Presentation 39

Presented on: Saturday, September 26, 2015

Presented by: Roger Weir

Presentation 39

We come to the 39th presentation out of 52. For this 2015 year of preparation. Preparation for 2016. 39 is three fourths of the way through. And so. This particular presentation will be very strong. And. Penetrating in the sense of poking a finger through. What was a false membrane. In nature membranes make it possible for there to be cells. And it is a part of the way in which life evolves. Complex. Beings. Plants, animals. It is. Interesting. That the social realm. Is so pervasive. That. Individuals. Who have. Deep wisdom or high dharma. Heritage. In not their cells, not their DNA, but in the spirit amplitudes of further dimensions. That the social realm covers. Through its. Magisterial spread of power and influence and tradition, etc., etc., etc.. That it takes a while for someone. To recover. Those further dimensions. The word. Bandied about now is a consciousness. As if everybody knew. What they're talking about. When I returned from a. Being a professor in Canada for a number of years and designing a. Special. Way of Learning program. I lived on Hyperion. In the Los Feliz Silverlake area of Los Angeles at the corner of Lyric and Hyperion Lyric being Song and Hyperion referring to The Sun. And so I lived at the corner of Sun and Song. And had. Recovered a great deal of. The heritage of further dimensions. And so I would occasionally like. Many of you who likewise. Have done so. Had a very powerful dream. And on waking. I heard. In my. Social language. A word that came out to me as Copernicus. And I remembered the dream. And I remembered that I had been driving in my neighborhood and that I had come upon a street I didn't know was there. And I was driving down this short street I had never known was there. And I'm a walker, so I usually know exactly where I live. The ten years I was in San Francisco, I walked everywhere in San Francisco. I end the dream. I came upon this large Los Angeles three story bungalow house. That looked very festive and there were beautiful cars that were pulling up and very well dressed men and women getting out and going in. And I thought, this is this must be a very special event at a very special place. These are special people. So being curious, in the dream I parked. And I walked up the little sidewalk area onto the porch veranda and into the house, and it was filled with men and women who were just exquisitely dressed, apparel mannered. And they were talking. And I overheard a word, and I heard it when I woke up, because as soon as I heard the word, I woke up. I heard this chopping echoes. And it never made any sense at all to me. Until I realized. About a decade later. Recalling some aspect that had resonances of that dream. That I had heard a word and it wasn't in English, and I had misheard it. And my spontaneous. Realization was that the word was in Greek, classical, Greek. So I tried to take. A re modification Walking back my Midwest American hearing. To be able to hear in classical Greek. That word and what came out. Not through an analytic and not instantly, but quicker than instantly. Higher. Deeper than analysis. I heard the Greek word was true paresis. And of course, I went to my classical Adele Scott Jones. Over 2000 pages, Greek English Dictionary and began to work with it. And I. Found out that it was extremely rare word. In fact, it was not classical Greek, but it was Alexandrian Greek. And it was a term from alchemy. It meant. The double transform that takes something out of nature in such a way that it gains into a spiritual dimension, and then that gaining into the spiritual dimension has a second transform that it becomes kaleidoscopic cosmic. And that in pedestrian terms, in alchemy, the first transform is to be able to transform the, quote, lead into, quote, gold. But the second transform in alchemy is the multiplication of the gold. The old 17 century, 1600s alchemists used to talk about all the time because they were at a glorious renaissance tail end of looking at the Enlightenment coming up to. It's the multiplication of the gold that involves us. The making of lead into the gold as a transform is taking something that is in the natural realm of phenomena. And changing the phenomena from this phenomena is led to this phenomena which is gold, an alchemy, but that the deeper, higher transform took that gold and multiplied its value meaning. And that this was then leads one to not just an alchemy, but to a cosmology. Of further dimensions of infinite extent. Well. It was a shock of recognition. That a great deal of the problem that I had been so assiduously working on by that time, it was at least. Least 20 some years, a whole generation of how to not just teach, but how to offer learning in such a way that it sidestep the many complications of social pressured education, of the manipulated levels and layers that are a false membrane of comfort, of purpose, of life, of the living conditions, of oneself, of identity, and of the confidence and identification. After all, it's important to know not only that two and two two plus two make four, but that a equals a. These are deceptions. That happened. Dynamically. In a phenomenal only mentality. And as long as you are sewn into space time E equals MC squared is about as good as you can do that It's universally relative that with this you can really go a long way and you can understand almost everything. What is not understandable is that the extension. However refined and complex of an inter girl only mentality keeps you in the mind. In a false membrane way, the false membrane having ultimately in its symbolic refining reasonableness that were working with ultimate fundamentals, aren't we? We're working with identity of ourselves. We have every confidence in being able to. To find, to determine, to work with and of the application of that as identification that this is the cause of this and the leg bone's connected to and so forth. And in an integral only mentality where that idea of identity and that idea of identification as being the ultimate tuning of trustworthiness. Of trust and truths. Will seem to hold. All of this is suspect. Dreams don't stay in that identity and they don't stay in that. Id. Neither do visions. Neither does poetry. Neither do fairy tales. Neither does deep wisdom nor high dharma. And the cosmos sings in a way that cannot be heard by S.T. constructs. Hoping to catch signals on the basis of identification and identity. You hear static? We have been presenting the way in which. A sensitivity. To continuity. Eventually brings into question the identity of ourselves and an identification that comes to a oneness with the sense of the present. Now. It says. A parent is now. There's a very grand pedestrian. Half a. Observation that just simply obscures. Like the ancient and classic American Indian sage black elk. Talking 70. Two researcher named Brown, and he said it's in the dark of men's eyes that they get lost. They think that what they see with the pupil in their eyes is what they see and that that's what is. Everyone who sees in that way is lost. We've been looking at some of the deepest, most. Poignant events that happened in the 1940s. And that by going not going back. In the sense of now the present, we're at late 2015. The forties is old stuff. Is it? We've been seeing increasingly that. As George C. Marshall put it, as the chief of all the armed forces of the United States. That the moment in the early forties, he characterized it as the world is in balance jeopardy. And it certainly was. Within a year there would be an atomic bomb being built. There would be, etc., etc.. At the. Towards the end of the 1940s. One of the young geniuses who did the math. Largely did the math. In the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. He was 25 when he and he was hired by Oppenheimer because Richard Feynman was recommended by two of the most important mathematical geniuses, one a mathematical physicist named John a Wheeler, and the other was a mathematical genius who was there working at Los Alamos, Hans Bessa. And they both said, Richard Feynman is a bona fide, rare genius. Which. He was and is. Extraordinary. In my Learning Civilization program. Now after 50 years of working on it. I'm still glad that I utilize Feynman's little book, Quantum Electrodynamics, QED. It came out almost within a year of the way in which James de Watson's The Double Helix came out. And here's two hermetic Americans almost within a year who revolutionized no higher deeper than that. They recalibrated learning so that one could penetrate through false. Seaming membranes and enter into dimensions where the real membranes have a recognition prelude. That's a transformation out of mentality. Into a recognized, larger functioning of really consciousness. That matures into a challenge of the second transformation. And that second transformation is to be able to go to even higher dimensions from recognition already a six dimensional continuum into a ten dimensional continuum, which requires not just a differential consciousness transform, but a second kaleidoscopic consciousness transform. And like vision is the field out of which the prismatic persons begin to step up their multi dimensionality. The second transform is history. Which brings into play very quickly. A final phase, which is science. And that it's almost impossible to recognize at first. That you can't go very far in mathematics without. Looking at a field, you can look it up on Wikipedia field. Parentheses. Mathematics. And linked with that, if you will, follow that up, another step phase factor. Something about fields and phases and then quintet function. And there's a proviso about kinetic functions, and that is that. They only. Operate. With a very peculiar limitation. Otherwise they become quadratic functions instead of quintet instead of five for quadratic function and mathematics. A quadratic function, a quadratic polynomial, a polynomial of degree two or simply a quadratic is a polynomial function in one or more variables in which the highest degree term is of the second degree. For example, a quadratic function in three variables X, Y, and z, x, Y, and Z, which are space dimensions. Contains exclusively terms x squared and. That X squared is interesting because in kinetic functions, one doesn't come into this language yet, but one comes into a different order of mathematical language function and mathematics, a function as a function of the form. And then they give they string of math in alphabetic designations where A, B, C, D, and E, and F, one, two, three, four, five, six. Are members of a field. Typically the rational numbers, the real numbers or the complex numbers and A is non zero. If the beginning is zero, you get quadratic functions that work. But if A is zero, you have to go to Quantic functions. And this is a very, very difficult kind of a mathematic. And a simple way to say it is that with quadratic functions you can deal with essentials like space time, 314 dimensions. But as soon as there is a fifth dimension, you have quintet functions. Which shows that you have to bring into play zero. And when you bring zero into play, now you're dealing with something which is in higher mathematics, a field. And in order to deal with it at all, numerically, mathematically, etc., mentally you have to deal with it in terms. That the zero field can be designated a vacuum. And so you have a mental designation is a vacuum. And now you can work with gauge field theories where relativity is brought into play in quantum mechanics and you can follow through. Oh, what Feynman beautifully called path integrals, quantum mechanics and path integrals. It's a Dover reprint. Been out for a long time, and as long as you have a path integral, you can follow. But as you follow the path more and more and you get refined doing this, you begin to realize that it is not a static path of things, but it is a current. It is a flow. And the classic term brought in in the late 1900s, 18, 1800s, 1890s by William James. He called it a stream of consciousness. The tendency in identity and identification is that while low factor in consciousness. In our computations. Dealing with zeros, dealing with vacuums is very problematic On. On every score. All the time. Feynman when he offered quantum electrodynamics at Caltech. For the first time because he was Feynman, who was a people's genius. He wanted to offer the very latest of the mathematics of physics and quantum mechanics, relativity. And so he designed a course at Caltech, and he gave it in 1953. And it was a three semester course. And the transcripts of those courses. We're published in three volumes eventually, because they're so honored, they were in three boxed volumes, full size eight and one half by 11 and the latest 50th anniversary of it. They were bound in the original Caltech read of the the little university bound notes, so forth. And it's become one of the great sets in the world. The course was a complete failure. He he says in a preface, this is an admission of QED that Addison Wesley published. He said the attempt to teach elementary quantum mechanics and quantum electrodynamics together in just one year was an experiment. It was based on. The idea that as new fields of physics are opened up, students must work their way further back. Do you get it? As you go up, you also, in a symmetry, go further back. This year these presentations are called The Future and the New Past, because when you go back, you don't go back into the past. You go back into a new past. Why can you not go back into the past? Well, the physics of this actually is quite conclusive and mathematically conclusive. In the universe. What really carries the energy is. Well, the particle is called the photon, which, yes, it can be a particle. A photon. Einstein characterized it by 1923. It's a photon. But it acts also as a wave. The difficulty with all of this. Is that ambidextrous ness of the photon also shows that it is a pair which has a symmetry. And the particle that was discovered before the photon, the first particle, the first subatomic particle, not the photon, but the electron. 27 years before Einstein named the Photon. Now there are whole industries called photonics. The electron. Well, there are a whole industries called the electronics. Electronics? You've heard of this? I'm being a little sarcastic because the confidence. That we know what people are talking about and that we hear them clearly is no sign that they are right. And is almost classically a sign that they are deluded and we are wrong. As the new fields of physics are opened up. In other words, the fields of physics open. Where do they open? They open into a field of infinity. As the students. Must work their way further back to earlier stages of the educational program. But in working their way back in terms of physics is to take the energy dynamic, the electro dynamics, the quantum electrodynamics of the electron, and show that as a time forward arrow, what happens in the mass in the physics really is that if the electron reverses its time signature and moves backwards in time, it no longer is an electron, it becomes a positron. If you try to pair an electron with a positron, you get an annihilation. If you look up Feynman diagram on Wikipedia, the very first page will have a little diagram and it shows what happens if you have an electron and a positive electron, which is a positron, and they squiggle together. What happens is that there's an interesting kind of a thing. Another pair are released that Annihilation has a very high dharma deep wisdom. Reverse the two particles that are released. One is a photon. The other is a gluon. What's a gluon? A gluon is part of the glue that makes a plasma out of quarks. And when you have three quarks getting together, you in one version, you get a proton. In its mirror version, you get a neutron and so forth. The quark. Uh, plasma. We'll always have gluons with it. This is the way in which vacuum condenses. How? By density waves, which are the energy of integrals everywhere in the universe and the condensation of vacuums create. A Higgs boson. Let's take a little break. Let's come back to what we're looking at. The trauma of the 1940s became in the next decade. Notice that by decades one gets an orientation. The best characterization of the fifties was by man who wrote a weekly. His name was I.F. Stone. And I.F. Stone's weekly newsletter was the most caustic, penetrating commentary on what was really happening in the fifties, especially in the United States. And they were collected together. And the book was called The Haunted Fifties. I happen to be at the University of Wisconsin in Madison in the late 1950s, and Stone's office was in the very center of Madison. Just a couple of blocks from the state capital on Gorham Street. And I visited with I was at that time shifting from engineering to a double major of political science and philosophy with a minor in history. I had given up trying to be an electrical engineer because I became interested in what I didn't know, and I realized that I really didn't understand anything that was going on other than physics and mathematics and engineering and all of this other stuff. And Stone was surprisingly gentle as a kind of a puffy older man with glasses. But what he said was just penetrating. And quite an experience. The Haunted fifties are haunted because we didn't know at the time. Those of us who grew up in the 1950s, most of us didn't realize that what General Marshall had said of the early forties was true in spades in the early fifties. We moved from a threat of atomic warfare. To incursion. Threat of universal Armageddon. We did not know that our planet. In our star system. Was ground zero for a conflict of many other star systems coming together here because we had something very special. As a species. And on one hand it was in demand. Another. On the other hand, it was a. Student that needed to be engaged in learning, not just taught. But capable of nourishing the learning. All of this came bubbling to the surface in the 1960s. And so the one side of that decided that the cap was off the soda pop of the carceral planet, especially the American fifties generations who were getting really close to something. So we can't put the bottle cap on. So what we'll do is we'll shake the soda bottle so that it fizzes and foams over and empties that of all of its energy. And what's left will not be carbonated. No one will want to have it. They'll want to have a new bottle. And our beverage company is going to be ready with all the new bottles that they want. And all of that. Came to a crash with the Apollo programs to the moon. And before. Apollo nine. On levels behind levels. The decision was made to truncate the Apollo program so that there would not be 20 Apollo's. They're to be cut down. And there was a compromise that had to be made because there was levels behind levels encouraging that this is needed. So the last Apollo was Apollo 17. And the major jet pilot, cowboy ace Gene Cernan. His book is called Last Man on the Moon. And his astronaut buddy Jack Schmitt, was the first non-military astronaut. He was a scientist geologist. And. Jack Schmitt was a courageous character as well. The film Space Cowboys captures the land of Gene Cernan. Tall, lanky, would have been a gunfighter was ready. Let's we're out there. We can go. Let's go. Not only has there been no American to the moon since its 46 years. No one else is gone as well. And the feint that, Oh, well, we're going to have a mission to Mars sometime, maybe in the 2030s, another generation from now, because we want another generation to curdle and crave for that soda which we're selling. That hasn't been opened already and we want it to lose its fizz. And by the 2030s we'll have a captive audience. That's where we are now. That peculiar spontaneous. Events occur. That are not calculable. It's not that they're just one of a kind, it's that there is no kind for it at all. So that it doesn't occur with causation. Is not able to be foreseen by controlling all of the causal. Identification avenues based on identity. Something spontaneously occurs for which there was no prediction whatsoever. In my case, I was. Among the many persons I was close to. There's a Canadian filmmaker whose girlfriend was a granddaughter of Jesse Marcel. Major Jesse Marcel of Rose, Roswell fame. She had two brothers. And their whole lives were spent in this kind of a subterranean. Sub subterranean quandary that there's something going on. Not just with the Roswell thing, but with our family. That's somehow sewn into this. And our father. Who's wonderful in many ways and is maybe not so wonderful in some other ways. And as the grandchildren, we were mature enough now to realize that we we're we're facing not just issues or an issue, but we're trying to face ourselves and we're talking among ourselves. And so I was contacted by the older brother. That we have a one of a kind rarest of the rare artifacts from Roswell. Which was picked up by our grandfather. And just harmlessly because it was curious, stuffed into a little cloth container and it happened to not be included in the detailed assembly of all of the fragments under military national security rule. And had been innocently as a dad would do for a son. Passed on to his son. And because this is really jeopardy now, if anybody says anything about anything and that I have this from the field, we'll just not say anything ever. So the grandchildren who were the children of this man had this. Fragment. It was a small I-beam shaped. Metallic. But what drew their grandfather to be curious about it enough. And then the mystery of the night and the freshness and wonder of it all. It just stuffed it into a cloth pocket area. It had symbols on it that were not able to be read. And the granddaughter understood that I was capable on dimensions beyond belief. Of not just reading symbols, but becoming someone who is a reader of the symbols as well. So they made a very secret copy of the symbols and sent it to me because we had in negotiations, talked about them doing a book. Rothwell's grandchildren. What it's like to wake up in the 21st century knowing that your family held the unknown heretofore missing clue. And that we're trying to find out what it means so that we can do this book. And of course, the circumstance turned out that it would be sabotage. And it was on several fronts. But I wrote a seven or eight page precis of. What these symbols read but did not include. What occurs in the second transform to the reader of those symbols. Which is a little bit of what we're talking about today. Speaking of language. It gives you that experiential quality that all cultures share. But when you come to a written language. The energy dynamic of energy changes. And it changes in a very simple way, at least ostensibly, and discussing it. It goes from counting from arithmetic. To mathematics, because when you understand the relational cities which are ratios. That there is such a thing as one half. And that this is another clue to other dimensions in space time. Well, how can that be? And that there is such a thing as. 2 to 3 or two thirds, but a ratio, a proportion and a ratio. The arithmetic transforms into a mathematic and with a mathematics. The Greek word my thesis means someone. Who is capable of learning. First of all, by being able to recalibrate what they're hearing because what they're hearing recalibrates to what they can read, which is a symmetry with what you can write so that a reader writer is the second transform of a hearer. And learning how to hear first. Is that first transformed from lead to gold. We're learning how to write and read is now. Something that gives those further dimensions to the reader writer. One of the great revelatory books is Magic Eyes Only Ryan Eastwood, raised by his father, Dr. Robert F Wood, and the two of them together. Bloomfield, Colorado, is on the outskirts of metro Denver just before you get to the outskirts of Metro Boulder, Colorado. This is the title page and it's inscribed to me by Ryan Wood. Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology. He and his father in magic eyes only towards the close of it, include some documents. That they were able through Freedom of Information Act to sequester. But because they were persevering father and son and also others, that became the best phrase as friends along the way or companions along the way is even better. Persevered. And in 1998, a privately published a compendium of everything that they were able to recover. And it was a. Pamphlet. A booklet. There were only two copies left when I wrote to receive a copy and my copy was sent by Ryan. About ten days, almost two weeks ago. What's germane to this? Is that among the other materials that were recovered at Roswell joining other materials that have been recovered at other sites. All of these materials have been analyzed literally ad infinitum, except it isn't ad infinitum. It's ad integral only tedium. Which has produced an incredible. Enigma. And what is as puzzling an enigma as who are these aliens and what do they want? Is why us? And why is all of this happening? I put three pages into the visual. Part of our notes presentation notes today. Because many of these fragments, some maybe not many, but some of these fragments also had the symbols on them. And because they had I count at 1.13 esoteric, covert, initialed bodies of inquiry. Mode of operation is believed to be instrumentation and suggests that the aerodynamics from reconstruction of available wreckage, bio sensory and optical stimuli. For these reasons, absence of any indicator lights, absence of any circular dials, absence of linear dials or moving patterned lines or counters, absence of scopes. No mechanics, insignia indicators. There were no identifiable central types found among the assortment of artifacts that would indicate operation of the propulsion unit was manually activated by knobs, push buttons, toggle switches, levers, balls, nano wheels, hand cranks or foot pedals were observed in any interior space in the flight cabin. There were no moving parts. The apparent lack of additional clotting, clothing and equipment reinforces the belief that the occupants were engaged in surely exploratory flights. They were there to find something out. It is not presently known if electromagnetic radiation effects from the power plant had contributed to pilot error or death before impact. If inadequate shielding was the primary cause of pilot error detected. It's just believed that some of the crash inspection personnel, that sudden decompression and change in atmospheric pressure may have contributed to pilot error. Clothing removed from occupants did not resemble any pressure suits currently being tested by the Army or the Navy for extreme altitude, etc., etc., etc.. Let's pause for a minute. There is no indication on any of the scholars of technology that there are any moving parts. Why are there these crashes? The only. Part movable and the whole ensemble. Are the pilots. Now. Let's have an insert here. Currently on the Web, David Adair. Is talking about how as a teenager. With his dad's workshop company was able to assemble rockets which he, as a teenager would set off, and they got bigger and better. But Adair himself was an extraordinary genius in spontaneous visioning. And finally, still at 17, figured out how to make a magnetically contained fusion engine for one of his really biggest rockets. Now, it doesn't take any speciality for anyone to understand that fusion is more powerful than fission. It's not blowing up. It's condensing together and it's fusion that makes the stars shine. It's not like all these super hydrogen bombs going off. It's a fusion of the entire star. And stars like this have magnetic fields. So to get the special equipment and things to build this, he had to contact through a congressman some very special military supply places. And it drew the attention because it fit a pattern that was recognizable to General LeMay. Who is in charge of many things. And recognized that this kid was doing something that nobody was able to do on this planet, but that it had something to do with. One of the recovered, though, damaged engines of one of the larger UFOs. And it was being kept 20 stories below the surface in a very special sub sub hangar at Area 51. The only thing, General LeMay, who is a tough guy. Tough. What he wanted to know was what this kid has built. Does it work and is it controllable? Because if it works and it's controllable, we know how to take that and plug it in to what we have. And we have the most formidable military technology anyone has ever seen. You can watch a dare. Yeah, it worked. And he said no one saw it take off because it took off so fast that the rocket was faster than a bullet out of a gun. And it went 635 miles and landed at the end of one of the 10,000 foot runways at Area 51. And when he was taken there, he was not taken to see his rocket, but he was taken down those 20 floors into the subsub hangar and shown. How does this work? And there was an engine the size of a small Volkswagen. And Adair recognized that these configurations meant that this was a magnetic containment. And what it was containing then was obviously a fusion engine. What are these craft or are they were craft that work by star power? Of course, interstellar travel would work by star power. Of course. Super. Star power. He was alert enough because geniuses like that are spontaneous or spontaneous. Sensors that something is dangerous. And if this goes on, I'll be what served on the plate. So he feigned not really understanding, but that it was it was curious, but it wasn't sure. And so on and so forth. But coming out now, decades later, he says that these are Symbian machines, that the occupant is the working key that put into not a dead machine, but a machine which is alive in the sense that its energy configurations are those of a life form out of metals as out of various other aspects. But that it was sensitive to his energies, that one of the things he noticed is that if he put his hand out because he said the hangar was lit like his father's repainting room where you have an arc of lighting so that there are no shadows, so that you can tell when everything is evenly painted. Well, this was shown that there are no shadows. And he noticed that when he reached down to touch the machine that there was a shadow showing on the metal so called that wasn't even metal when he touched it. It had swirls of energy and nice little whirlpools like when you row a boat with oars, the wake of the oars and the water will leave those little swirls of whirlpools and so forth. But later on, when he was upset, when the whole tone of those who were getting impatient with him, there weren't those nice little swirls anymore. It was like a spaghetti of angry motions. And he realized that the machine was not showing shadows from the lights, but it was showing an empress from his psychophysical self approaching it, and that when he touched it, he symbiotically was accepted as a part of the opportunist. In mathematics and not in arithmetic, but in mathematics. The higher functions into further dimensions require operators. Oh, you can look up. Starting with Wikipedia. Self Adjunct Operator. Self object operator on a complex vector space v with inner product, and then the mass of the inner product of what they're explaining is with the parentheses, there's a dot, there's a comma, and there's a second dot in parentheses. We're going to go deeper into this next week, but this is where it becomes interesting with the way in which Ryan would sending this pamphlet. The panels removed from the craft resembled the ones taken from the occupants, suggesting a symbiotic relationship between operator and the functions of the aerodynamic operation. And when we come next week, we'll talk about prismatic persons that become spontaneous operators for star travel. Next week.

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