Presentation 35

Presented on: Saturday, August 29, 2015

Presented by: Roger Weir

Presentation 35

Transcript (PDF)

The Future and The New Past
Presentation 35 of 52

Presentation 35
Presented by Roger Weir
Saturday, August 29, 2015


Let's come back from last week's presentation which was number 34 in this 2015 year of preparation. And this is number 35. We were presenting, especially in the second half, because the presentation always comes in a pair. The so-called break is actually an intervalling that allows for an ability for insight to play later on with the relationship of the two halves as a pair acquire eventually the structure of symmetry. So that a pair is what we're doing today with presentation 35, with presentation 34. And though there's a week of interval, nevertheless they can be paired. And they will show a symmetry for those almost everyone following this, will be following this in some kind of a digital form. Uh, we don't know where. We don't know when.

But the presentations are meant to be presenting in terms of a pivot in presence. So that the present time is actually irrelevant to the pivot. Within presence, the present moment splits time into past and future. Whereas presence restores the continuity of the new past and the future. In the sense that the continuity does not have a completeness of a limited structure, but it has the openness of a differential geometry and of a kaleidoscopic trigonometry. Much like the taking of a raw crystal of any geometry and being able to recut it as a jewel to release its radiance. So that the tremendous capacity of a jewel cutter is the art of the mastery of giving the complexity of the facets an ability not to be in some limited way, but to have a radiance, a resonance, a harmonic, which is appreciable as a jewel.

The original use of spoken language as a jewel cutter was Jesus in Alexandria about 2000 years ago. In fact, he began teaching as the president of the therapeutae community about 14 A.D. He was about 23 years old. And one of the appreciators in that audience for his inaugural speaking was Philo of Alexandria, who noted in the recording of that event The Contemplative Life [On the Contemplative Life]. So, if you look at the works of Philo of Alexandria, say the Harvard Loeb Classical edition with the Greek and English on facing pages, the treatise is On the Contemplative Life. And he relates there that the president of this healers community, the Therapeutae comes from therapeut, therapeutic, healers. They were healers. They were healers in the entire scalar of the real. The president was giving the, his inaugural cutting by using a word cutter. Hence, he frequently was called the word as a designation of honorary appreciation of analytic acumen. The word cutter is the phrase for word, Philo being Greek in Alexandria, he used the term logos. So, to make the Greek English logos cutter.

So that one could use a spoken language like I am using now, is a refinement of the way in which speaking can occur. And it has the ability to do something that Philo noticed in On the Contemplative Life. He said that there was a silence in the room, both men and women, listening, hearing. They were the hearers. The ancient Pythagorean akousmatikoi, those who could hear and they could hear. And thus, there was a silence in the room. But Philo says if it is possible at all, I express it as there was a silence within the silence. The silence within the silence means that what was transpiring was not akousmatikoi hearing simply, but on a deeper level they were also in Pythagorean community terms of those who were really refined. They were mathematikoi. They were able to hear in terms of a natural cycle of understanding, but they were able mathematically, as mathematikoi, mathetes in Greek means those who are learners. So, one who can see in your learning is literally able to vision spontaneously. So that the akousmatikoi capacity to hear is instantly put into the spontaneous silence within the silence to be able to see as a learner. And Philo says that the effect of this is that the spoken language of Jesus, the young Jesus, engraved itself upon the minds of the hearers so that later on they would be able to envision personally by themselves, spontaneously, from the resonance of the readout of the engraved hearing on their minds. And thus, the minds were cut into jewels. Radiance.

This capacity was a refinement of something that had happened in the time of Pythagoras some 500 years before. What had happened 500 years before was that the clarity of mind in our species was refined so that it could be single focused. And the contemplative who was able to do that most famously was the Buddha, the historical Buddha. Able to refine so that the facets of the mind were able to be arranged as a crystal geometry where there was a single focus. And that single focus in Sanskrit is called Ekāgratā. And we have talked about this in past years for those who are following in depth.

But 500 years later, the refinement was to make that crystal structure of clarity refined to be the jewel of radiance. And so, the Greek term mastitis learning student in this refined double transform way. One a transform to from the symbols that one heard in a very sophisticated language into the visionary differential conscious access into a dimension that is always been called a magic dimension, that's the fifth. The visionary dimension. The thumb with the four fingers of the four dimensions of the natural cycle with the fifth.

And so, the ancient term magic is actually the visionary fifth dimension coming into play. And the ancient term magic comes from an more ancient term, from the Avesta language in which the term is Magi. That the Magi were those who were able to discern through an extra dimension of differential conscious access to vision, the way in which the deeper understanding of life happenings, the universe, became spiritual. In time, even in ancient Avestan, there were charlatans of two kinds that were paired because they worked as a cooperative. One were the Kavis who were the ruling class that were not able to be able to enter into vision and who saw it as a chance to co-opt anything that was fresh and new and work it into their procedure. And then there were those who faked it. Who were fake prophets. False prophets. Fake visionaries. Fake magi. And they were the pretenders. And whatever they were teaching was actually at its base deception. Already this is their 4000 years ago.

In the writings of The Gathas of Zarathustra and all Avesta. It is the quality of being able to acquire a learning that brings the dimension of vision into its differential transform. And one of the proofs of its veracity is that it leads to a prismatic person, a jewel person, who lives and inhabits not just a five dimensional, but a six-dimensional trigonometric radiance, which is creative. Creative imagining. Not just the imagination, which is a structure of the limited mind. The integral mind. Integral only mind has an imagination. It also has a memory. Is a structure. Is a structure in the neuronal cells with the dendrites and the axes and so forth. But it cannot be original. It cannot function spontaneously. So, as we would say in America when I was growing up, it doesn't swing. Makes sense that there's no jazz.

The quality of a six-dimensional jeweled person is that they also are symmetrical in a chiral, ambidextrous way. They can not only creatively imagine, but they can be infinitely remembering. Not the memory which can be tapped, and one can then consult memorization. There is no ization in remembering. It is a continuity that like the continuity of the new past and the future, the continuity of time in that sense of an energy that comes directly out of its source. And its source is zero. A zero field. Not that it is nothing. It is an emptiness that is fullness at the same time, because it is an emptiness that is fertile, but only fertile spontaneously. It cannot be inseminated by any technique, no matter how sophisticated. No matter what technology. No matter what star system. What galactic range. It cannot be inseminated. That birthing is spontaneous. Not only from a zero field but the only way that it can happen is that there is an acceptance of another field, of an infinite field. And the infinite field in the zero field they make really good jazz together.

This deep wisdom, this high drama as we were talking last week from time to time on planets, on moons, whatever it is, whatever star systems is a challenge, because when it comes to a maturation that has the single pointed mind of a Buddha and the refinement of a Jesus in Alexandria to make it radiant, it draws attention. Cosmically. It's apparent. The real stuff is happening. The real jewels are there. On those who cannot possibly inseminate and really create and really remember seek to find out why. How do you do this?

And so, from time to time, this planet in this star system has had incursion waves of aliens from other star systems. Even confederations of other star systems occur. One of the first recorded was the seventh generation after Adam and Eve. The seventh son was Enoch. Who did not die but was taken up. And saw the radiance of the cosmos. And saw the deception of those fallen from that realm because they were not of that realm, but they were adjunct in that realm and came to find out what's going on. And especially what's going on for them was to find out about the females who accept the fertility and have the birthing of new beings. And one can read in the vision of The Book of Enoch, the first vision of two. How 200 fallen angels were attracted to the daughters of men because they were beautiful. And indeed, not just beautiful physically, they were beautiful because they could birth. Exactly that kind of eventual jewel cut prismatic person because they themselves had this capacity.

Philo, in one of his treatises called The Giants [On the Giants], takes up from The Book of Enoch, where Enoch says the daughters of men and the Fallen Angels gave birth to giants. They were men, but they were men who were larger than ordinary men in that they could do a lot of things that ordinary men couldn't do. And so, they tyrannized. They ran roughshod. They reorganized, according to them. And all of that did not work.

And that the classic revision to The Book of Enoch comes from the second vision of Enoch. There are five parts to The Book of Enoch. The first vision, and then there are three parts related to the apocalypse of animals. So called of the development in evolution of species of life. And a cosmology of how the universe is arranged and so forth. Four of the five books, chapters, that make up The Book of Enoch are in the Dead Sea Scroll material.

The second vision of Enoch, the thumb, is later than those other four by a couple of hundred years. And that second vision of Enoch is about three parables that there is a real reality that sources, that fathers, a tremendous capacity to have fertility and be related. And the third parable is about how the teaching and sharing from that second relates all who are able to hear to the extent and depth of being able to see. Have access to the vision differentially and able to live it out kaleidoscopically radiant. And they then achieve the marriage of the two fields of zero and infinity, and they enter into a third field, the field of the real. This was made clear 2000 years ago.

We live in a time where it has been attempted hijack again. And intensified and intensified from an initial event that happened as long ago, seemingly in terms of popular understanding of time. 1897 in Texas. A long cylinder with an occupant had propulsion problems and crashed. And the being inside finally died. And this was Aurora, Texas. And the good people of country Texans buried the occupant and buried the cigar shaped cylinder. There were reports in the Dallas and Houston newspapers, but it was sort of forgotten.
In 1972, a researcher named Jim Marrs. Two Rs. Marrs. Jim Marrs from Texas. Fort Worth is a part of huge extended metro symmetry. Fort Worth pairs with Dallas. And they're both huge cities. Dallas into the 4-to-5-million-persons. Fort Worth, about 1 ½ - 2 million. And in between is a Dallas Fort Worth airport complex. Jim Marrs from Fort Worth.

And it's interesting because Fort Worth was the military command center that scooped up most of the sensitive military potential information from the American Southwest. Especially, not just Texas, but the adjacent states like New Mexico. So, when there was a, quote, report of a UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, whatever was salvaged was taken from Roswell to Fort Worth, Texas, for analysis. And for disposition of whatever they had in mind according to protocol that had been established not back to 1897.

Jim Marrs was, in 1972, able to go back through meticulous researching and find the newspaper reports, because he was a reporter, about the 1897 Aurora, Texas crash. It's the first in a series of 74 crashes that is in a book published in 2005 called Majic [Majic Eyes Only: Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology] Majic. Majic with a J. Not K but J. Majic Eyes Only. This information were documents that were limited not to a secret, not even to a top secret, but to an invisibly secretive group. Subtitle Earth's Encounters with Extraterrestrial Technology by Ryan S. Wood.

Ryan signed this for me in April of 2006. I was teaching the learning civilization, and it just finished the nature and was on the ritual. And a good friend of mine who is acquainted with the Woods. Ryan's father was Robert J. Wood. And quite a researcher with his son they researched UFO things, and they knew Jim Marrs. He's still alive. Still talking.

They found that the really pivotal event is not 1897, but 1942. And it was an event that happened here in Los Angeles. Yeah, Los Angeles. The Los Angeles air raid of February 25th, 1942. It's just incredible that something like this could occur. And it is extremely rare. Ryan and his father were able to, with Jim Marrs help, unearth a photograph from the Los Angeles Times of all the searchlights that were trained on a cluster of unknown air vehicles over Los Angeles. And for about an hour, anti-aircraft guns in the Los Angeles area were trained on them and actually brought two of them down. One was brought down off the coast in the waters which the Navy recovered. And one was brought down in the San Bernardino Mountains, which the Army recovered.

Majic Eyes Only points to the fact that when news of this came there had not been designed any kind of invisible or secretive situation in the United States. In fact, anywhere. So, the information went to the Secretary of Defense because it was military information. And the Secretary of Defense in 1942 was George Marshall. General. Four, eventually five star General. One of the great Generals of all time. Superior General. Dwight Eisenhower, was only the general for the Allied invasion of France. General George Marshall was in charge of everything under FDR.

And they put a report is an appendix in for Majic Eyes Only. And it was George S. Marshall's memo for FDR's eyes only as to what had happened was now related to what had just happened in Roswell, New Mexico. That the 1942 recovery of two vehicles was remarkably similar to the recovery of two vehicles in Roswell in 1947. About five years and a few months apart. And that what had been set up in 1942 was and an organization that would be a top secret. It would be the IUP. And the IUP would be an interplanetary unit that would investigate these crashes and these retrievals and the analysis of the vehicles and of the occupants.

And when the Roswell situation hit, it became apparent that this was like a major increase and expansion over anything that had happened before. Because in between 1942 and 1947, the atomic bomb had been developed and used. And Roswell is the home base for the bombers and the crews that dropped the atomic bombs. One of the crashes was outside of Roswell about 20 miles. The other was about 75 miles out towards where the first atomic bomb was detonated. The Trinity site. About 75 miles from Roswell, but about 20 miles Southwest, Southeast of Alamogordo.

We're going to take a little break and come back. Thank you.


Let's come right back.

We're looking at the way in which there are symmetries and pairings that when they're paired in their symmetry, they actually are tuned. And so, the whole idea of a tuning fork is exactly the way one calibrates. Or something that's out of calibration, you recalibrate. For instance, when you're recalibrating, when you're tuning a piano, the piano tuner will have a little set of tuning forks for each of the octaves of the piano. And when it's in tune now you can play the compositions, and they will sound like music. Whereas if they're out of tune, it will be a distorted muzak rather than the music. And so, there's no art there's only the sense of something botched. The same with deception.

When someone is recalibrated into tune, into tuning, their conscious natural dimensions are able to hear and to play the music. Their jewel person is able to compose music so that one's hearing in any real performance as musical.

This is the case with various generations in species, and especially it happens extremely frequently in a species like ourselves, which is civilized. Has come to civilization in culture, in cultures, which are natural in a natural cycle. Their way of recalibrating is built into the cycle. And when it comes to the season of renewal, that's when everything is gone back over again. The myths are retold, the rituals are relearned fresh, and everything is put back into its order to its tuning.

And so, the tuning recalibration by the toolkit is something that happens as a part of cultures in civilization because it is beyond the natural cycle. That to the natural cycle that is supernatural. It is something which is of, of the spirit. Its meaning is something which is mystic. When actually there are dimensions of an infinite field of consciousness being accessed. Not progressively simply, but in terms of an expansion of a capacity for a harmonic. And eventually with a double transform, with a differential transform from vision into the art of person refining charismatically to the second transform of kaleidoscopic history, which allows for a really accurate, exact analytic science to occur as a dimension. So that the quality of four-dimensional universe with four extra dimensions cosmos make what anciently 2500 years ago was called the Eightfold Method of refining the mind. A complementarity.

That fifth quality at the time of the Buddha in China was the four integral dimensions of nature brought together as a zero field Tao, a first field Te, a third field of a Tao Te in a related symmetry, which was again a human hearted comprehension of Tao Te braided together to be us. And from that the integral completes itself with an e with the symbols. Thus, one has an I-Ching, book of symbols, which works with a triad, a triple a Tao Te gen paired. They were tri grams, and when they're brought into symmetry together it's six, a hexagram. And thus, for The I-Ching, the book of symbols, the hexagram becomes the symbolic tuning which has an under-source structure of the Tao Te and but puts the emphasis on the gen. Whereas the emphasis on the E is for the symbolic understanding and meaning.

So that at the very same time that you get Lao Tzu doing a Tao Te you get 50 years younger than him a **two inaudible words** Confucius doing the Gen and the E. He wrote the extended commentaries on The I-Ching, The Ten Wings. And his collected gen sayings, the **inaudible word or two** became The Analects of Confucius. So that you have a pair of pairs, which again then is a super tuning which when the fifth-dimension phase comes into play. That's the key. The Chi. It's the circulation of it. It's not just the circulation, it's the fact that one has access living play health in the field of sourcing of life itself.

The pair that we are talking about in the first half is that there were a pair of recovered extraterrestrial craft and occupants. One pair in 1942 February around Los Angeles and the second pair in 1947 around proverbially Roswell, New Mexico. And the results of both pairs came to the same place. They came to General George C. Marshall. But the difference was monumental. In the space of those five years not only did the atomic bomb occur and its development and the employment of it, but President Roosevelt had died. And the new president was the vice president Harry Truman from Independence, Missouri. Was in the haberdashery business. He was a political resultant of deal making.

So, the response of FDR to George Marsh…General Marshall, was to form the IPU, which was a top-secret organization. But Truman listening to all kinds of other influences that by that time, after five years, after five years of mostly not only the Second World War at its most intense. But at the beginnings of the Cold War, which were absolutely certain by 1947. By the summer of 1947, it was it was apparent that something even more stringent not a World War one or a World War two, but an Armageddon was at hand. So, they did not make continued use of the IPU. They instituted something above top secret. Something majestically magic as a committee of 12, like the disciples of an Armageddon threat. We have to do something that we will find out and know how to do. And we can't even entrust it to top secret situations, much less to the by now run of the mill ordinary political military business situation.

Here's a couple of sentences from General Marshall to FDR,
During the night of 24th-25th February 1942, unidentified objects caused a succession of alerts in Southern California. On the 24th, they warranted a warning issued by Naval intelligence indicated that an attack could be expected within the next 10 hours. That evening, a large number of flares and blinking lights were reported from the vicinity of defense plants.

Los Angeles at the time, early 1942, was the heart and center of the airline engineering, the aeros engineering in the United States. From Downey to the San Fernando Valley. It was one big corporation after another all dealing with flying technology that was refining Pell Mell. And that the Pell Mell-ness had reached the stage that one was able for the first time, by that time, to understand that the old propeller driven craft are going to be juiced up incredibly asymptotically by jet engines.

We talked about that last week a little bit. About Kelly Johnson setting up all kinds of complexities. One of the complexities that was set up was Edwards Air Force Base outside of Los Angeles, which was the protector of the Los Angeles area from any kind of incursion or invasion whatsoever on a very serious basis. It's the place where, if you remember the movie, The Right Stuff, the space age was inaugurated. I remember being shown Edwards Air Force Base as a boy in 19…late 1948, early 49. And it was an odd, exciting, interesting kind of a place space. And you could tell the future is being made here. Right here.

But protecting Edwards Air Force Base was an inland naval research weapons center called China Lake. So that Edwards Air Force Base was protecting the Los Angeles Aero…Aero industry. But China Lake was protecting the protectors to make sure that nothing really out there in naval research was going to be putting anything into the air that Edwards would have to combat.

So, when Edwards Air Force Base was being protected by the channel…China Lake Naval Weapons Research Base, what developed was that we need to have an absolute necessary reserve for our technology, our industrial might. And it was imperative and apparent at the time that the commodity that was most important was not gold. Not cash. It was oil. And so, the oil fields in Kern County, Bakersfield, etc., etc. And from the Los Angeles area, oil fields. Had a portion, a large portion of their output not put on the market but put into the National Oil Reserve. That was an underground geologic formation that butted up to the Tehachapi range of mountains and geologically stable for hundreds of millions of years. And that had to be guarded. It couldn't be guarded by another Air Force base. And so, it was subsumed under a second China Lake Naval weapons reserve space.

So, when you look at a map of Southern California, you will see a couple of large gray areas that are not open to the public. They haven't been for a long time. The two China Lake naval bases and a third, which is a training area for use of the new technology that was coming in by the China Lake people. And so, you find this swath, those three big gray areas, are protecting not only Edwards Air Force Base, protecting the Los Angeles Southern California area, but also protecting the National Emergency Oil Petroleum Reserve.

When it became apparent after Roswell that the dimensions that we're working with are going to have to be working with, are forced to work with, are beyond what Edwards can handle. They're beyond what the China Lake can handle. And so in between the two China Lake weapons reserves there is a little space. And through that aperture from the center of the petroleum reserve, a line, an arrow was drawn that went through that little aperture space and went through Death Valley into Nevada and ended up at Area 51. Around Groom Lake. And the designer of that was one of the great Hermetic American geniuses that we talked about last week, Kelly Johnson. Who was in charge of the expanded Lockheed aircraft that absorbed the Martin Marietta. That was interested in exactly having a place where the Air Force developments and the Naval developments could come together in a grand unification. The Naval emphasis. They called their pilots aviators. Whereas the Army had split off and it was the Air Force. Northrop Grumman concentrated on Naval kinds of jets and Lockheed Martin concentrated on Air Force and developments all together.

And so, one has a kind of a development. And when Kelly Johnson, who finally retired, and his place was taken over by Ben Rich. Rich was the one who really understood how Area 51 then developed into a, not just a Super Edwards Air Force Base but developed also into a Super China Lake weapons research place. And he was the one who was the genius, if you recall last presentation, at figuring out how you process air, which cannot get out of its own way. Air to come through the more powerful jet engines that were being designed. And finally, that one had to have a metallurgy of the skin of the aircraft that eventually became stealth. And it was rich who figured out how to put together and make something called the B-2 stealth bomber and the F117 jet stealth jet fighters. That are now the way in which everything is arranged for, for further developments which are coming, but not publicly, because they already came.

Because the SR 71, the first really powerful stealth bomber that could not only operate at Mach 3, it could operate at Mach 4 and above almost 4.3. Two generations ago, and more. Three, almost.

So, when it comes time for Marshall to give his secret report from the Roswell crash. "Third of July 1947, radar stations East and East, West, Texas and White Sands proving ground, New Mexico tracked to unidentified aircraft until they dropped off the radar" They dropped off remarkably. About the early morning of July 4th, 1947. Independence Day. Fireworks.

"Two crash sites have been located close to the," And then it gives some coordinates, W-S-F-C site IZ1 and the other one will be site is IZ2. "IZ1 was located at a rural area near", and he writes it here, "Sierra, New Mexico". When actually the E's are O's and it's a Corona. Not Coro…not Sierra, but Corona New Mexico, which is at the Northern part of a whole area that is off, off public because it is not only White Sands proving ground for atomic developments, but it is also a research ground for a military craft to really, if you're going at double digit Mach speeds from area 51, it's minutes away. You have to have a lot of expanse. You have to have the entire Moon, in fact.

"Site IZ2 was located approximately 20 miles Northeast of the town of Ros…of from Roswell. And these to the recovery of five bodies in a damaged escape cylinder precluded an investigation at IZ1." So, the more northern of them. Abutted against the mountains they are about 8500 feet tall and with ridges that are over 8000 feet. And so, it's…one of the craft was unable to gain altitude, not because of lightning influence, but because of a defensive radar pulsing that was combined with severe lightning. And it was like a criss cross. And this is not in the report, this is what happened. And they were unable to maintain their navigation. And so, they exited by a cylinder. It crashed along with the vehicle. There were five of them.

"On arrival," at the closer to Roswell, "personnel assessed the finds not belonging to any aircraft, rocket, weapon or balloon test that are normally conducted from surrounding bases. First reports indicated that the first crash investigated from Roswell was the remains of a top-secret weather balloon." And this is not the case at all.

One of the people who is prominent at the Roswell approximate crash was just...Major Jesse Marcel. Jesse A. Marcel. One of the top investigators at the more Northern site where the five bodies were recovered were not ordinary or even extraordinary military investigators, but special deputation of Los Alamos, wasn't yet a national lab. It was Los Alamos Science Lab in those days. And the head of that was Robert Oppenheimer. And so, it was Robert Oppenheimer who was the differential conscious kaleidoscopic intelligence figure who understood the full range of what had occurred. And that it had occurred, this had occurred within a couple of score miles of the Trinity site of the first atomic bomb, which he was in charge of as well.

This double whammy was close to a trauma for Oppenheimer. who wrote three little books trying to express what could not be publicly expressed. What readily couldn't even be expressible. One of them is called The Open Mind. And one of them is called The Flying Trapeze [The Flying Trapeze: Three Crises for Physicists]. You have to have an open mind of differential consciousness to even begin to access the dimensions of what is real here. And you have to have the kaleidoscopic mind of an acrobatic genius to be able to work that high wire, no-net act and survive. Little tiny books. I'll bring them next week.

What occurred from this is that eventually all the remains from the Roswell were sent to Fort Worth, but they were unable to handle it. And they were sent on to where the original 1942 double surviving craft were lodged, and that was in Dayton, Ohio, at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. In adjacent hangars.

So that it was apparent by late 1947, October 14th, 1947, my seventh birthday, they broke the sound barrier at Edwards Air Force Base. Chuck Yeager. Mach 1. And later on in a few years, he would break Mach 2 in the bigger jets. And finally, with the SR 71 Blackbird, they were they were going into multiple Machs and on their way. And now the speeds are not able to be limited to Machs at all. Not at all.

The secret even raised the top secret is excluded by forbidding to have any contact with the beyond top secret. With the magic. Not the magic level. It's not a level. It's an imposition of defective dimensioning which a doctor of civilization on an interplanetary frontier scale can recognize and understand.

The science fiction vision from 1895 to towards almost the end of the Cold War was the prophetic mainstay that was very much in the mode of classic prophetic generations that were there in the history of civilization. One of the beginning American geniuses was actually an inheritor of H.G. Wells and Olaf Stapleton's British. Even though they were made famous beyond their British and continental European status. The American exposure was in science fiction magazines that became very powerful about 1912 under the aegis of Argosy and Adventure Pulps, and by 1926 is Amazing Stories. But 1930 Astounding Stories came into play and began to be the number one venue. And by 1937, the helm of Astounding Stories passed to John Campbell Junior, who was an MIT engineering graduate genius of the first quality like Kelly Johnson. And he began to understand that, because he himself was a science fiction writer. And by the time he took over, Astounding Stories, he, he had written one of the great classics of the golden age of science fiction at its emergence in a really powerful way. And it was called Who Goes There? Howard Hawks later on made a film called The Thing based on that novel, The Thing from Another World. About a recovered alien and an attempt to have a recovered alien craft. Flying saucer. 1937 Campbell's story is not set in the far Arctic North but set in Antarctica. So that when John Carpenter did the thing with Kurt Russell, he set it in Antarctica like the original story.

But one of the readers of that Who Goes There? who became one of the brightest stars of the Golden Age. A.E. van Vogt published his first story called Black Destroyer. About a human future where we are not just going interplanetary, not even just Interstellar, but we're beginning to go intergalactic. It's about the first intergalactic vessel, the Space Beagle, going to the Andromeda Galaxy, two and one half, 2.2 million light years away. But just a few months before his first story of July 1939 was published in March of 1939 Astounding got a story that was so incredible and intense that he started a whole new magazine. And he said to himself and to those close to him, we can't do this as a science fiction because it's even beyond that. So, he designed a companion magazine called Unknown. And the lead novel was called Sinister Barrier by Eric Frank Russell. This is the magazine published March 1939. If you go to the website and you look up Unknown on Wiki magazine, here's the cover. That's how it all began.

This is the first edition of the book form of Sinister Barrier, published by classic Golden Age publisher Fantasy Press. It's in Reading, Pennsylvania. Sinister Barrier. Dreadful Sanctuary. These are titles from Eric Frank Russell. Sentinels from Space. Sentinels from Space, the original first edition had a little more challenging thing. Some of his incredible writings will come to you next week.

But what's interesting is that Russell and van Vogt and very quickly, Sturgeon and very quickly, Asimov and very quickly, Robert Heinlein within months of each other. And it's interesting because in Unknown, not only is there Eric Frank Russell's Sinister Barrier, but there's a first short story by H.L. Gold, Trouble with Water. And H.L. Gold would be eventually the great editor of Galaxy Science Fiction Magazine that took up where Astounding began to falter in the early 1950's because it got involved in something else. It started publishing articles on Dianetics, which became Scientology. But even more powerful, it began publishing articles on Psyonix. The first sonic machine was called actually a Hieronymus machine. There's an ancient Greek saying that translates as Hieronymus Mad again. It means that you are going so far out of technologies assumptions that even magic is left behind and almost something akin to an insane actuality is real.

We'll get into this next week.


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