The Hopi Way

Presented on: Tuesday, January 1, 1985

Presented by: Roger Weir

The Hopi Way

Transcript (PDF)

Thomas Benyaca
Presentation 1 of 1

The Hopi Way
Presented by Roger Weir
[Date Unknown] 1985


Thank you. I had a little problem whether I would be able to make it to all your district this weekend or not. Right. So many other activities going on in my area, in the Hopi country.

How many of you had been out in the Hopi country? One or two of you.

Something I was gonna talk about, you see, the Hopi way of life and I have talked to my elders back in 1948. In the best culture no puppy and second Mesa. They had their first public meeting four days meetings and I didn't know about that meeting and some of the elders from what Huit (unsure) Vella village came down to my house and told me that there was a meeting taking place on second Mesa. So, they took me over there, and I was very surprised to see for the first time all the Hopi tradition leaders from High-Kick Moyes (unsure), spiritual leaders, medicine people and uh Keywa (unsure) leaders will gathered there. Just a heart full of leaders…elders. There were 88, 90- or 100-years old men and I so surprised to see they were all together like that and conducting the meeting in really Hopi way. Really, they were very honored and wise men and how, know how to conduct…conduct a meeting and they share the knowledge that they have, ehh, received from their forefathers way, way back.

And it was a time I had just gone through much of a government education program. Because in my early days I they just pluck us from our families and sent us all off to distant schools. We have just left our home like that. And in 1921, I was taken along with several others from one **(inaudible)** to a big city not that far a ride and was sent to I don't know where it was but I ended up place called Sherman Eastwood Riverside California. And there were so many orange groves around there and we were right in middle of the orange grove and can hardly see anything around except some high tall mountains. It was clear those days but now you can't see those mountains anymore for some reason (laughs). But I was there for up till 21, up to 30. I finished my high school and it was like a military school. We have to rise up like a soldiers, get in line and march and shoot the flag and march with a bang. Go right in the dining room, we stand by the table. Bell rings we say grace. Bell ring we sit down. Bell ring we grab to try and get bread. If you're not fast enough, you don't eat anything. And we went through all that kind of a thing. We march in the school rooms like that too. So, everything is, but I found it, it was more like a military school. And because we were told what books you read and what pages to read and we talked about that. Then if we went through it that way for till I finish my high school.

And I took part in some of the activities. I made it an long-distance running track meet.
And I ran in Los Angeles here about three times, 1938 this marathon race. 26-mile races. Everyone's broker (?) I ran from my captive building here in the West about ten miles and then going north to Hollywood and back from the Sunset Boulevard back into Times Square. And my school won first one and a second-year men from Boston won that one. And then the third one when I was finishing in high school there was my race, but I made a mistake and trying to stop at one corner when there was deadline was on the other side. It became crowded up two men I thought that was the end of it, so I slowed down and do it two others came by and passed me and then I find out there was a little line around the corner. so, I took off, but I missed 'em, the two of them got ahead of me then. So, I lost that one. Those just the days that I had noticed the conditions are very beautiful, clean and enjoy being in this area

And then I had a scholarship from somebody from Oklahoma. They can call it Oklahoma for two years worked at the first all Indian college was set up there and they sent me over there. And I took advantage of it because I felt when I came home, I had been initiated into one of their first religious society called Kachina society. Well for three, four, five years old maybe an older you expect to be initiate into that society so you some of the special things for whom people from the rich elitist and you got qualitied (?). So, I went through that and then I had just perform a couple ceremony before I went to Sherman 1921.

So, I had a little bit of that knowledge and when after a recent visit to visit my home again after finishing high school people came to me, old people and elders they expect me to help them out in many problems that they were coming into that area. At that time most of them do not understand English so I have to help and get them together to work on many things and also meeting with the government officials and others that comes down. And help write letters or talk for them and I just seems to go right into that kind of a work.

And during my early days of course, I had hardly anyone teaching me anything because my mother passed away when she was having a, she was having one, one more baby boy and I don't know her. I was just they said I was just starting to walk when she passed on. So, I grew up with my aunt's and my court relations.

And my father was a good stock man and a good farmer, and he sort of raised me to. And he started a little village grocery store and I just grew up in that little store. **(inaudible) on helping here and there and me and other, other people come to trade there. Paiute Nation come and Navajo Nation come then Hopi come to trade. So, I would get to talk to many people there during my childhood days. And see he was a good farmer and a very high religious leader too.

I really just needed to, so he took me to appeal (?) one day and a then we had good irrigation down in Whancapi (?) area. Other places don't have an irrigation. And we went down to the field and the corn was just about two or three inches up from the ground. We had planted that and so we irrigated it then we came to you whenever they bank that right by the plant, he called me. So, I went over there, and I sit down on that bank and I want to tell you this plant here, so I want you to take good look at it. That plant is a living being and that plant is like a child and that plant can sense you. Can feel the way you talk, the way you feel if the way you act. If you're angry they turn their face away from you. If you're happy they feel good. They becomes strong and healthy. So, whenever you come to this field always sing so that these children will be happy. They would say my father's coming with a song let's, let's be happy. And this is the way we grow things in this area. That's part of our religious instruction. That we are part of this corn. Corn is our mother so whenever a child is born the kids corn, that is their mother. White corn. There's male and female corn. I don't know if many of you probably know that. If you ever harvest a corn, you see a corn with a kernel always to the top, covers the whole thing that's a female. And the one with, don't have any cover on the top that's a male. So, we, we know those, and you would grind those up and that's what we use in a prayer and ceremony. Corn meal.

Wherever we go at morning. Sunup at dawn, everyone go out if they can to offer a prayer for the family, for yourself, for the community. With a good life of everything around you appreciates animal birth and plant life. You offer to the Sun for guidance, protections and thank them for everything. And also, the Great Spirit at dawn. And then a new and that new meal, mealtime then mother cooked meal and she also take lip it up ever their food it's on the table. Take it outside for the unseen portions out there. Appreciate give them food. And then when you sit down then you take a little bit of it put it on the side of you with your own protection or, or protector someone around you all the time. So, we learned that we are not alone in this world. That we are related to animal, birds and plant life. Sun, Moon and stars and everything that we're part of it. And we're not separate because it's air we all breathing. We are all linked together. We all are here together with the whole, everything in it. That's the thing that you talked about that at that time. That this plant is a living being and I want you to remember this all the time.

So that wasn't part of my first lesson there. But after I went to Bacone college then I read some of the world religious book. Sort of comparative religion. I look at them. I read many of those ancient leaders who wrote up some of those knowledge. Very similar things I've found that they've wrote up and how what wanted how my own people have able to remember this, when they receive this. They talk about it.

So, I was surprised when 1948 these elders met in there in a very sacred chamber that called Kachina Clan Society House. They referred to them as a very important house. Should be referred to like a capital and then you have a White House. The leaders meet there. And so that Kachina house plan leaders, it says that any important meeting has to be healthy. That must be there in that in that house. I noticed old people all set around in circles. They do that in the Kiawah when they have a ceremony taking place. Different clan leaders come together and to smoke their pipes and meditate. And sits there for hours just meditating and praying and smoking their pipes. And meditating on whatever they want. A good gentle rain to come. A good day to come or a good happy day for everyone during the day when the Kachina will be coming.

The Kachina referred to as unseen forces representing different element in this world. There's certain Kachina to represent wind, lightning, thunder, water, birds, animals, plant life, stars. All kinds have those Kachinas and we use that word khadi (?), khadi these word means beautiful day, beautiful life. Khadi. Happy life. So those to come and perform a ceremony, bring about happy life, good life, good feeling. They're called Kachinas so it bring that good feeling okay happiness. So those are the main foundation of the Hopi way of life because we are linked to unseen forces. We are linked to an animal, bird and plant life. And we linked together as human beings.

So, when everyday leaders are going to bring ceremony to the village. The leaders were watch the rising of the sun, from mid-winter to the mid-summer. Winter so they knew it that's when they have a ceremony performed for that sun and they said their role that syn back until he goes back to the mid-summer. And then did the same thing and roll it back this way again but on the horizon from the horizon they looked to Eastern Mesa for the sunrises. But seven days they have a special mark so that if I was a kachina leader I would watch the Sun rises and we get two bucks for days or eight days before a certain point then I would tell my kick Moya (?) the high leader in the village who he's the father to the whole committee people and everything on this earth. Animal, birds and planet life there's our father to everything because they are holding to the spiritual instruction and teachings. And upholding the land and life for all of us. And so, he would come and sit down in the Kiawah (?) and smoke the pipe and gave me the encouragement and then he would just leave it to me to carry on. Perform something. And that this, each spiritual leader had to go through this.

And every month there's some special occasion to be held by this religious leaders. Now this spirit right now in this month, before any of this moon there's a Kachina dances at this time. Last month in December and in January and January, December, January February this winter month ceremony taking place. So, in December it's like a New Year's to the Hopi. Around you have a Christmas week, Christmas Day. It happened to fall right on the Christmas Day when the Hopi prepare for this at the end of four days that delivered to every home. Every person receive a prayer for your protection, for guidance and your you for your health. And the family's home would get one. Your car, your animals or your dog cat whatever. Anything that you have they give that out so that every family in a home will receive it. Receive one for themselves. So that after they delivered the whole community then the whole people rise up at dawn and goes out away from the village and offer a prayer and planting over a plant there for the prayers out there. So, this is what happened in December.

And then that I understand means by doing that we appreciate everything that's given to us by a higher being, great spirit. And every element, every living thing on this earth that helped to make things grow. To give us food, give us protection and give us friends. That day they appreciate by doing it, but they also make purpose for people that has gone on. And the springs and an emotional trees, plant life and sacred mountains and things like that. They think of everything they can so they, they want to show this the great spirit that they still carry on there the instruction that was given to them at the very beginning.

So, there is also like starting to get the underground plant life living things under earth to start moving also because our songs, our prayer, our meditations goes to them to help them to start moving. So, if the grass on the new crest and gradual come or the plant will come there start moving. In order to again support that. This month in December, soon as that finished then another moon comes in. And so, we call it Faamoya (?) means the time to sing and dance and to also bring everything in this world with its individual singing and dancing. And all that also helped that to go.

Now then next month, next moon called Powauya ceremony. It's one they call Bean Ceremony. This is an actually performing the thing that we do out in the field during the springtime. But that corn, beans, melons and pumpkins. Anything that we need to grow for our families. But we do that in midwinter in February and they start in their kiva with your prayer. With their living with a plant life. With each individual take care of that like a, like your baby. You talk to them and sing, dance and feed them. Encourage them. So, you have things going that's like you're going through that coming springtime. So, each one has to go through that, three days of fasting and fourth day we perform a ceremony. And then deliver the plants to the children. The children received that then children themselves give it to their parents. The first bean plant that they would eat and that's gonna happen next month.

So, these are some of the things that still are carried on in this traditional villages. That today we have eleven villages and nine moon kapes (?) where I was born and raised. Is uh their fathers north from other villages and we have irrigation down there. But there are the people who were planted there by their people from or arriving some time ago. Then where I be was a big populated village. We don't know how many years that was that has been there for. For thousands of years **(inaudible). Some say there was there before Columbus grandmother was born and it's been sitting there that row of apartment houses four stories high from one end of the Mesa to the other. About six or seven apartment rows of houses. A large populated village.

But after the government set up their form of education and other have policies, pressure the Hopis. And of course, they offer a lot of things to them to accept and they said they would make them feel better or make life better and things like that. And so, a lot of them went. But those that still remember the law of the Great Spirit to hold on to the spiritual way. To hold on to this knowledge that plan their life and the Great Spirit. They didn't want it to do that, so they were arrest and then they ridiculed. And then pretty soon they had some of the Hopi along with the government, evict most of the great cell leaders out of the whole Oraibi.

And man, woman and children have to walk, walk from there in September 7, 1906 up to place called Hotevilla now. Man, by name of Yacuma was the founder. And to me Yacuma is like a man in India called Gandhi. He's very strong, very religious leader like any. He's worshipped in ancient **(inaudible)** warnings and he also have a sacred stone tablets he carries around his waist every time where he goes. And he never give up this way of life, but he spent many time in prison like Gandhi. He get beat up. He almost put to death, was starving him and they make him work on the road when he was old. And remember some of the young people that are going to school up Keames Canyon about 35 miles from Hoteville. They had to march him up there. And they put three men in a long bar and bar and put them in the heat and they have to move together to get and go someplace. And then put him to work building a road up there. And if you ever go down to the Keames Canyon Road going up to the top, that's Yucuma's road. Because they build that during that time, but they almost put them to death by starving them but somehow, they let him go because they never give up.

They came home, then later they picked him up again. This time they sent him and several of leaders to Alcatraz. And they spent about a year or two years there. And soon they came home that the biggest earthquake took place in San Francisco 1906. This they felt that, that is a very sacred center in the Hopi area. Four corners era surrounded by sacred mountain. Up with this prophecy, it's not rock in the Oraibi that **(inaudible)** part. And that the spiritual center that I use represented Four Corners area. That is helped by the elder religious leaders who are still carrying on these sacred ceremonies. Prayer, meditation, fasting for all of us. For every living things on this. For the balance of nature. There right at the center of that cross and they talk about the land somewhere is another place before this one. They call it underworld or a lower world or place. There was a life like this and one before that one some place. There was two of them where human life started. They went into great detail of explaining how life was beautiful, clean, everything around in natural order.

But soon human beings seem to like to copy things in life and see if they can do it. And they succeed in them because human being also has that power and able to do things. So, they'd like to see if they can fly like a bird and pretty soon, they did that. And they say I like to be underwater for a long period of time like the fish and they're able to do that. And they can't communicate with animals and birds but pretty soon they do that. Doing they started to use their knowledge and their gift, and they start to take male and female plant of everything and see if they can make better flower. Make better food of all kinds and they succeeded. And they started making out of it mess up everything. That was a destroying the natural order. And soon doing the advantage so many powerful things. Instead of using for peaceful means. Taking, taking care of this land and life in a proper way for the Great Spirit. They started using that inventions against each other. They started tearing things up. They start to go out. There's no attempt to satisfy. They get more and more power, more inventions. Highly developed things.

And they mention many things with old people in 1948. Just before this last one was totally destroyed by **(inaudible)** How alive by the last stages. People have no regard for their leaders anymore. They don't listen to their great spiritual instructions. They got power; they can invent many things. Well we don't need God, there's no God, I can do this. And they got so proud and they began to disturbing around them. That they did throw down mountains or something. They start digging here and there. They started chopping down these trees more and more. They shooting things around them, each other.

And so that life that then people began to fight one another for material things more and more. And they get jealous of each other because this person is getting more thing and I have been. They started to something they could group them together and see if they can put him down some way. There are a lot of things they describe that life. That woman took we're very sacred being and they were able to carry on their way of life respected and they have a great part in the ceremony. But pretty soon they also let go of everything and they become just like anybody else. They just run here and there. Everybody's having a good time. They go gambling and dancing all night long. They don't come home. Forget their children and their babies are crying for their mothers. They just run all over and nobody care what they do to each other. Yet there had some leaders that they don't listen to them.

So, one day they said Great Spirit sent a messenger down to one of the leaders, you better gather some other spiritual leaders that still here. Bring them together because this world is going to be cleansed, purified soon. So, they came together, and the man told them that the Great Spirit told me that we must get our people together, as many as we can and go through a prayer or meditation ceremony and fasting. Then see we can bring out people out from this land. And there's quite a lot of story, of course, written about emerging from this last stage of life from that lower to this one here. And of course, they all said that we came on the plant of a reed. I'm just going to **(inaudible)** many other trees that try to get the **(inaudible 2 words)**

They know someone's up here, and they find, find out that Great Spirit, they called him Masaw (?) was here and they asked him for permission to come up. And he told them it's up to you. If you want to live my life that I live. A very simple life. I don't have that much of anything to offer you. If you want to live my life, it's up to you to come in live with me. So, they all make a note that they would. Then don't they want to get away from that got a terrible life down there. And they know that that's gonna be cleansed or destroyed. So, they all got together and came out of it, through prayer, through songs. And the songs and it that's all. That was a lot people to come up.

They met the great spirit here, Massawa. And that symbol represent him at the end. He's holding this lower that. There was only one path in this world that he follow or carry on. So, when we accept him, he told us that when it's get drunk that he was …. (long pause)

Now he's holding this passport to this land like there was nobody here with him. They said but that later they said that they were being called spider-woman and two **(inaudible)**. And we referred to them as the little people. They're powerful and they are very intelligent beings. And them three were here with the Great Spirit. And so, we met him here until our ancestors came and met him. And they told us how take care of this land in life. And if we follow him, his instructions, this land and life will never be totally destroyed again like the other two before this one.

So, they gave us a symbol of circle. You know that there's no end to that circle. As long as you follow along the Great Spirit, there's no end to this land and life again. In fact, it has this land, this continent living that we are living on today but not to be destroyed again about those two before. But it's up to the people. It's up to us if we follow the instructions, we will have a long, long good life up to certain point it will come back again. So, he gave us all. And then had many thousands of years were perhaps. I don't know how many long they said it'd be a long time that we went to let us go after give us all instructions. Then we will start doing some things that he told us that we would take care of it for him.

But later he came back again. Second time he gathered the people and he told them many things again. Remind them of what he told him before, but he said I have forgotten one very important thing. In order that this land and life will no more be destroyed totally like the other two. I'm gonna point for you and you and you. And I'll make you a great nation you can do many inventions of all kinds. You'll be a great nation. It would be your responsibility to watch other people. If they start to disturb this land and life, it's your right to shake people, warn them. You are not doing a thing to what be told, and they will almost destroy themselves. But the new generation will come. It will but be aware then, their main reason in this world. Their mission in this world in later time.

So, this is where we're separated. There were two versions of that in the **(inaudible)** I learned from the elders. Oraibi people where Oraibi is. Is their mother village of all village from Moenkopi, Hoteville-Bacavi, Oraibi. And then they call **(inaudible)** or Kykotsmovi. Those are Orabi people. We have our own dialect there.

And then Second Mesa, Shongopovi is a mother village of all other villages and they have their own dialect too, Shongopovi. But **(inaudible about 3-4 words)** to come into the Shongopovi but they didn't want him to come in. So, they placed them all on the east side of that mesa **(inaudible)**. After the Spanish people came. Catholic came in disturbed the land and life, a the religious way, Shongopovi planted (?) some of them who was what he called it **(inaudible)** today. Because after they grow them up, their father maybe they would come back do something to Shongopovi. So, in order to save some of the real high leaders, plan leaders, religious leaders, they planted (?) some of those there in **(inaudible)**. And then they first make sure where powerful Walpi was. It that was paid over there by Shongopovi people. And they have a sacred symbol of foreign power that weapons the whole world, every living things. And they gave that to them to use as a power over there to take care of that land over there and people. So, all the villages have received that power they capables have those. And so, when they were played in those villages, they were to follow this all time and never turn away from.

And the Shongopovi they mentioned that when they first came out there were many white brothers. There weren't people like here a mixture of people. But we were speaking one language at that time it says. And when we came up and we came out different groups. Then so was given different languages even **(inaudible 2 or 3 words)** language. They had a mockingbird is that up there sitting. So, you know that mockingbird got all kind of sounds so he the one that give each group as they come to with your language. And so, everyone receive a language. But the Shongopovi they said the white brothers, they came along with us. But Orabi words and Eeba (?) we were all same kind of people down there.

We came out the leader of Bow clan represented by this bow (?) here. This right here. Bow Clan brought those people up and he had two sons. And after he passed away these two brothers took over his leadership. But they have same mother yet which I'm read today one of them, the older brothers were very light complexion. White completed person and the other one has a color mother earth they said. It's a younger brother. It's a same mother. But I couldn't figure out that for a while but now I see in some villages you see what he calls other minors and they look just like the white people. And they're from families they're like that. And to me that what old people says it no two brothers were like that. So, the older brother has a very light complexion, west complexion. So, he caught him as my white brother.

And then each group was given the ability to appoint somebody to be their leader. So, each group support somebody. And that was before they separated from there in four directions. Great Spirit asked the leaders to come forward and pick up the food that he would give them. He placed several ears of corn from the biggest one, the longest one on down to the smallest one. So asked each leader to coming forward and picked it up. So, somebody took up their biggest one. Each one gets the next one. Biggest one and on down the line. And the two wha…the two Hopi brothers waited till everybody else got theirs and they went and picked that one up. And the Great Spirit said it's good. You Hopi, you show wisdom, patience. And that's a real corn, the rest of it imitation. So, if you look inside of it maybe its rice or like wheat or you maybe something else. That will be your main food wherever you are going to go. And this is **(inaudible 3-4 words)** So the Hopi has received the real corn and you must take care of that all the time. Because once you keep that going all other plant life go but if what you let it go out that everything will go down, turn their faces away and cannot produce any more food.

So that's when they make the sacred stone tablets. Two sets of them. And into it all this knowledge, prophesies, warnings and everything that the people were supposed to do in this world. What Great Spirit told them to. These little people, the Spider woman make the sacred stone tablets and they sort of breathe into all this knowledge that they have blessed. A simple petroglyph or something on those rocks. I've seen them, both of them. One in Oraibi is about but twelve maybe fourteen inches long. It's almost an inch thick. Very smooth. Color like this and they have little symbols on it. Two of them, I've seen them. But there is one square that has a little piece of it spoken of it broken off. But somebody like Frank Water or the person Oswald (?) Frederick or White Bear talked to him explain it. I imagine they didn't. They'd never seen a sacred stone tablet, but they're heard about it and they wrote a book. They said there was a lost broken piece that someone will bring them there. But it's not, it's…it's such a piece to stay in shape. But one of them is like that. But the Oraibi people still have and Hoteville have also, two of them. One of them about that big and a smaller one. This one is for the land and this one is for the home, the area here. And that's more like a red shale slab of rock. But around it there's a symbol is like a Japanese…Japanese symbol or a Chinese symbol. When I first look at it look like one of those figures that those short handwrites use, around the edges. But that's total variation stone that contain this knowledge. So that these two villages have carried on their spiritual ways and culture the way the Great Spirit told them.

And this is where the separation were given. The white brother was given **(inaudible)** his own tablets. There are certain people who will go along with him and he took them to east directions. Go as fast as you can as best you can and go to another land someplace. Then if they talk like that's the end of this earth and there's a wall someplace. And when you touch the end of this earth and touch your forehead on the wall, turn around come right back because if you stay one or two days it's gonna be many years before you come back here to look for the younger brother. And the white brother would give us the ability to record things, to invent things and to follow them all the Great Spirit over there. And makes it like painting and beautiful. And use his invention in the right manner and someday he's going to come back here to look for his younger brother, who is the color of Mother Earth. Brown color. Red color. Who is taking care of this here called Western Hemisphere? This whole land through prayer, meditation, ceremonies. And we kept it clean, beautiful, in natural state while waiting for our white brother. That's what they told us. We take care of it, there was plant, animal, food and all kind of birds. Beautiful.

So, we waited for the white brother because he's going to invent many things. He's gonna to make life easy for when he come and help us with that. And we we're gonna make this life will pretty (?) because of white man inventions and other ways and now if he uses in a proper way. And if he does not turn away from his spiritual ways, he will recognize us when the Indians come out today meet with a white brothers first. If they follow the laws of the Great Spirit, they will meditate together. Maybe four days, eight days. I don't know how long. But they should meet together go through a prayer meditation. And then if you're gonna invent something now I think of inventing, you go through this prayer meditation ceremony again. Maybe somebody's gonna get a message that thing is not good, bad for men. Or if it is gonna be good just invent enough of it. Or it's gonna be good get its **(inaudible 2-3 words) if they use it in the proper way.

This is the way we were going to meet. But if the white brother turned away from this spiritual circle (?) that he was also given. That every living human being was given that symbol. And the Hopi people say that it may be that the white brother after inventing things is gonna start turn away from his spiritual instruction and its gonna start changing symbol to its own symbol. And if it comes back here that time, he is going too many things to us because he had changed something is going to change many things here.

If he'd been inventing and offer you something here it's good for you, take it. His tongue is going to be sweet because he's going to talk you into accepting something. But because he was able to record things and able to write things, after he convinced you that you should have it and your body grab it. Then he say wait a minute, here's a paper you must sign your name on it first. So, they said don't sign anything that you don't understand because you if you do you get hooked into something that you don't understand, and you don't want. But he would support your various inventions to help you so that we can use it, make life beautiful. Clean and easy to travel and get everything in order. So, we had, we say we kept this land beautiful.

And then white brother came whether those people pushed him or not. But they came are in the history book they came in such Central America first and they didn't want the symbol. And they did brought a lot of inventions. And the Aztecs, Mayans our, brothers and sisters down there take care of this in their spiritual way. So, they have great huge temples, sacred shrines. Everything built so that if our white brother comes, we was gonna share it with them so that this land and life would be more beautiful, clean. But the white brother came with inventions. He had lost his spiritual instructions, circle. And because he had inventions, he start destroying them. Almost destroy completely everything down there. So, a lot of our brothers and sisters are hiding up in the jungles and mountains there today. Waiting, waiting for what was going to come and the real and it really going to help us. Oh, it is not lie and steal and **(inaudible)**people take things away from them. The Great Spirit gave them mission (?) to do that but he does it so he in the future he could have to suffer many times over what he had done to the many people here. So, they gave a great many instructions here to the elders before we separated.

To this rectangle slab to me also represent a sacred symbol like this one. So more of the kivas are made that tape (?). And I noticed in one of the drawing that that the ladder is drawn in, that seven like that. That's representing people who came from another world to here to this world here. The old Hopi here to have windows here to like that or doors because it kept reminding them that we came from someplace. And the kivas are like that. That lower or other part when you come down to a ladder, that higher level like representing that. Then you go down to a lower floor that's where the ceremony chamber is. And there's a center hole that represents where we came at. So that kiva represents many things and like that too. So, this was placed on us over that we, after separated from our white brother here they went for we the native people follow this many years.

And another interesting thing that I heard, learned from them when they were talking about this. When we separated our white brothers took so many people over there to this other place. Then the **(inaudible)** was left here, the younger brother. We were to go to for directions to the edges of land and to build our sacred shrines in every direction. They said they place a baby boy and baby girl over there with other sacred thing. So that in that center, the spiritual leaders taking care of this four corners area because that's where we went from that center to four directions and around the world. We must hold on to it. Pray, meditate for short (?) places. So, whenever they make prayer for this, they make it for this Western part like this would be what mountain, San Francisco peak. And then East direction and then North direction and South within them. Those our sacred area that must be extending to the edges of land. And so, this area must be, should be left in a natural state. Not disturbing it and not bring anything in there, not to uproot anything in there. Leave it in the natural state they said because it was protected by the prayer meditation ceremony of our people. That is white people with inventions that **(inaudible 2 words)** to refuse and started misusing it. They would destroy one another. Destroy cities and towns with something. If you happen to survive you know there is a sacred place, a refuge for survivors that you may come over there to them and live again to follow the law the Great Spirit **(inaudible)** So that is why they say very strongly suggested that this should be left in a natural state.

But what, what struck me, throw me that when we separated four directions as you move around you will find a place that you like to stay. Then you have certain area for you use. That'll be marked out for mountain or river or some other way. Don't stop until you come to the edges of land. Until one day a huge stars gonna appear up in the sky. Great big star. Bright light. It's gonna be seen by many people when that happens you will know that our white brother that was going East direction that finally reach his destination. Now we must settle where we are at that moment and wait for our white brother spirit to come back. So, this is the way we're staying on this continent here lay people to wait for this. But that's what happened in Central America. They destroy many did wild people. Destroy every sacred shrine and temple.

Then later another group came from Eastern Shores **(inaudible 2-3 words)**. Again, our native people know this. Do they welcome. They almost ripped(?) themselves naked. In fact, they stand before them naked and they gave them food and lodging and showed everything. Welcome our white brothers. Again, they brought these symbols like from the small other nations mentioned. They seem to turn this thing around make a sword out of it **(inaudible 2-3 words)** Each one have a part (?) killing with it. So, they start pushing our people across the land. Stripping it from everything, hunting, fishing rights, then rights and everything, religious rights.

Many of our young people are gonna be caught on the western edge someday. And by that time, they were learned to speak English. They were able to read and write. And they were gonna start ask questions. And they will meet some of their leaders and they will say you wrote this thing but what I'm still following it. One time or are you really practicing it, practicing that so that this land and life would be good. And there be some violence takes place someday among young people and native people. So, when we heard about young people took this island here, this San Francisco on a trek(?). And they call themselves All Tribes. There are many young people gathered there. We located and then move in it. And they began to realize what happened to them, to their people. And so, they started to bring about warnings, but they didn't listen. And then they went to march your White House capital. I guess nothing happened. And then that they end up in Wounded Knee again. And the determined young people together trying to protect their people. They get caught in with their military might, in the Army. Everything up to date things. Weapons of all kind of report at them again. They would have another Wounded Knee. But by that time there's a great commotion developed under the focusing of the attention to that area from the world, leaders of people. So instead of having another massacre there they just let them go but they charge them with kind of a charges forshare with people who speak up not for their rights of the land for their people, religion. And of some are still in prison.

So, these are some of the things that the prophecy foretold. So, I think would we should stop here and the rest of it I would like to finish, and I would go into more of what we Hopi things are going on out there. And there will be spiritual life and then also other problems just coming into the area. Thank you.

SECOND PERSON: So, if we could take a short break then we will have a longer time to hear what Thomas has to **(inaudible a few word)**

THIRD PERSON: If I stop the cassette now, I'll press play get on the other side and have the second half


I want to go on with a, click on this one here. Then I'm going to **(inaudible 2-3 words)** Hopi **(inaudible)** That way was appointed by the Great Spirit before it separated and told to use their power to make (?) whatever to shake (?) the world up if they start doing something. And to turn its **(inaudible)** to destroying this land and life again. So, the first one that from the top that they were given in that 1948 meeting ever attended. That one people relationship is a real hard test. And they almost destroy themselves. But to the Hopi they purified themselves. And the new generations coming this time did you know their real mission in this world. Something that will be done for the Great Spirit. Well then, the second one, the second one also really shook us up. They almost destroy themselves. But then new generation, new inventions, everything starts coming up again. So, we are on our way to do that. Let's take this here what the Great Spirit says. We were allowed to go on our home. The Great Spirit be watching us from some places around. And he can appear to you in any shape or form or in any way. It's bird or animal or human being or **(inaudible)** of some kind of a sign or symbol that be shown to you. And those are some the things that we will know that it's going to come soon.

These figures up here represent first people that came from other countries. This first one brought many inventions. And many of our people were warned not to go and just use that and then it started to do things that will cause them to just turn away from the spiritual. Trust to go along up and down, you know pretty soon they want to go up there. Because of inventions.

This first one there's so many things to mention white brother brought. But they always use that wagon. A carriage would be pulled by animal first that carry people across our land. And the old man that mentioned those, his name is Spotty Fire (?) He's from Shongopavi, and he was one of the high religious leaders, Kachina leaders. And he was about 85 years old and he impressed me very much because he, he seemed to know a lot of these things. And in pointing silent without too many words he just come right to the point. And at the end of four days meeting he seemed to summarizes the whole statement that was presented there by different leaders from different places. First, Second, Third Mesa leader. So, he was the one mentioned that our white brother was gonna bring many inventions and one of them would be a carriage that would be pulled by animals first. I rode in that, that's a wagon he said. Because my grandfather told me I may be able to see some of these things. And pretty soon that carriage will run by itself and I rode in them, that's an automobile. It run by itself and carry people across the land. And pretty sure there be inventions brought upon us that we would be talking to each other through cobwebs. And I don't understand that, he said. And then we finally realized that when we look up from the sky now, we look the telephone lines that look like cobweb. We're talking to each other long-distance places. This will be coming about that time to about him. And next he says is that someone's gonna put a road up in the sky. And I can't figure that out. How that's gonna be made. What's gonna hold that road up, way up in the sky but people be traveling. But he was talking about airplane that may be invented someday and carry people in their own in the sky. And then he says that by that time more power invented.

And he says one thing that really brought us together here is because the Hopi project will pull up to these two things. One that white brothers inventions in different way, religion way of life. It's going to come in and take many other things away from us and at the end its gonna take this land away from us.

And in that year 1946 United States government passed a law which they called Indian Claim Commission and told all the native people across the country that we have a law now that we have taken your land away from you a long time ago. But we never pay you anything. We never ask you about your land. We never go to court or anything. So now we got this law if you sue the government for through our court, if you want which they pay you money. To the Hopi that is funny. Is kind of an attempt of taking this land away from which the Great Spirit give us and told us how to take care of for him. We never think of ever selling this Mother Earth or cutting up or fencing it. This land was made so that every living things on earth and share it wherever they go. So that is that this **(inaudible 3-4 words)** she said. It's like this good **(inaudible)** we use in our ceremony. It's small but it's going to be so powerful and so hot okay. Whoever invented it, let that drop on the earth some place, it was burned everything to ashes. Things on the earth and living things underwater. Everything will be burned, burned, turn to ashes. Turn to ashes and none of our medicine will be able to cure them. Those things has happened.

So that's why we meet here for the first time in public. So that we can tell the people, our people and all native people and all other people that's here with us. That we must not ever make any more of this destructive things like this **(inaudible 3-4 words)** Because if we do that, we may destroy our self with it in a later time.

So, we said after they build a road up in the sky then they'll have power also that maybe, that may be able to get to that moon. And then ship (?) to know that someday somebody's maybe it will get to the moon. So, they said if you ever get to that moon, don't bring anything down from that Earth's moon to earth. Because you have unbalanced everything here already and you're starting disturb this land. Tear down mountains, tear down….destroy trees, destroy animals. And taking things out from the mother's body. Many resources turning it to destructive use. Causing pollution, causing sickness, all that. Now you're going to start messing with that moon and if you bring something down there's a lot of disturbance will be taking place down here. Maybe great earthquakes, flooding, wind destructive, lightning destructive. All those natural things will start hitting us right and left. So, don't ever do that. But they have already done that.

The second time they were coming down with some more rock for landing in Pacific here, I was in different lecture in church in San Fernando Valley. And same thing I'm talking here. Because some of the native people went to Southwest Museum. Saw some of their things in there. Stick with things in there. It should be away from that. They want them to be taken out. Put them back where they belong. Bury them in a place where they came from. But they got arrested. Arrested and thrown in jail. And no one helping them to get out. And they had hard time.

So, I happen to come into that weekend and it's about 30-40 of them meet me in Los Angeles. And they took me to the church in San Fernando. They said had a chance one hour to talk with the church members maybe they could help get some of those people out of the jail in Los Angeles. They weren't supposed to, to talk but they saw me, and I went over there. So, they gave me about 45 minutes to talk about these things. And I told him about this this group (?). I talk about people come down some **(inaudible 4-5 words)**

So, I told him that I want to be home tonight. I want to be sure you put me on that bus tonight. I want to go back to Arizona. Because something's gonna happen. Maybe the whole California go under water or maybe earthquake, flooding or thunder. Something's gonna happen so I want to be out of here. The old people told me that. So, I kept saying it. So, they got me on a bus that night. I got a ride from **(inaudible)** home with some people. And when we got up on that RIM there, they turn the radio on. To find out it's the biggest earthquake they had. It right in the San Fernando Valley. That exactly where we were. The biggest thing ever happen and this what old people warned it. It would happen in that way.

So here we mention many things here. The second one to me is a man that improve on many kind of these things. They improve on wagons to make this automobile and other things. And the third one represents more power in it. And now you have nuclear power, everything's developing. And the fourth one is one of all native people who have been sort of brainwashed and fall into white man's system. And the material thing and grabbing everything for themselves and the enjoying everything has more conveniences. And people is not going up there. So, the second one will shook us up real hard again. Just two **(inaudible)** or happen. Now we got recruiters (?) in these days today that that we are right in this period. We go all out, test out all the inventions and have a good time and bang something will happen. Because we're going to destroy ourselves with what we invent. We will burn ourselves, okay. Too much disturbance of nature we're gonna have terrible things gonna happen on the earth. Which when you know that we're getting close to that time, many of our people are going to get, go on this way. And then will be restlessness on this land. Every people have children, but they don't take care of their children after certain age anymore. We're all fighting for jobs, for money, for new car. But we put our children over and somebody else take care of them. And they don't grow up with their parents love and protection and guidance. So, when they grow up, they can hardly handle them. They're gonna start disturbing everything.

When you're seeing men began to take animal, plant life, human beings male and female beings and start making things themselves. When you see them start making babies in that way, you know that we are getting close to that stages. Because when you disturb this natural development, everything in nature disturbs from that. And something's going to give somewhere. And then if you see people start moon, go up to the moon and beyond that other places. You know that we get so close to dangerous point. And when you see that last thing that humans would be allowed to do it to someone's made for the hard (?) way up in the sky somewhere. Scaring people and things. When that thing is become fulfilled, we either have a better life developing here or else that would become a destructive thing. And we're gonna have a terrible things happening down on this earth.

So, they went into great detail about these things at this point here. So, we're right here. There are very few people in this land that held (?) religion leaders holding on, our native people in their old way goes through prayer, meditation, ceremonies. White Light ceremonies. Sun, and sun dances and other stuff. Try to keep this land in balance but other forces are coming. These big industries have come into your land and ripping up land for more mineral resource development. And take everything away from us and pushing our people here and there. And so, in the Arizona like this was four corners area. Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and Utah. And right in that there's a huge bed of coal and oil, uranium. The Hopi say this is the backbone of the country. They placed there because they must hold onto it and not let anything come up yet until human being learn to live in peace and harmony and use it in a proper way. But somebody must sneak in and force them self in there. But these people have realized the danger. We should all protect these areas. Take out everything put a stop to all the development there. But we must live someplace in this land, refuge for future events.

Now these missles (?) have done warning in cities and towns. New York or Seattle or **(inaudible)** or even here. Some of you cannot survive and you want to go someplace to live again. And that would be the place that would be a refuge for your survival and at your time. So, they said we might live some places like that. Anyone virtuous that coming back home to live again. So, where they said we're right in this period to either go up and just every, all these things or come back down and join with the spiritual people. And if you have followed your own spiritual ways up here, then join in with them. That's the way the white brother and native brother join now. To share this knowledge. To share ceremonies. To share the spiritual things that we have here, we kept here. But so far, the white brothers have not yet realized the very important part of what culture (?) religion and ceremony. We are holding this land in balance in old way with the song, the prayer, fasting, lesser (?) ones and things like that for all people. So, whoever comes here, join us, then it may be that people will start clean up when we met here.

It's up to the people now. U.S. voters, taxpayers can represent the Congress and they start doing things that's not right. Not doing things that good. But people seem to be helpless. They don't know what to do. They demonstrate against war. Against nuclear power. He get beat up, thrown in jail but there must be some other system that you can get to those people through that journey. You have voters. You can vote them out or impeach them. Or set up, set up on people's court and bring them in and try them. Of course, they're doing something that destroy the nature and living things and everything. In fact, they might destroy us up here.

So, we must start to clean up our own mess here. So, we won't have another world shaking **(inaudible 2-3 words)** The third one might come if we do not do that. It was up to the people now. So, if we start clean up our mess and these who has disturbed our land or gonna shake it up with the power, now become great nations. They just might throw in a third one. And together they're gonna have to come here and really clean this mess up. And put a stop to this destroying nature, land, living things and everything because it belong to Great Spirit. And they gonna do it for the Great Spirit. Not for the Hopi, not for the native people but for the Great Spirit. Because human beings now endanger self, destroy the whole world which belong to Great Spirit. And it would be those people who were commissioned by the Great Spirit here will have to do at this point.

But if the people began to get together and start to clean up their own mess, then we can live with joy, with happiness, with truthfulness, love, understanding. We can just even sing (?) and realize that these things are dangerous. Let's put the nickel (?) far aside and put this cage (?) and army and all this far aside. We can live without them. We can live better without them. And then we follow the law of the Great Spirit and we have then create our own beautiful, harmonious life. And we will want to bring the animal, birds and plant life back together. So that it represents long life you know it can (?) represent old age. They'll be long life and then of course represent the plant also. That means plenty of food all over this land again.

And then after we clean our own mess, then the Great Spirit will come back again. Because like in the Bible I read they said that I'm the first here and I'll be the last. It's exactly what Hopi say that meaning that I'm the first here, I give all this knowledge, Instruction. I go off for a while and you go ahead and see if you can follow my instructions. If you don't then I have to bring this
purifier to clean up this mess. But if you can clean up your own mess then I will come back. I'm the first and I'm the last. I'll come back and now meet all those people who has finally got together and clean up their own mess. And then he can be with us and we can all see him, and we can follow him from there on, forever. So that this land will not be totally destroyed they said.

This is what old people said and so clearly to me. And being a person who read some of this words in this book and I just know some of the things. And what really surprised me, to hear my own people who have never been educated can read and write. Talking Hopi but talking about the same things I read in religious book. So, we are coming into the stage right here now. Now it's time for the people to start clean up their own mess and protect this area.

Now about two, three months after 1948 meeting I went to that man, Spotti (?) **(inaudible)** house. He's a Kachina leaders, was one of the leaders that was one of the leaders there from Shongpovi. I asked him, I want to find out, you mentioned the Great Spirit would select three people. Or three nations out of the people that was here at the beginning to become great or powerful nation and help to protect this land for the Great Spirit. And that's right I didn't tell you who they were. So, he went over to that wall by the door. There's a good rabbit (?) hanging. We make one in every year, new ones. In February month for the Bean ceremony. You see it if you happen to be out there during that time in the morning. At dawn they give them out as a present to boys rattles, girls dolls. And bows and arrows and things they give to the children. I brought this one, I brought this one, a little bow like this, we give presents. This represents also spiritual center, and this is the **(inaudible 2-3 words)** work. If they're Hopi and people and others begin to disturb this land again, ready to destroy themselves this **(inaudible 2 words)** have to make a shortcut. Because the blood was shed here one time in order that this land and life will continue on. And that's the blood that in every one of us. Keep us alive.

And if Hopi receive this in Bean Ceremony, they give us keep their voice. Their oldest white part. Purity can get this honest, truthful. Things that Great Spirit made for us, we hold it, this whole world. If we follow that we have green valleys, beautiful flowers. Red represents blood, living things and our birds. Yellow represents beauty, flowers of all kinds. Purple represents mystery outside of that. Things that **(inaudible)** It's known to the elders but we as human beings **(inaudible 2-3 words)** or does not understand some of these things. And those are the things and then there's four dots from there red rain drops. And it's also the final number, sacred number, three. In sacred four is a final in everything that we do. So, these are given out so we remember that we must follow this always to.

And then we have four rattles which we put on symbols. And so, this man gave me that. Took off the hook and he rattled it like this to me and said this rattle represents this world. Now you asked in the first part who is elected by the Great Spirit at the beginning. I didn't mention who they were but out this whole world people whoever showed his symbol you will know. And this symbol came. We put them on our **(inaudible)** every year and that there's is a twosome which one is this other way. And this other one this way. Whoever out of this world people show that symbol will become great nation. Invent powerful things. Shook us up real hard. Almost destroy himself. Purify yourself and you can erase this and put it right. Much better. Much stronger. But this time, getting right for the Great Spirit to protect this land for him.

Then you see this red tong one. Whoever had that tong symbol will do this and it really struck me, that's Germany and its Japanese. They shook us up. They almost destroy themselves. But you can erase it coming, from one thing about into coming. The third one would be someone is set to a new symbol. But we know in our society that our leaders, that there be someone with a red cap red hat retro (?). Who will have great populations. Who will have invented powerful things and who will have no religion. What we think about religion **(inaudible 2 words)** spiritual things. Who will become a great nation. And he is the one watching this land here. And there's people that's not great now. Some of these things that's going on here. Stop this wrong turn, cheating and lying, running of our people, destroy men and animals further. Everything.

Then the Great Spirit gonna send a message to that person with red cat, red coat from some place. He come and say hey you better hurry up, run over there they're just about destroy your brothers over there. No one have no religion to them. About to take everything away from us. Then they will come and these two were already become witnesses and joined forces. And three of them could come from each direction from here real fast. And then he kinda laughing man. Party with it. He says people saying he's gonna come here for breakfast. We don't know what it mean by that, he said. But I think is that it would be quite well away from here. Whatever is coming, long wait. But it's gonna come here so fast. By the time we get up in the morning for breakfast the fourth card be started. I don't know what gonna cause it.

Then people will rain from the sky to earth. And I don't understand it either. And then they going to corral many of people wherever they are. They're gonna cut it into four (?) sections. And they're gonna take all out of this California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada people together someplace. They're going to ask you what else. If there's one leader still holding on to him, they will together spiritually. What have these people been doing to you? I give them ability to record things and invent things. And give them instructions, religious instructions. And give them to write their religious things. They wrote their Bibles which they send out then. They wrote up all its religious things but what are they doing to you with all these things. This question will be asked. And they will look at them and they will have **(inaudible)** already developed a second. The way the Hopi said it could you have a bang (?) and you raise your arrow and they look at you. You've been bad, you get over here. You've been good, over here. They're going to weed out bad and put them over there. And they gonna destroy those people over there. Would be so mean, so terrible destroying everything for themselves, power and all that. That's why these things have no heads on them. That would be their supreme punishment.

And though it's unhealthy, some of them. Some of the people here. You give them food and lodging and try to help them in every way. There'd be a lot of them. It's that death (?), Great Spirit or whoever represents him, the purifiers would be so far what they were coming ask you did you give them permission to check your system or mountain or **(inaudible)**. No, they just went and done it themselves. Okay you go and see if you can clean up this mess for them. Plant some trees up on the mountain. Even tear down everything with it. Cover up the hill or holes. Oh, clean up these rivers you polluted. That would be your mission in the world to help clean up this mess. And if you survive then you would go on from there with the other people.

Then what about these other people. All those people that really are stood (?) force and they fought for us and they talked for us. They can be killed and thrown in jail, beat up but they continue to help us. And those people are going to be brought out from the people and will be standing with the leader, respected honor.

This is what the Hopi first say will take place here if we the people do not clean up ourselves. But if we start clean up ourselves, the **(inaudible)** come and look around and boy you **(inaudible)** clean up your mess. I don't have to punishment anyone. We just say take someone, shoot up and that would be the punishment. But this is what they were talking about. And we wondered what it would be like when they come. But it's up to the people now to do that cleaning of this mess.

I was frightened three years ago; I was giving a talk up in New Jersey. Around that area they call Omega **(inaudible)** And someone sent me a paper, magazine with a front page with the world, the United States. And there's a red line coming from the north hitting right in the middle of the United States. Around I think was Kansas someplace. And underneath it, **(inaudible 2 words)** one of the prophesies that we talk about. It's already here. If someone has that if they set something out over here, it would just knock everything out. All power. Everything would get blown up. Paralyzing everything. That's what the Hopi said would happen when the **(inaudible)** first come they gonna do that. They gonna throw something here. All man-made machine, every kind will come to a standstill. All the car will stall out. **(inaudible 2-3 words)** will stall out. All this power will go out. Airplane can't move. Tank can't move. Even gun you pick up to shoot this and it freeze, it won't move. We're gonna be helpless. That's when they going to come and they're gonna asks question here.

So, one year, one of the Hopi we're going to go and register in the Army, Second World War and I thought I was the only one. Then I made up my mind after reading all that terrible thing happened the first years in the United States. Century (?) at this honor (?). I just finished reading all that. And then I listened to my elders about these things. That I've been forced to read a lot of Bible verses. I put all that together. When that presidents start talking about all the young men he arrested too. Going on with Gomorrah (?). I wait for our **(inaudible 3-4 words)** Well I better just not go in because I must follow the law of the Great Spirit. We were not to join other people to go and disturb and these peoples land and life in any place. We must not throw any power over there that will destroy them. Because we do that, we are inviting greater punishment at a later time for ourselves here. They come and rise up and they want to do many terrible things to us. So, I decide not to do that.

So, I sent this message to a Japanese group that was on **(inaudible 3-4 words)** Two years, three years ago **(inaudible 2-3 words). I mentioned that I spent about 6 or 7 years in prison for trying to be a peaceful Hopi. And after I found out that there was a provision in the Selective Service, if you have religious training and believe you should apply for that. But they never tell us anything like that. And the Hopi was forced to go, and I thought I was the only one that refused. But some people from Hoteville also refused to register.

So, one man was in court in Phoenix. I took four elders with me down there to speak for him in court. And we wrote up a statement for one of the elders called **(inaudible 2 words)** very strong person, son of Akumaa. And after we finished writing statement for him, that evening we didn't have anything to do. So, I said it let's go to a movie someplace. Maybe we could see a movie this evening. So, I look to the paper and I read across the neighborhood movie one place called The Day the Earth Stood Still. And then we went in there and we went down to the front, the middle of it front. And he doesn't speak good English and it's deep. And when he saw that flying saucer came **(inaudible 2-3 words)** and the white man first he pick up gun and start shooting instead of welcome somebody, he start shooting. But they can't do anything. So, somebody came out and tried to talk to them. But he was sent out here to warn people better get together. He went right along with what the old people were talking about. And he followed it, just watching it. In the middle of it, what the men said, well if you are from some other being, let's hear it talk or say something. They were going up in an elevator and he spoke out and everything stopped. It shows the car is all out there, everything. This one old man look at it, deep voice, "my god boy stolen our story about **(inaudible)** So he was so surprised that somebody already knew about that.

So, I was amazed to see these things now developing. And when I mentioned in New York was Six Nation Iroquois (?)**(inaudible 2 words)** about this whole thing. This, when I came to this, Six Nations from all the country told me that one old man used to talk about these things. And he was passed on. But then another man take his place. His name is Alex Grey (?), he passed on now too. Was about 80 years old by that time. When I first met to do that Six nations 1950, 51, 52, I think. And he **(inaudible)** a lot of these things and later they had a meeting in Six Nations center, spiritual center near Syracuse, Onondaga Reservation. All the spiritual leaders from Six Nations meet them and we met with them. That was our first meeting with them. We were trying to bring this message of problem in the Hopi area. The problems so great no one listen to us; we must go to White House. If White House doesn't listen, we must to the House Of Mica some place. That's also prophesied, that there be a House of Mica standing. We don't know what it was. But in 1950 we took everyone over there to another support another to look at the building. My god what these old people learn that there be a house of glass standing here one day. That it's not mason (?) but it's nothing but glass, glass house. To be hard on it, they call it **(inaudible)** that means Micha. Things like that you know, transparent things.

And there be working together there. That we must bring this message to them give them a chance to hear it, do something about it. If not that's okay too because we know the fear part gonna come here later. We give everybody a chance to hear it, do something to stop all the wrongdoing right now people and clean up the mess. If they don't do it then we make up to four limits to do it. Knock on the door United Nations.

But since 1948 on, since our meeting in Shongopovi. They said there be House of Mica, we might knock on the door. Make every attempt to get in there to bring this message in there. They might not open it right away but on the fourth they might, so continue on. So, this year, we're going to go one more time, we're gonna knock on the door. If they open it, fine. If not, that's fine too. Then they said if something happens afterwards, if they said why didn't you tell us anything. Why don't you give us a chance to do something about it? They will not be **(inaudible 2 words)** We just going to do everything we can to bring this message.

So, we're trying to get to tell the world. We travel to Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Belgium, France, Rome, England, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Hawaii. I travel all over this place, talk about these things. And everybody now seem to realize that we are gonna have to bring this message to United Nations. Originally, I have some help from the German people. That they are setting up a petition to trying to get other organizations to help to open the door to the native people. Of course, since the United Nations built on our homeland, never open the door to native people. All other so-called enemies, Russia and Cuba and all those people talk there but the native people have, have never been given. So, this is the time for us to try to open that door. To bring this message. Give them a chance to correct changes these things which they supposed to do. If not, then other private forces will have to take over.

So, this is but the main thing here. Now to Hopi this represents male. Seed of everything male. And this is a female shall. And we must not disturb that and the land stays. But if we do then we're gonna have trouble. Those babies born now in test tube and other ways, when they grow up, they not have all the things within them. The spiritual things, other things. That they would be terrible. They're gonna be destructive. Grow (?) mean. They won't hesitate to destroy everything. We can't control them. So, things that don't go beyond that. They know that they're gonna succeed and that's what happened in the other world. And they do it. And they're gonna start communicating with animals, birds and they're gonna start using them to disturb plant life too. People are gonna start attack one another in that way.

And think so many things they talk about they told me that they know too many of these things that in four days they not even, even cover half of it. And it's too much of it. I'd like to get together and putting all the main point together already. But I need to transcribe it or type it up to get a little booklet out of it so that people can understand. Because I'm the only one left now to, to bring this message for my elders, for other people. That know this, that learning right direct from the elders. There were four of us selected to be the interpreters to messages. But they all three of them gone now and I'm the only one left. But I want to do that if I can while I still have time to remember that so many thing to tell, talk about. These are some of the main things here. I know we are running overtime.

2nd Speaker: Take as long as you want. It's fine.

Well I wanted to you to bring this point out many that Hopi of course that you all know where that Hopi means peaceful, kind gentle, truthful. So, they always say anybody that live in harmony with its own people and other things around you, they could be called Hopis. That is not just a word for them, our people, Hopi. You can tell any person when you come into a room or meet somebody. You could just feel that he, he knows exactly what to say what to do and how to take care people and things. He's kind, gentle, truthful, honest. See that the way of Hopi. And that's the life that we started out from here. He give us this and that we must live that life for that this land, animals, birds with also live in that way. We ourselves as human eat in the winter to bring that above.

In our ceremony a lot of things happen there. And I carry some of these. I'm not **(inaudible)** into high society or world culture. I work with those members and they told me a lot of things. And then at the elders meeting I learned quite a lot from them. But I cannot spread anything, very sacred things that still have secret in the society. But when I went to different area, I found many area of our native people still remember some of these things. And I was amazed to know that we have similar knowledge spread out for this land.

And that language is also all found. The people in Mexico called Yaquis, they speak a lot of Hopi words there. Went down San Diego on mission, they call Mission Indians, Pauma **(inaudible)**. They speak a lot of Hopi words. Old men down there in Pauma told me that they used to speak up in Northern California, even up in Oregon. Thousands of our people used to live here but Spanish and others and Catholic and others, almost wiped them out. And then I went over to Nevada. Paiutes, Shoshones, they speak lot of Hopi words. Just last month I was up in Pyramid Lake with some of that leaders come from Idaho, many tribes. They speak really good Hopi there, still up there. And then up in there Yutes (?), Shoshones, Cayuse in Oklahoma they **(inaudible 2 words)** Hopi language **(inaudible)** out. Of course, the Navajos (?) came from north, they from Canada and they kept coming down. The last one coming into the area, Navajo (?) area they say. But this is a Hopi area and the pueblos and New Mexico and all that. We all one **(inaudible)** in that area. And our roads (?) are spread out all over that area.

And so today government continue to oppress, the development of mineral resources because they said they need more energy. But they're only making more disruptive things out of it. Which we shouldn't allow to have happen. Put up any kind of a dangerous thing. Like a military site or anything in there because we would be inviting in the bombing (?) in that area if we do not stop it. But that is still hold by the spiritual leaders and they don't want that to be disturbed. So, they are asking people to help stop those things, this moment.

Now as I mentioned that there are eleven villages. The two mother villages, Oraibi and Shongopovi and out of that other villages sprung out. But there are two, they make a two divisions, make a division out of a village in Moenkopi. They call it upper village now and lower village. Those people is where I was born and raised. It's a traditional people down there. Look into Oraibi here. And Oraibi, Oraibi still a traditional village. Then Hotevilla **(inaudible 2 words)** from there. And then in Shongopovi they have kikmongwi there, the leaders. Kikmongwi is placed in there in a real traditional religious way. And then the Mishongnovi they have their leaders, spiritual leaders. At first mesa, Walpi they have their leaders.

So, we still have those leaders performing the ceremony. Every month there are certain things that happen. And there's so many things that I like to explain to you. But main thing that I'm really concerned so many activity going on all over the world. It seems like we are leading ourselves into total destruction. If we going to develop more destructive thing it just seem like we going this way. I'm sure after traveling around Germany other places, that many people are now realizing the danger, wrongness and that we are now coming back together. Looking for one another. That maybe people are will get together and help put aside many of these things. We don't have to go on fighting and quarreling. We can realize that it's dangerous. We just put them aside. Even singing and dancing from **(inaudible)** that we finally realize what we want to do with this. And this is what the Hopi like to see happen.

So, I'm going to try to do everything to knock on that United Nations. Maybe with your help, with your petition or whatever, ways. Maybe we could get some of the members of United Nations to open the door. I have some support from people in Austria and Germany, in Switzerland and Rome and they also have put out petition. But I didn't have enough thing to put out. So, I think that that is what the old people mention.

This is the paper that shows four corners area, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado. And this is, this is….yeah this is the one. This is the executive of Hopi Reservation, the government create. that's what the network around here. They create 18 districts and then created these districts six months and called it Hopi Reservation. I have a 1893 last census book the government put out every10 years about Hopi area. Under that map they said they hope to create this way back in 1893. To create this kind of taking land away from the Hopi people some ways. And so, if we finally find our self in this area. And recently they add another with legislation to have a little more **(inaudible)** but that **(inaudible)** helped by this greater rules and regulation, like Taylor Grazing Act. So, you can't just move in there. You have to agree to all kind of things before you move in there. Just like relocate yourself from the Hopi land to outside area. So, a lot of stuck them there and they're not going unnoticed. Where the Navajo (?) will record because the Hopi were fenced in the barbed wire around here. And then district six is going to be fenced in so we fenced in with two lines of barbed wire. But the Navajos bought this here and they don't want that fencing in. And they don't want to move out there. And then when they actually come in and move with the US Marshal or Army or something, so that they move them out. They said they rather die right there. They're fighting for their own homeland, their own people, their rights.

And so, we don't know what's going to happen. They say that it has to be done by 1986. The United States government gonna come relocate the people in the homeland away from us so that they can take all this mineral resources. And they offer the Hopi this area to live in for five million dollars to sellout. And the Hopi fighting that. They don't want the leaders. Some young people too, **(inaudible)** are controlled my Europe (?)**(inaudible 2 words)** naturally go along with it. But majority of other people don't want that and so they're fighting it. So, we're faced with those kind of things. And the Hopi elections get help from people understand some of these things and maybe help publicizing it so that we can bring about restoring of this **(inaudible)**. Changing things around so that there wouldn't be disturbing anyone in this area again. But better they're gonna start putting more big corporation in that. They already found more uranium Rock south of Grand Canyon area. And there's a lot of such sacred area, parks and all that in there. Ruins of all kinda and we don't want that to be disturbed.

So, I just want to mention in this, and I hope that maybe some of you may be able to help us. And I'll be glad to talk to any of you again if you come out and Hopi and ask more questions. Maybe we can work together in some way to get things stopped. Is that any other questions anybody like that ask before I go.

**(inaudible question asked from the room)** Right now there they are trying to pressure them into move by themselves. But those that I know that they're not moving. And they started pounding their stalks(?). Of course, they freeze that area so that they can't during wintertime cold, they can't fix their houses any way. And then there is pressure on them to be relocated by offer more money. But they're still holding on and they haven't yet. The government **(inaudible 2 words)** gonna go ahead with compete the fencing in there. But they haven't done yet. And so right now there's a pressure of exchanging land for some other areas. And they already selecting from us. But those people are like big mountain still holding on.

Speaker #2. Thomas, we want to thank you very much. You're very **(inaudible several sentences, volume very low)** The address you have at the bottom of the board, we can't quite see it. How do you spell that?

This one?

Speaker #2 Yes. Put it on the board for those that want to write it down.

K-y-k-o-t-s-m-o-v-I, Kyktosmovi. Kykots means a ruins place in the hill. Kyktosmovi.

**(inaudible question or comment from the room)**

Thank you. I **(inaudible)**. I'm here today and I will thank you for coming. And I hope we can all start working towards doing away with all the destructive things. I'm glad that one of our people from this area here. And you people from Africa. There's a great place (?) when I take part in it too, people from Africa. There are many other things that we know that we cannot **(inaudible)** when we meet like this. I think we are now searching for one another. And I think we are gonna succeed in finding way to solve this problem without going to war. That's my belief but Michael (?) you mean though **(inaudible)** it look like it's gonna happen. But other forces gonna step in . Unseen forces already reacting, natures reacting. Warnings those are warning. Nature with earthquake, flooding, wind. Last will be lightning. We just now coming into the stages. These are the things that I would like for your to remember so that something happen instead of going around not know what to do, just meditate. Each one of us has that power within us. To Meditate. Think about forces out there that taking care of you. And that you also that with your mind you can change things. You can also heal yourself. We all know that we all have that power. You just take a little bit of corn meal or food, whatever . Pray over it like your gonna have a child, like in the Hopi they say. The child in pain is crying, pray a little bit. Use water on your hands and pick them up. Give them water, some prayer you can help them. And you can do the same thing with yourself. I know that a lot of problems going to be so great. If you develop that spiritual within yourself, you won't get run around like chicken without a head. You know what to do. You get control of yourself so you can help each other when something happen. This is what the old people say. And also store up dry food that will last at least week or two because something might happen that knock everything down and can't go to grocery store. And you have food growing in the yard or **(inaudible)** someplace. You will have some food to have all the time.

I was so surprised, one home(?) some about eight years ago. I give a talk and take one man look at the home. Out on the patio they have all kind of plant, flowerpots carrots, onions and potatoes, all kind of them. Beans hanging from the wall. And inside they have enough food that those people are never gonna go hungry. And that is what old people's say. Store up something and it will last a long time. From now on they're thinking bad something real bad gonna happen. You better have money, a lot of money in your pocket. But this go down in value so faster you can have pocketful of money but even more hungry. You can't eat that. You will have to find some other way he said. They talk about all these things though. So, I hope that we don't go that far and then start to clean up our own mess. And that could beautiful life.

I hope every one of you come back again someday we have another one. Or you go from here I want you to know this our prayer, my prayer with you. Return to your home, your family safe. Thank you very much.


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