Civilization in China. Volume 1: Introductory Orientations Science in Traditional China: A Comparative PerspectiveScience, Order, and Creativity: A Dramatic New Look at the Creative Roots of Science and Life Secret of the Veda Secretum SecretorumSelected Philosophical Writings of Fung Yu-lan Self-Unfoldment by Disciplines of RealizationSeminar on Dream AnalysisSeptuagint Bible (Greek Old Testament)SermonsSeven Months with Mahatma GandhiSeven Samurai (film)Seventh LetterSex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies Shadow of the Third CenturyShadow's Magic Ring (Radio Show)Shadows of the Mind: A Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness Shakespeare's Collected WorksShakespeare's First Folio: Four Centuries of an Iconic Book Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy Shane (movie)Shatapatha BrahmanaSherlock HolmesShowings Shvetashvatara Upanishad (Mukhya Upanishad)Sibylline Prophecies (Sibylline Books)Siddhartha Silk Road Journeys: When Strangers Meet Sinfonia Antartica (Symphony number 7)Sir Gawain and the Green KnightSir Isaac Newton Theological Manuscripts Sir Philip Sidney: The Major Works Sky King (Radio Show)Smaragdine TabletSocial Freedom: A Study of the Conflict between Social Classifications and Personality Social Rule: A Study of the Will to Power Sonatas and Partitas Song of MyselfSong Of Roland (Le Chanson de Roland)Song of Songs (aka Canticle of Canticles)Sonnets to OrpheusSophistSorcerers of Dobu: The Social Anthropology of the Dobu Islanders of the Western Pacific Sound and Symbol Space-Time Approach to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Speakable and Unspeakable in Quantum Mechanics Speculum AlchemicumSpem in Alium Spider Woman: A Story of Navajo Weavers and Chanters Spinors and Space-Time: Volume 1 Two-Spinor Calculus and Relativistic Fields Spinors and Space-Time: Volume 2 Spinor and Twistor Methods in Space-Time Geometry Spirit in NatureSpiritual Repercussions of the Atomic Bomb Splendor SolisSpring Annual of Archetypal Psychology and Jungian Thought Ssu-ma Ch'ien: Grand Historian of China St. Matthew Passion Star Clusters from the Harvard Observatory Monographs Number 2 Star-BegottenState Fair (movie)StatesmanSteppenwolfSteps to an Ecology of Mind Stoics and Skeptics String Figures and How to Make Them Supreme Doctrine: Psychological Studies in Zen Thought Sutta NipataSwan Lake Symbol and Reality: Studies in the philosophy of Ernst Cassirer Symbols of Eternity: The Art of Landscape Painting in China Symbols of Human GestaltsSymmetry Symphony Number 6 (the Pastoral SymphonySynchronicity: An Acausal Connecting PrincipleSynchronicity: The Bridge Between Matter and Mind Synesius of Cyrene Philosopher-BishopTa Chuan: The Great Treatise: The Key to Understanding the I Ching and Its Place in Your Life Taittiriya Upanishad (Mukhya Upanishad)Talavakara UpanishadTalks on the Gita Tannhäuser Tanning Eine kleine NachtmusikTao Te ChingTarzan Tarzan of the Apes Techniques of Differential Topology in Relativity Testament of AbrahamTestament of AdamTestament of IsaacTestament of JacobTestament of JobTestament of MosesTestament of SolomonTestaments of the Twelve PatriarchsTetrabiblosThe Absolute Differential Calculus (The Calculus of Tensors) The Acts of JohnThe Acts of the ApostlesThe Adams-Jefferson Letters: The Complete Correspondence Between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail and John AdamsThe Adepts in the Western Esoteric Tradition: Orders of the QuestThe Adventures of a Microbe During 3000 Years The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The AeneidThe Agricola The Aitareyan AranyakaThe Alchemical DevelopmentThe Alexandria ProjectThe Alexandrian Wars The American DemocratThe American Lyceum: Town Meeting of the Mind The American TranscendentalistsThe Amphitheatre of Eternal WisdomThe Analects of ConfuciusThe Anchor BibleThe Ancient Library of QumranThe Ancient Romances: A Literary-Historical Account of Their Origins The Annals of Imperial RomeThe Anthropology of Experience The Anthropology of Performance The Antiquity of Man The Apocalypse of Saint JohnThe Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha of the Old TestamentThe Apologia Pro Judea's (aka The Apology for the Jews)The Apology of SocratesThe Apotheosis of Homer (Painting)The Aquarian ConspiracyThe AranyakasThe Archetypes and Collective UnconsciousThe Art of Memory The Art of Writing: Lu Chi's Wen Fu The Artistry of Aeschylus and Zeami: A Comparative Study of Greek Tragedy and No The Ascension of Isaiah The Ascent of ManThe Ascent of Man (tv series)The AsclepiusThe Asseriac PsalmThe AtharvavedaThe Atom Bomb and the Future of Mankind The Autobiography of an Idea The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin The Autonomy of the Unconscious MindThe Autumn Wind The Awakening of Faith in the Mahayana The Babylonian TalmudThe BacchaeThe Bacchae of Euripides: A Communion Rite The Bandlet of Righteousness: An Ethiopian Book of the Dead The Bear The Beast in the Jungle The Beasts of Tarzan The Beat of a Different Drum: The Life and Science of Richard FeynmanThe Best of Science Fiction The Bhagavad Gita or The 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