Herod and Hanna, Politics and Myth

Presented on: Tuesday, July 9, 1985

Presented by: Roger Weir

Herod and Hanna, Politics and Myth

Transcript (PDF)

Ancient Rome: Rome, Essenes, Alexandria, and the Book of Enoch
Presentation 30 of 54

Herod and Hanna, Politics and Myth
Presented by Roger Weir
Tuesday, July 9, 1985


Between Herod and Hanna, Politics and Myth. Herod and Hannah: Politics and Myth. Do you know who Hannah was? Uh, Hannah was the mother of the Virgin Mary.

I thought that was Ann.

I would change it every day.

I never know what to do.

Sometime I read a book. Okay. I want to start with two quotations. Um, one of them is from Shelley and it's from his drama called, uh, Hellas. A lyrical drama, and it was written in Italy in 1821, the last year of Shelley's life. It's in the poetical works of Shelley, and I'm reading from page 477. As you know, Shelley was a forerunner of of mine, and towards the end of his life in Italy, he was charged by the geography of Italy, sensitive mystics, um ah, um, affected by geography. They have to find the right place on the earth for them and and go there and be there. And for Shelley, it was, um, Italy. And this is a prophetic. A couple of lines from A chorus from Heller's. The world's great age begins anew. The golden years return. The earth doth like a snake renew. Her winter. Weeds outgrown. Heaven smiles and fates and empires gleam. Like wrecks of a dissolving dream. A brighter Hellas rears its mountains from waves. Serene or far. A new peneus rolls his fountains against the morning star. Where fairer tempts bloom their sleep. Young cyclists on a sunnier deep. A loftier Argo cleaves the main. Fraught with a later prize. Another Orpheus sings again and loves and weeps and dies. A new Ulysses leaves once more Calypso for his native shore. Okay, that's 1821. And that's one of the great visionary romantic poets of the modern age. And now we go back 1900 years to Virgil's fourth Eclogue.

Same kind of poet, sir. Same kind of age. Listen to the language. Now, the last age of Kumi's prophecy has come. The great succession of centuries is born afresh. Now, too, the Virgin returns Saturn's rule, returns a new begetting now descends from heaven's height. O chaste Lucina, look with blessing on the boy whose birth will end the iron race at last, and raise a golden through the world. Now your Apollo rules. Shelley and Virgil. Both heralding a new age, both challenging, with visionary poetry like a cannon shot against a stockade, challenging the stultified ideas with a vision of newness that was from Virgil's fourth Ecologue and it is known as the Messianic Eclogue. And of course, because of the tremendous symbolism in it, the Christian Church traditionally considered Virgin a pre-Christian Christian, and it was because of this that Dante chose him as his guide through the realms up to heaven, and that Virgin could not go into Paradise because he died before Christ's mission. But on the strength of the Fourth Eclogue, Virgil was incorporated in the Christian ethos as a legitimate, um, religious seer. He also had the reputation throughout medieval ages as being the greatest magician of antiquity. Virgil and Shelley speak both of an era, of an age where there was a massive collision of two streams of human experience that usually are different. They usually, in fact, are never much more than parallel, but that there are times when they come together and when they come together.

It's like an explosion, an explosion of ideas. And this explosion of ideas elicits from the subconscious, from the feeling tones, uh, elements and contents that were long buried. And they are thrown up. And out of this volcanic upheaval comes the basic material, the magma of the psyche for a new age. The two streams. Our mythology and politics, and we've gotten to the stage in archetypal Alexandria, the development of that age, to see those two beginning to come together. We won't get to the clash tonight, but we'll delineate both those streams and show how they were on their way, and that by the time. Zero BC zero AD comes around. It was an inevitable happening. Its glacial roots were centuries long and that the pace had increased pell mell. The political figure who most encapsulates, um, the age is Herod the Great. Everyone remembers Herod from Sunday School, and Herod is the figure that we have to look at. The other figure is the mother of the Virgin Mary. And I'm going to style her name Hannah instead of Anne, because I'm going to use, um, a Wallis Budge's translation from the Ethiopic. And the reason for this is that the Ethiopic Christian documents are pristine. They're the most exquisite that we can have. Just to give you some idea. A lot has been made about the translation of the Bible and the Elizabethan times.

Uh, the English Bible, the King James Bible was based upon an edition which was collated, um, originally by Erasmus, 1516. And Erasmus had to hurry up his production because of vicissitudes at the time, and in fact he used manuscripts that some of them were no later than his own lifetime, and the earliest manuscripts that Erasmus use only went back to the 13th century, and in fact he had to use Latin manuscripts, which he translated into Greek to fill in certain lacunae. And it was Erasmus edition of 1516 that was um printed around 1551, and the printer was given a Latin name, Stephanus, and it was the third edition of Stephanus that was used to make the translation of the King James Bible is absolutely fraught with errors and inconsistencies. Absolutely beautiful poetic Renaissance, Elizabethan language, and almost a skewed misrepresentation of the Bible, Old Testament and new. Unfortunately, this was not realized until the 20th century, and now the great translation of the Anchor Bible in 60 volumes, when it's ever finished by the end of the century, will give us at last a decent text. I think there are 40 volumes that are out so far, but I'm using the Ethiopic because the Ethiopic manuscripts are pristine. They were never tampered with. There were no editorial committees. And so I'm using Budge's Legends of Our Lady Mary, the Perpetual Version Virgin and her mother Hanna, translated from the Ethiopic manuscripts collected by King Theodore and in the British Museum.

And I'll be using that after we talk about Herod for just a little bit. This is for source material, the budge on the mythology of the lineage of Jesus as it came through the Virgin Mary, as exemplified by her mother, which is very important. Herod is a peculiar character, and I'm not bringing out Josephus, who is the best source because it's so spread out in Josephus. We wouldn't have time tonight. So I'm going to use a couple of other documents which you can avail yourselves of. First of all, this book is by Max Dimont Jews, God and History. And I got this from Max 1962, and this is one of the best general books on Jewish history. The other one is by Abram Leon Sarkar, A history of the Jews, fifth edition, published by Alfred Knopf. And this is an exquisite book. Both these books give you Jewish history from a Jewish standpoint. They make no bones about it, their prejudice for their people and their tradition, and they give us the strongest that we can have. Now, Herod is a very peculiar figure, and we have to understand here that Herod was not really Jewish, that Herod's family came from south of Judea. They were Edomites. And in fact, Herod was half Arabian and half Jewish from the Edomite fringes. In fact, we have to conceive now that Israel was not a monolithic country ever until, um, the Crusades. It was only during the Crusades that the kingdom of Akra was put together.

And of course, contemporary Israel is a reincarnation of the Kingdom of Akra. It's got the same dimensions and the same problems that it had in the Crusades. This is merely the eternal return of historical cycles. But in classical times, in ancient times, as we have shown, there were two Jewish kingdoms. There was the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah, and they were separate. And the Kingdom of Israel died out. The Kingdom of Israel died out around the seven hundreds. And because of the dying out of the Kingdom of Israel, the great prophetic traditions began at that time. Isaiah is the strong voice, but the kingdom of Judah, if you remember, survived the Babylonian exile. And this is about the time of the prophet Jeremiah. And Jeremiah is totally different from Isaiah. Isaiah is the apocryphal voice of a prophet speaking about the end of an age, the end of a people, and Jeremiah is the prophet speaking about the sorrowful lamentations of a people who are going to survive, but under duress. And of course, it was Jeremiah's father, Hilkiah, who, along with his, uh, friend and companion Ezra, who put together the first Bible, the first of the materials of the Old Testament, put them into writing. And the peculiar thing is that that happened almost at the same time that Rome was being founded, so that the Old Testament.

As a written collection of scripture and the city of Rome are contemporaneous. They come into history at the same time, the same time period, and they have a peculiar affinity. And it is this affinity of politics and mythology on a collective level that will push in the time of Jesus with an almost glacial like, uh, dominance, but an almost rocket like acceleration, and make Rome in its political hierarchy. And the Old Testament in its mythic dimensions, come to a collision course. Herod, then, is not from Judea, not from Judah. He's not Jewish, but he's an Edomite. And in fact, the Edomites were incorporated into the Jewish state under the point of sword about 135 BC, 140 to 135 BC by John Hyrcanus. You remember the five Maccabee brothers, and you remember how the son of Simon Maccabee, the last of the Maccabees, was John Hyrcanus, who made himself high priest and king at the same time. The first man in Jewish history to ever assume both offices at the same time. He conquered the Edomites, and he also conquered the Galileans at the same time, and forced both Galilee as a province and Adam as a province to convert to Judaism or die. And this was the first time in Jewish history that anything like this ever happened. This, as Max Dimont points out, is the beginning of the end of the Jewish state. Because Herod will be the descendant of the Edomites and Jesus will be the descendant of the Galileans.

And they were never Jewish until their ancestors were forced to convert around 135 BC. So we have all kinds of odd tones going on here, and what we assumed was a history so bland, so easy to remember by rote from Sunday school and school that we never realize that the cracks are lightning bright and abyss wide. Herod's father was named Antipater, and right away you have a Greek name, Antipater. And in fact, Antipater comes into, um, history. With the support of the Hellenistic culture and the way that he comes into power, and then leaves the northern part of the kingdom to his son Herod, that is Galilee. All this becomes very, very, uh, symbolic because Herod will first come into power by having a domination of Galilee. In Jewish history, after the Maccabeans, after John Hyrcanus, there was a long period of dissension and the Maccabean power, which had made Jewish kings ruling over a Jewish state a reality, slowly degenerated until 78 BC, and there seemed to be an odd hiatus around 78 BC. At that time, the tyrant Alexander Jannaeus, the Jewish king, was named Alexander Jannaeus died and his wife became the regent. She's the only, um official queen ruling over the Jewish state, and her name was Alexandra. And for about ten years this woman, undoubted in history, ran a beautiful Jewish state. In fact, uh Demandt uh, points out how the Jews remembered as a golden age.

She instituted vast social reforms. Upon the advice of her brother, a rabbi, she founded free elementary schools and made primary education compulsory for boys and girls, so that in the first century before Christ, in a world full of illiteracy, illiteracy among the Jews and the tiny Kingdom of Palestine was for all practical purposes, banished. This is an outstanding event. It means that you have a literate population who learned not only Hebrew, but they learned Greek. Remember now that this is extremely important, because the use of the Hebrew language is one of the great problems in Jewish history. How can I how can I make you appreciate the earth shaking quality of this? Moses is said to have stuttered and had a speech impediment, and therefore Aaron had to speak for him. He did not have a speech impediment. It was that he couldn't speak Hebrew. He was raised in Egypt. He spoke Egyptian, and so he spoke Hebrew in a stuttering sort of a way. And this is why Aaron had to speak for him. The use of the Hebrew language has to be precise. Otherwise the prayers, the incantations are not effective. The pronunciation has to be exact. If you learn Greek as well as Hebrew, Greek has such a wide application, and the Greek language and its syntax is of a whole different nature from the Hebrew syntax. The Hebrew syntax is exacting. The Greek syntax is amplification. Make something up. Make something synthetic, so that the Jewish mind, because of Alexandra's universal literacy, suffered a sea change, and when she died in 69 BC.

Judaism was a dying religion. It was almost a effaced because of the bad experience of their own kings becoming monstrous and tyrants. And so the two sons of Alexandria, who were literate in Hebrew but also literate in Greek and in Latin, began fighting with each other. And finally one of the sons appealed to Rome, and the Roman general who came to settle the issue was Pompeii and Pompeii. In 63 BC, realizing that the situation was beyond any kind of organizational control for the Jews, took away the Jewish power from Jewish kings. And it's then that the House of Herod comes into history. And they were part Jews, so they could sympathize with the Jewish tradition. But they were very much Hellenistic citizens who spoke Latin and who spoke Greek and thought in Greek terms, so that the Romans could deal with them, so that the Roman power then made these people the controlling factors in Jewish history. This was a thorn in the side of the traditional Jewish understanding of history, especially mystical history. And more and more they began to cry out against this, and Herod becomes the great figure. He is the fulcrum of what is wrong with the Greek world, what is wrong with Roman rule and what is needed in Jewish rule. One of the criticisms that we will see of Jesus will be that he is a world Savior and is not a Savior of the Jewish people as a separate, distinct people.

This is one of the criticisms. So Herod comes in. And when he comes in. Julius Caesar, who has displaced Pompeii, becomes the first patron. And then, of course, with Caesar's assassination and death, Herod looks for a new patron. He's learned from his father. He's learned the way in which a Hellenistic Jew had to learn to keep power, find the strongest person around, and stick with them. So the strongest person around after the death of Caesar was Anthony Mark Anthony. And so Herod apprenticed himself to Mark, Anthony and Anthony, liking having a little power and a little control in this most troublesome of states where all the routes went through it, all the land roads go through Judah supported him. And so Herod gained in power. And in fact Herod went to Rome, and it was in Rome that one of the most ironical things of, of in all of Jewish history happened. The Roman Senate, not the Jewish Sanhedrin, approved Herod as king of the Jews, and Herod ascended to the temple of the Capitoline Jupiter with Octavius and with Mark Anthony, and sacrificed to Jupiter for having been made king of the Jewish state. And then he went back home with all kinds of money and Roman power, arms and so forth. And for a while he produced a golden age, just like Alexandria had done beautiful buildings.

He rebuilt the Temple of Solomon on a scale that was several times the size of Solomon's Temple. Josephus says in the Jewish Wars that when the sun rose and shone on the temple, it was like folded white clouds with gold roofs lining every which way. And shimmering in the sunlight. It was grand. Jerusalem began to look like a dream. He developed the seaport of Caesarea, so much so that it became the capital of the Jewish state, and one of the great seaports in the eastern Mediterranean. It displaced Sidon and Tyre and all of the other seaports along the coast. But this was only the political surface. And on the political surface, Herod had, in a machiavellian style, played his cards exactly right. He did not ever understand what hit him, because under the surface, the great mythological volcano was coming into contact with the political arena. And Herod would be electrocuted, like Marc Anthony was by the archetypal energies that were being released at that time. Herod increasingly showed symptoms of psychotic behavior and finally went almost completely insane. He killed his own wife, Miriam, who whom he loved dearly. He had two of his sons strangled who were supposed to take over from him, and a third, his last son. He drowned, and he began pacing the palace late at night, disheveled and ranting in the pure air. And he ended up like a madman, a complete psychotic.

He ended up like Mark Antony, somebody who was broke by the energies. He thought there were personal energies. He thought there were political things to understand. He didn't understand at all that when the ocean rises up, it doesn't matter what kind of stick facades you have made, they are all going to be washed away by it. Nothing will stand. And Herod is the great example, like Mark Anthony, of somebody being electrocuted by divine fire. In fact, it is right at the end of Herod's reign in four BC that he gives the decree that all the male children be killed because three Magi have come from Chaldea, three of the ancient astrologers who have said, by our calculations, a new age begins now here in this country, somewhere some male child here bears the universal energies. And Herod, of course, all by this time completely psychotic, orders the killing of the male children. The fact that the birth of Jesus coincides with this is one of the great synchronicities of world history actually happened, actually is true. Herod has many other aspects to himself, and I wish I could go into it, but I'm going to have to shift over here now to the other. What about these archetypal energies, about the only way that we can get a just feel for them is to go back here to the Ethiopic manuscript that Wallis Budge was kind enough to devote his life to translating these things.

I guess, you know, there are about 40 or 50 books which he did. I may have told some of you at one time. Budge was discovered at the age of 11 or 12. Um, a rich British lord discovered that he was an intellectual prodigy. He was one of these people who, like Gerta, had an IQ of like about 200. And he had a great facility for languages. So this English lord took budge aside as a as a young adolescent and had him trained to learn all of the ancient languages, which he did. And in fact, he's the one who did the Encyclopedia of Egyptian Hieroglyphics. He read every major language in the ancient world, and he spent all of his life as the keeper of antiquities in the British Museum, um, bringing these esoteric items out and translating them. Budge is really the great figure, not a wait. Budge is the great figure he is. He is the protean master at the beginning of the 20th century, who delivers to us in the English language all of the hidden, uh, documents, also from the Ethiopian. He translated the Ethiopian book of Alexander the Great. He translated a book called The Bandolier of Righteousness, a bandolier as a honorary sash, and many other books. And so this is the legends of Our Lady Mary, the perpetual Virgin, and her mother, Hannah. Um, Hannah comes from the aspirant, and Hannah is without the aspirant. But in the Ethiopic, because of their great integrity, you remember, the symbol of Ethiopian faith is to not build a church on top of the land, but to carve out solid rock so that the space carved out in the rock is the church, great crosses carved in solid rock so that the church is the space in the rock, not the construction of man on top of the rock.

This is the. This is the excellent purity of the of the Ethiopian spirit. And it is very, very fine. The King of Ethiopia was called the Lion of Judah. Why? Because he is the protector of the faith. Unskilled, and the symbol, the Hermetic knight symbol of Ethiopia was Saint George. Saint George and the Dragon. The British took it during the Crusades from the Ethiopians. The very important people. All right, it begins. Let us return and again praise the daughter of Joaquim and Hana. That is to say, the Virgin Mary, the seat of the flame, whose name is Emmanuel. So Mary is called the seat of the flame. Jesus is referred to as the flame. Why? This is the. This is the sacred flame and the Sacred Flame. If you remember your Rosicrucian symbolism, the sacred Flame burns on the heart so that the Virgin Mary is the heart of of the universe. Very often, um, you'll see, like in Carl Jung's wife's book, Emma Jung on the Grail mystery, the Sacred Mandala and the Grail mystery was not the Cup.

It was not the crater. It was a heart, the heart of Jesus, with a quaternary of two hands and two feet. The hands with the stigmata and the feet with the stigmata. So that there was just a heart with the quaternary of the hands and the feet, each with the stigmata. But inside the heart was a flame. And this was the, the essence of of transformation. The difference between Christianity and Judaism was that Christianity was a religion of transformation. Judaism is always a return back to what is. Christianity a transformation to what will be the Jewish interpretation of the voice from the burning bush is I am that I am. But the esoteric Christian interpretation takes the same words and translates it I will be what I will be, which is different. Which is historical, which is eschatological, which opens everything up. So the flame Mary is the seat of the flame, whose name is Emmanuel. And let us tell the story of her begetting by an honorable and righteous old man. Is it that she is young? No, it is that Hannah is very, very old. In fact, she is beyond the age of child birth. In fact, she and her husband Joaquim, are very old people and are castigated by their neighbors, by the synagogue participants. For not having children. It's a curse. You're useless. And they were about to be exiled. They were about to be banished from the community for not having children.

And as we'll see, they pray. They pray together. And Joaquim prays like job prays. Why have you taken all this from me? Give us a child. The humility in joaquim's prayer job like is not give me a son. It's give us a child. There's a difference. Give me a son is a macho thing. Give us a child. We'll take any boy or a girl is different. And it's this kind of a purity that is emphasized. In the mythology. There will be two elements of this purity which were originally together in eternity. One of them will be a white bird. The other will be a white pearl. And the legends will show us that the white pearl was placed in Adam. And this white pearl Adam carried within himself. And this white pearl was passed on to every male member in the Jewish religion, in the Jewish tradition, in the Jewish historical lineage. But the Ethiopian manuscript is absolutely clear on the point that it was never passed on through a woman. Because the first time this white pearl is passed from a man to the womb of a woman is when the Virgin Mary is conceived in the womb of Hannah, the white bird is passed on through the feminine. The Holy Spirit is through the feminine, not through the masculine. And this white bird is a reoccurring contact of the spirit. We might think colloquially that this is a visionary image, and you can think that way for a little while, but catch yourself on it, because it's not that that would be a Greek interpretation.

The Jewish tradition is very clear that this is not psychological. This is not an image, this is spiritual, and therefore it is a symbol. That is to say, an image occurs within a feeling matrix, but a symbol occurs where there is a conscious thought intention. So that is different. The white bird, the Holy Spirit, comes through the female lineage. And when we'll see when Hannah recognizes this white bird on a certain night, it's then that she lays with her old husband, and he then realizes that it is time. He doesn't realize consciously, but he realizes in a responsive way that it is time to pass this white pearl on. He doesn't know that it's a white pearl. He doesn't know that he has this, but he feels that in his semen there is something different now. And this is the conception of the Virgin Mary, the meeting of the white bird of the Holy Spirit, and the meeting of this white pearl, which is a transcendental element through the masculine. And they meet. And that's the conception of the Virgin Mary, which makes her an eternal figure. She is conceived from eternity in this way, but it's an eternity that, for a purpose, was just, uh, how can I say this? Not split apart, but made to operate in two different lineages, a masculine and a feminine, so that at some time in a future they could come back together.

This shape, if you visualize it in your mind, makes of historical time a kind of a vesica piscis. So that the God of history is giving birth to a mystery. The God of history is giving birth to a mystery whose resonant parallels have one element in eternity and one element now in eternity, brought into time. So that what is being born now will be a mystery of of history out of eternity. So that whatever happened in previous time is all brought together in a culmination, so that what happens in time after this has a mystical nature. It no longer is, um, uh, following the patterns that used to be. This is when this will be seen in Alexandria around 50 to 60 A.D.. This will make the New Testament. This will make it a New Testament. It has to be a New Testament because now history is mystically informed. It is conscious. Of its eternity, which is different. All right. Continuing here in the history of Hannah. Here is how the recension gives it. In the beginning, God made the heavens that are above and all that is therein. He created this earth, and after that the garden of life. And he also created the sun, the moon, the stars, the sea, the abysses, the fish, the birds of the heavens that fly. Beasts, great and small, created everything and ordered it well.

And when he had made an end of creating his creation, he created our father Adam, in his own form and likeness. And he breathed upon him the spirit of life. At that time Mary, the daughter of Joaquim, existed in the belly of Adam in the form of a white pearl which shone in his right side and was a perfect likeness of her. This is the alchemical homonculus, but in the feminine version, and the similitude of her flew up into the heights of heaven. The similitude of her then went up. This is the Gnostic idea that our heavenly garment, who we are in a heavenly way, is actually real. But it's not here on earth, but is in in heaven, in Paradise. It is up to us to make a vehicle that will invite that heavenly self to come in and be here and live this life. That's the purity. It's a very powerful conception. I'm sorry to call it a conception, but we have to use that kind of language. It is a reality also, of course. Again, God showed it unto Moses in the desert when he was telling him how to make the building of her tabernacle. Her tabernacle. A different emphasis. What has happened is that Sophia, the image of Sophia, has entered in to the consciousness. And is transforming this whole vision, this whole structure, from a masculine emphasis now to a feminine emphasis. Is on the feminine, that the seat of the holy flame will burn.

And God commanded him to make a tabernacle of wood that could not be eaten by worms, and to cover it with gold, both the inside and the outside thereof, in that holy tabernacle. God commanded him to place the two tablets of stone where were written the ten words. Ten words, the origin of the Sephiroth, not the Ten Commandments. More poignantly, the ten words, the writing whereof was the writing of God. It isn't the language of men. It isn't capable of of having the amplitude of the Greek mind. It has the incisive exactness of the Hebrew mind. Ten words. And above that tabernacle was the mercy seat of gold. And above the mercy seat were the cherubim, which were carved of gold. And from this tabernacle God was wont to appear unto Moses, and unto Aaron, and unto the many priests to whom he wished to appear. And Solomon also built a sanctuary in the form of this tabernacle of cedar wood. They go on to describe it. Then after a few days, God spake to the children of Israel, when they provoked him to wrath, saying, where is the house which ye can build for my resting place? Where is the place pit for my habitation? Behold, the habitation whereunto I will come is that which the hand of man hath not made, and which shall be the salvation of Adam and his posterity. Then they give us a lineage.

Then the Ethiopian tradition gives us a lineage. Solomon begat Nathan. Nathan begat Levi. Levi begat Mata. Mata and Kesiraja. And Kesiraja begat Joaquim, the father of Our Lady Mary, the Holy Virgin. Now Mahant begat three daughters. The name of the eldest was Mary. The name of the second was Sophia. The name of the third was Hannah. Mary bore Salome. Sophia bore Elizabeth, who was the mother of John the Baptist, and Hannah bore Mary the Virgin Mary, so that John the Baptist and the Virgin Mary were cousins. And a cousin of theirs was Salome. They're all in the same family. But even more mysterious. Even more mysterious. Similarly, Joseph was descended from David the King. Joseph, the husband of Mary, is also descended from David the King. Joseph and Mary were related. They were distant relations, but they were related. This is like the conservation of the royal blood, but on a massive scale. On a massive scale. For when Nathan, the brother of James, died, Matthew married his widow so that he might raise up seed to his brother, and he begat Eli, and Eli begat Joseph. So that Joseph and Mary were related to each other, says the Ethiopian manuscript. And when Nathan died, Mattathias, son of Levi, married his widow, who was of the family of Solomon, of the tribe of Judah. And he begat by her a son called his name Eli. So then he became the brother of James, and of Joaquim, and Eli married his wife, and he died without begetting a son.

James took the widow to wife and begat her Joseph, the spouse of Our Lady Mary. And we will also declare unto you how Our Lady Mary was descended from Adam. So Hannah and her husband Joaquim were second cousins, and Mary and Joseph were also related. So that, um, the son of Mary, Jesus will be a second cousin to John the Baptist. They're all in the same family. This is how Mary was descended from Adam, from Adam, from Adam. She came down into the body of Seth, shining like a white pearl. And from Seth she came into the body of Enos. Notice there's no middle woman. Enos does not get it from his mother. He gets it because there is a lineage, a spiritual lineage going through the men and the spiritual lineage going through the men is this white pearl, eternal essence that will be the seed of the Virgin Mary, but will not be able to open up until it meets the white bird, the Holy Spirit, in the womb of Hannah. So from Seth, she came into the body of Enos, from Enos to K9, from K9 to Mahalalel, from Mahalalel to Jared, from Jared to Enoch, from Enoch to Methuselah, from Methuselah to Lamech, from Lamech to Noah. In this wise she dwelt in their bodies, passing from the body of one into the body of the other.

And again she dwelt in the bodies of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And from Jacob she came to Judah. Then she came to David, and to Solomon. And passing from one to the other, she came finally to Joaquim, so that all of the major men and all of Jewish history are linked together by a thread of eternity, which is this white pearl, which is the seed of the Virgin Mary. The essence of the masculinity, the anima of the masculine element of the Jewish race was the seed of the Virgin Mary. This is much more profound than just some metaphysical speculations. And Joaquim said unto Hannah, his wife, I saw the heavens opened, and a white bird went forth therefrom, and hovered over my head. And likewise Hannah said unto him, I had a dream this day. And I saw a dove sitting upon my head, and it entered into my belly. Notice that it's, um, from the head down. It's the obverse of Athena being born from the head of Zeus. The white dove comes to the head and goes in that way. Why? Because the white dove, the Holy Spirit, is a conscious element coming in. But the white pearl is a metaphysically natural element, so that the white dove is a conscious spirit. But the white pearl is an eternal naturalness, so that spirit and nature again come together. Notice the purity here obviates any interference with the psychic realm. There is no mind involved here at all.

It's spirit in nature, and this is what makes it pure. This is what makes it eternal. And this is what occurs. And a psychic holocaust in a time where the mental capacities were being completely frank. How did Livy say, we can no longer stand our vices, nor can we stand the cures that are needed for them. We're trapped in a limbo of madness. The entire age. The entire population. Here comes some impossible possible being who is of the harmony of spirit and nature. No mind, no psychic whatsoever. And on that altar on that seat will burn the flame, the Messiah. This is the seventh day of the month, August 31st. Hannah then conceived Our Lady Mary on the day that God blessed the last day of August. Blessed is he who shall clothe the naked. Blessed is he who shall feed the hungry. Blessed is he who shall set free him that is in prison. Blessed is he who shall visit the sick on that day. For he shall obtain a portion of the kingdom of heaven with Joaquim, and with Hannah, and with Mary the Virgin, forever and ever. Amen. This is the. This is the quality of writing. And every once in a while in the manuscript, the, uh, writer, the, uh, and his scribe amanuensis will take time out to bring a blessing in and then call blessings upon themselves. The scribe is named Gabriel Christos, and the writer is named Gabriel Miriam.

And these were Ethiopian individuals around, um, the second or third century A.D. then there is a great salutation, several pages long to the body of Hannah, the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Every aspect of the body is delineated and blessings poured forth. Salutation to the. The black hair of the head, salutation to the eyebrows, to the ears, the nostrils, the lips, the mouth, the crystal white teeth, the shoulders, the breasts, the hands, the arms. Everything. Everything is delineated. This is the same kind of process that happens when one, in a shamanistic way, bears the entire self, so that only the skeleton remains. This is the skeleton list of all of the items that make up a body, and when all of that is enumerated, there is still the mysteriousness that all of this is together. It's not separate. It's not apart. There's something else mysteriously there that is together. It is this quality then, that gives birth to the spirit. And here's the shamanistic element that comes in. Again, I don't want to stress this too much, but it is there. And again he spake concerning the 12 dry bones, which were the 12 sons of Israel, concerning whom Ezekiel prophesied, when he saw that they were dry bones. And straightway God said unto Ezekiel, this is from Ezekiel 37 110. Prophesy over these dead bones. And he prophesied over them in the spirit of life, breathed upon them, and drew skin upon them, until at length they rose up because of the blessed woman Hannah.

And when Hannah put forth a bud from them, life came into them through her giving birth to Mary, the lady of us all. A good name is better than the anointing with oil and sweet sense. One child is better than thousands of children. The next. And Joaquim, her husband, spoke thus, and keeping his eyes fixed upon the ground and his thoughts and mind directed upwards to heaven. And now you have to see this polarity here. His eyes are are fixed upon the ground, but his thoughts are upward toward heaven. This is the x. This is the X that later on will be the the very essence of the Cairo, the symbolic, uh, uh, humility of of Jesus. For Joaquin to be the man for this woman in this extraordinary situation, he must trust her 100%. The mystical transformation. If he does not trust her 100%, it will not work. It will not happen. In order to handle himself, he has to hold himself in the largest possible tension. Eyes on the earth, mind on the heaven. A man has to do this. He has to hold himself in that tension. It is therefore not his eyes that can see. It is not his mind that can understand. It is the purity of His Spirit that is still there for her. And only in that way is he able to commit himself to this unknown.

100% is a very big mystery. In this. Only the sacred interchange of selves is possible in this way. Um, two more, and then we're we're finished with it. His prayer. Oh my God. Thou, Lord God of Israel, who knowest everything before it cometh to pass, and who hast good understanding of everything before men can declare it unto thee. Why hast thou made me a laughing stock, and a derision unto mine enemies look upon my suffering, and upon the tribulation of my soul. O thou who hast made the world to come forth out of nothing, and hast created the sun and the moon without an effort of thought. Hearken thou to under my prayer, and incline thy thine ear unto my voice, and lighten the grief of my heart. Oh, spirit of wisdom and knowledge which is in thee. Give me a son whom I can make an offering unto thee, and make me not to cast away from among all Israel. For thou art able to take away from him that it hath much, and to give increase unto him that hath a little only. Then after they had finished their prayer, and God had seen Hannah's sorrow, he appeared unto her that day in a vision of the night, in the form of a white bird which came down from heaven. Now this bird had its being in the days of old, for it overshadowed the cherubim of glory. And there was the hand of a man beneath the wing thereof, and held in it the cord of life.

Now this was the spirit of life in the form of a white bird. And it took up its abode in the person of Hannah, and became incarnate in her womb at the time when the pearl went forth from the loins of Joaquin. And when, according to the ordinance of carnal union, Hannah received the pearl which was the body of Our Lady Mary. Now the white pearl is mentioned because of its purity, and the white bird because her soul existed for time with the Ancient of Days, and with it it was with him on the right hand of her father. Thus the white bird and the white pearl are alike and equal. And when it took up abode in the womb of Hannah, her womb was moved even like the water of the sea. For it was unaccustomed to this thing. See now, how greatly blessed Our Lady Mary is, for who hath been born of woman in this way? God who alone is alone, created her. He who alone is holy also sanctified her. He who alone is decked with honor, alone decked her with honor. He who alone is pure, alone made her pure. Who among men is like unto Our Lady Mary in her virginity? Among men there is none to be found. Who is like Our Lady Mary in her heavenly virginity. None can attain to the abundant measure of her purity before God and his angels.

None may become pure in mind and body like unto Our Lady Mary. And her soul was with his soul, so that she might cleave closely unto the knowledge of him. He guarded her and treasured her more than silver and gold, esteemed her more highly than glorious apparel. So that this quality comes into play. And Herod and Hannah are contemporaries. Their life patterns happen at the same time, and this tremendous mythological, volcanic undercurrent is just coming to the surface. And it seems to blasé eyes that Herod has all the control. He has all the real power. He's the King of Israel. He has the backing of Rome. How much more real can you have? How much more substantial? He's the one that is driven into psychotic fantasies and dies a madman. It is the mythological aspect that bears fruit and comes through and shatters the political realm. Because the political realm was pure illusion, and to believe it was a delusionary commitment, whereas what it seemed like that the delusion might be in these kinds of fantasies actually were true and actually were the reality. But in order to make that change, that switch what Jung calls an antidromic, making the eternal real and making the the apparent reality of of fiction, a phantasm takes a transformation that must be focused upon a person. The person is the absolute requirement for this. There must be that pure person who, like the point of the needle, first, begins to sew that pattern, and then the true vine, as it is the true heritage collects itself and is able to come from underneath and go through.

Following that point and a new history is made, a new fabric of reality is made because of this event. Well, next week we're going to jump over a lot of happenings, and we're going to go to the first formulation of this, which was in the book of Mark, the gospel of Mark. And we're going to look at the secret gospel of Mark and at the gospel of Mark. And we're going to, uh, try to get a hedge on this for ourselves and realize that Mark is written about 50 to 60 A.D., so that the book of Mark will be composed in Alexandria within one long lifetime of the fall and madness of Herod, the birth of Jesus. And Hannah was still alive. Mary was still alive, all of these tremendous happenings. But I want to make the jump because in the gospel of Mark, we find a radical transformation has in fact happened. And because the language of Mark shows that there is an interpenetration and that the mythological has become, in fact, spiritually real, and the political has vanished into a, uh, fragmented realm. So much so that when next week we look at the gospel of Mark, you'll be able to tell that is in fact a new age. Totally different spirit, totally different orientation in one lifetime. Well, let's stop there. And I think we've got some food.


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