Search result(s) for "Yeats"

Series Name Matches: Archetypal Studies: C.G. Jung and W.B. Yeats, 1988 (Series)
Presentation Name Matches: Yeats (1865-1939) (The Twentieth Century, 1984) Modes of Images in Jung's Psychology and Yeats Poetry and Visions (Archetypal Studies: C.G. Jung and W.B. Yeats, 1988)
Artist Name Matches: William Butler (W. B.) Yeats (Artist) Georgie Yeats (Bertha Georgie Yeats) (Artist)
Art Works Name Matches: Yeats's Poetry, Drama, and Prose: A Norton Critical Edition (Work) The Ten Principal Upanishads (Work)
Transcript Text Matches: Satyagraha in Champaran (Gandhi, 1983) Caesar as Archetype (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Archetypal Alexandria (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Numenius (fl. 160) and Plotinus (207-270) (Ancient Rome (1984-1985): Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch, 1984) Ezra Pound (Hermetic America: Twentieth Century America, 1985) Theodore Roethke and Robinson Jeffers (Hermetic America: Twentieth Century America, 1985) Paracelsus (Part 3) (Hermetic Tradition (New Series), 1986) The Vision Seminars (1930-1934) (The Alchemical Core of Jung's Work, 1987) Conscious Transformations in The Structure and Dynamic of the Psyche (1960) and The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious (1959) (The Alchemical Core of Jung's Work, 1987) Upanishads (Great Spiritual Classics of the Orient: 2500 B.C. to 300 A.D., 1981) Interval 2 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 4 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 5 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 6 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Vision 7 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Art 12 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) History 10 (Differential Consciousness, 1998) Nature 11 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Ritual 5 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Ritual 9 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Ritual 11 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Interval 3 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 5 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 8 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 9 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 10 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 11 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Symbol 12 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Vision 8 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Vision 9 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Art 6 (Differential Consciousness, 2000) Ritual 4 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Ritual 5 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Symbol 9 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Symbol 10 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Symbol 11 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Symbol 12 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Vision 11 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Art 7 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Art 10 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Interval 7 (The Learning Civilization, 2006) Presentation 12 (Shared Presence, 2009) Presentation 25 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 26 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 27 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 28 (The Future and The New Past, 2015) Presentation 31 (The Future and The New Past, 2015)