Spiritual Classics of the Late Middle Ages, 1983
by: Roger Weir
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Spiritual Classics of the Late Middle Ages
4 of 13 presentations available
Thursdays, Apr 7, 1983 to Jun 30, 1983
- Millennialists of the Year 1000 AD and Joachim of Fiore: The Realm of the Holy Ghost (1135-1202)
Recorded: April 7, 1983
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no audio available - Avicenna (980-1037): The Visionary Recital
Recorded: April 14, 1983
no audio available - Geoffrey of Monmouth (1090-1155): History of the Kings of Britain
Recorded: April 21, 1983
no audio available - Maimonides (1135-1204): Guide for the Perplexed; Spanish Jews and the Exodus back to Egypt; Beginnings of Kabbalah
Recorded: April 28, 1983
no audio available - Ibn Arabi (1165-1240): Journey to the Lord of Light; The Man of Light; Creative Intuition; Inner Alchemy
Recorded: May 5, 1983
no audio available - Wolfram von Eschenbach (1170-1217): Parzival The Arthurian Quest in Germany
Recorded: May 12, 1983
no audio available - Robert Grosseteste (c. 1168-1253): Testament of Light; Bishop of Lincoln; Philosophy at Oxford; Master of Roger Bacon
Recorded: May 19, 1983
no audio available - St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226): The Little Flowers; Founding of the Franciscan Order; Giotto's Paintings of His Life
Recorded: May 26, 1983
no audio available - Albertus Magnus (1200-1280): The Alchemist's Handbook - Dominican, Alchemist, Master of Thomas Aquinas
Recorded: June 2, 1983
no audio available - Roger Bacon (c. 1220-1292): Speculum Alchemicum, Opus, Majus, Secretum, Secretorum. The First Renaissance Man, Inventor, Scientist, Translator, Cipher Writings
Recorded: June 9, 1983play audio
- St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274): The Summa Theologica and Aurora Consurgens
Recorded: June 16, 1983play audio
- Raymond Lull (c. 1235-1315): Spanish Mystic, Professor of Arabic, Founder of Christian Cabala
Recorded: June 23, 1983play audio
- Marco Polo (1254-1324): Travels, Greatest of Medieval Travelers, China under Kublai Khan: A New Era
Recorded: June 30, 1983play audio