Presentation 7

Presented on: Saturday, February 14, 2015

Presented by: Roger Weir

Presentation 7

Transcript (PDF)

The Future and The New Past
Presentation 7 of 52

Presentation 1-7
Presented by Roger Weir
Saturday, February 14, 2015


We come to the seventh presentation in 2015. And this annual series of presentations goes back to the Learning Civilization paired year program of 2006-2007. So that the 2015 year as an annual set of presentations is the eighth. And it will conclude the quality of preparations for 2016. And we'll see what 2016 brings.

The 2006 2007 paired year was the 12th time that I presented variations on a theme of the paired year program of learning. So that by now 24 plus eight is 32, almost a third of a century. But the origins of this go back to 1965, in San Francisco, when I was the prize graduate teaching assistant at San Francisco State. And my first courses were the Hermetic Renaissance in Florence, Job and Faust Two Faces of Evil, Teilhard de Chardin and the New Cosmology. And that was back in the mid 1960's. So, a lot of time, more than half a century has gone into this.

One of the qualities of perspective that we're working with is that in the universe dark energy is now understood to be almost three quarters of what occurs in space-time. And that dark matter is another large portion. And that the visible universe of light presents to us somewhat, uh, around 4% of what is now understood to be constituent of the universe. With some 96% of it not understood adequately. Whereas what is being presented here for a long time, decades now. Space time is actually a time space with time not as the fourth, but as the first dimension that spontaneously emerges. And when time as dimensional energy spontaneously emerges because there is now time, so to speak, instantly space blossoms in three dimensions and a triplicate in a triad of dimensions making then dominantly in retrospect intellectually space time. Which then because there is not only time that has emerged and thus the space occurs out of it, out of space time comes phenomenology. And phenomenology has within it the seeds. Because all of these are fertile. The source of time is fertile. It is a zero field. And time as the first dimension is fertile. Thus, instantly space. And space time is fertile.

Thus, phenomena. And phenomena are fertile and thus existence. So that organic phenomena are in that whole resonance of fertility. So that we have a zero-field nature, a Dao. We have a first-dimension time, a Tay. And we have a third, second, third and fourth dimensions of space, which has the quality of a fertility for a gen. And out of those four dimensions, those space time come the pair of phenomena and existence. Phenomenology as inorganic existence and organic existence, life coming into play. So that there is a harmonic available to be not only appreciated aesthetically an art of creation, but also an analytic is available and thus the art and the science are a pair, the aesthetic, and the analytic tune. And when we are tuned in our learning, then all of this becomes available for understanding, for meaning, for exploration, and for further fertility.

One of the prize fruits of that harmonic. And it is distributed throughout not just the universe, but throughout the very sophisticated cosmos that comes out of understanding it, having understood its meaning, and having understood its creativity and its remembering. And the expression of that is civilization as a form. And civilization as a form has a remembrance and a creativity that has to do with space. The three dimensions of space and its sourcing in time. And continues the fertility resonance to not only go outward in its furthering as a cosmos of the universe, but of its detailed analytic and aesthetic of going and spiraling inwards at the same time. The future and a new past, an outer and an inner. And this double chirality the spiraling out to an expanding cosmos, the spiraling in to a more detailed inner understanding and meaning and being and living. And this double chirality is mediated by a double helix of organic life achieving itself from the minerals and metals into the way in which the cells and genes are able to become us eventually.

And when a civilization occurs, one of its distinctive qualities of tone, pitch and music is that it has a triple time form. So that civilization has a triple time form. Which in its energetic origin is a wave. And in a complementarity to the wave, the partiality of life, of civilization, of the cosmos and civilization and life and matter itself, space itself, time itself becomes more and more refined in this double chirality, this double helix of time forms of civilization. And the main thrust of the frequency sine wave of graphical time energy is that it has its sets of carrier waves. And that the carrier wave, characteristically, will have a reference wave which precedes it. And it will have, like music, not only undertones of the tones when used together, but it will have overtones. And just as the reference wave is an undertone to the carrier wave of civilization there is an overtone, which is the pilot wave quality of the carrier wave and reference wave having its vectors have a tensor. And is that tensor of the pilot wave person's prismatically bringing the art of civilization into play in its creativity and emphasizing that the symmetry to that creativity is the remembering so that art and history become a very interesting interface threshold. It is the creative and the remembering that together hearken to the sourcing in a fifth dimension of vision of differential consciousness paired with the dynamic complexity of a kaleidoscopic history that then take the theory of vision through the prismatic art of the person into the historical dimension of remembering that allows for science with its analytic to be real.

So that in the Renaissance, for instance, when the high art achievement of the previous carrier wave classical wisdom brought to its crest of that creative remembering energy, that renaissance was a renaissance which is characteristic of the time waves of civilization. That the carrier wave will have a trough from the horizon, will re-ascend to the horizon in a millennium, will then crest in a renaissance and come back to the horizon refreshed to have a new carrier wave. So that we are looking at the typology analytically of civilization, which is symmetrically and tuned to the art of person creating.

And this is extremely important for us because it is the pilot wave persons who in other times are distributed rather sparsely it seems. But at the nodes of the energy sine wave of civilization in its development, no matter what star system it is occurring in, will have this characteristic. At those nodes there will be an increase in the pilot wave population. They will understand new as something which is created and remembered, not remember just in memory, but remembering in learning. So that the carrier wave becomes a master quality of time form that harkens back to the reference wave as a preparation for that master carrier wave so that one can recognize that reference wave clusters of pilot wave persons is of extraordinary interest, especially with a new carrier wave. But that not only is there a reference wave for the carrier wave, but as the Renaissance, with its gathering coming down from the crest into an energetic return back to a new carrier wave. And thus, it is a renaissance that is ongoing and will have then a reference wave at some geometric mathematic analytical aesthetic point. About 150 years after the Renaissance, it comes into play as a new reference wave. Which has a direct linking with the previous reference wave that was a reference wave, not of the carrier wave, but of the millennium.

So that one refines and becomes able eventually in a real advanced civilization understanding that the symmetry of the pair of reference waves in their balanced tuning, not only at a millennial fulcrum, which becomes rather apocalyptic, uh, if not understood. And the carrier wave having not only its reference wave confused with the previous reference wave but will have the apocalyptic tone of the millennium also not understood. And it shows up masterfully in the patterning because it means that the previous character wave has been so corrupted, so deenergized by deflection by poor translation, as one would say in genetic genomes, because the RNA has mixed up its various kinds of RNA. And one of the especial snags in that RNA is what is called mitochondrial RNA. Or the mitochondrial DNA, which is only carried by the feminine gender in organic occurrences. In plants, in animals. And it is the snag that is the hideous mismother of almost all of the other attendant glitches that occur.

What happens with a new carrier wave is that all of this comes to the surface. All of this is rehashed. And especially the first indication for a doctor of civilization is to see that the reference wave of this carrier wave is misunderstood to the extent that its characteristic is that so few people understand it. And hearkens back then to the Renaissance that so few people even know when it was. And gets stuck at the millennium with its reference wave and by default full play. So that the reliving of a millennial apocalypse in terms of a millennial reference wave becomes the massive infection and disease of the new carrier wave struggling to be real. And that this happens at every carrier wave.

So that when you go back to the previous carrier wave, you find that a doctor of civilization could see the same symptoms. In those terms. And to check it out as a really good, educated doctor will do. Was there not then a previous carrier wave before that previous carrier wave? Like a grandfather carrier wave. And let's check that out. And that's very difficult to do. But when done to at least the extent it can be done, that also was defective in the same patterned ways. So that now you have the etiology of an illness. An illness of civilization. Which reflects increasingly on all of the organic life. All of the in organic phenomenality. And begins to not be able to be real within space-time.

We live now about 24 years into the new carrier wave. Our reference wave was 1650. The mathematization of language. Isaac Newton, GW Leibniz, and others. But especially that pair the development of calculus. Of the ability to calculate the infinitesimal differences exactly between zero and one which are, is an integral calculus. And from 1 to 0, which is differential calculus.
We had in the late 20th century, whole reference guides to the equations of integral calculus. Rather thick book. But the much thicker volumes were those of differential calculus, differential equations. Because it is in the vision that the differential dimensions of consciousness come into play in their full right, as it were. And though they can exchange and interchange and transform the integral cycle, they specialize in expanding into those further dimensions beyond the four of space-time.

So that the ancient Hermetic language about the late first century A.D. is that there is a quality of an alchemical process, a changing of forms that in nature were essential. All of the dimensions of those forms of elements of organic life, who had an essential correlation of the four in a cycle of nature, which on a planet like most planets, are like the four seasons. But that having vision was a quintessential. It was the fifth essential. And what is quintessential is able to transform the other four, like the four fingers are completely transformed individually and as is set by the thumb. So that that means in this gesture and this mudra, we're good to go. We're good to go. You're good to go. We're good to go. The hand becomes an archetypal symbol of the dawning of a prismatic person art of living form who is able to operate in the quintessential visionary field. Because vision like nature is a field. It's a source field. Only it's differential, not integral.

So that in the typology of the four phases Tao, Te, Gen, I. Tao as the zero. Te as the power of being one, of occurring, of existing. Gen as the bringing of them together and working of them together, that eventually matures and becomes human heartedness. Of those who are able to understand talking with each other. The document classically in China of Tao Te, The Tao Te Ching. Ching, the Chinese for symbols, the symbols of Tao Te. Of how that occurs mystically. Tao Te together. Whereas the related document written almost about the same time as the Tao Te Ching is The Analects, The Lun Yu of Confucius. Confucius say. Confucius say so and so was talking with so and so. And this is what they said, and this is what that means. The Ching is the human heartedness of dialogue. Of being communicated, of told. Wisdom is to be sourced in this because out of this gen occurs, the symbolic mind. The symbols, the I. I-Ching, the book of symbols.

And out of those four together Tao, Te, Gen, I, comes the fifth, the quintessential which is the key, the chi, the energy. Because vision being a field makes creativity and remembering creative imagining as art, remembering as history, available quintessentially. And so, the key has its circulation in the cycle of the forms, and especially in the cycle of the forms of our bodies, psyche, mind. Our Te, body. Our gen psyche. Our symbolic mind. The key, the chi, when it is circulating freely in that cycle, unimpeded health occurs. Health does not occur because you have done something extra so much as you have allowed for its nature to complete and fulfill its cycling. And out of that spontaneously will occur that visionary, quintessential key energy. That the key energy is the cycling freely in the completed pattern and becomes that dimension of consciousness, differential consciousness. Characterized not by a zero, but characterized by a double zero, an infinity.

All of this should be the purview of whoever can learn in whatever star system that occurs. And that distribution of such high dharma wisdom at this stage of the cosmos must be incredibly massive and confirmed. This star system is only four and a half billion years old. There are star systems and galactic clusters of not only millions, but billions of such stars, that are more than three times as old. So, we are looking at participating in a reality that is refined beyond belief. Squared tripled 10th. You name it. Asymptotically real. So that our learning of the time forms of civilization is overdue for us, especially, by at least 6000 years. So, what is being presented here in the future and the new past 2015 has a pedigree that to call it immense is to bele.. beleaguer obviousness itself.
We're looking at now the way in which the previous reference wave, the reference wave of the millennium was a reference wave that stressed, especially not the mathematician of language with Newton and Leibniz, etc. But that stressed the emergence of a new quality of visioning out of something that had become more abundant. And that emergence is about 650 A.D., a millennium before 1650 A.D. And when one looks at the reference wave of the millennium of 1000 A.D., one looks to see well what was the emerging, especially on this planet, that was so fresh with energy and with promise and, uh, incredible élan. And one finds the sudden successful expanding of Islam and the rise of Tang China. And what do you find since the late 20th century being jumpstarted in 1991 with the Gulf War into 2015 where you find the reference wave of expansive Islam? Not The Quran, but the Shia Sunni emphasis upon Sharia. This is how we understand the law and its application. Yes, the Shiras are there. The Quran is there. Muhammad is venerable. But it's spread is because of this, that and the other. And this is the way in which that happens. This is the codification of making sure that what is done stays done. And what is undone gets done.

And the same to be said for China, which had been moribund for centuries after the fall of the Chinese Romans the Han dynasty, about the time of Plotinus in Rome. When Rome began to be infected and never recovered adequately in the third century. In the mid two hundreds beginning then. And the expansion of China in the Tang under Tang tai Tsung under his generations immediately was to expand in the South all the way down. That's how it became the South China Sea. And all the way west. That's how it became the Silk Road. And you find again and again the remembrance that still there of something that is not appreciated and largely unknown. And that is the tremendous seagoing capacities of China in the fifth century, the four hundreds A.D., enough to send ships arcing across the Pacific Ocean, exploring down the Americas coast, and bringing all the way to southern Mexico to the Mayans, the great transforms of the burgeoning coming Chinese understanding of the way in which all of these elements make a very advanced civilization possible. And one says, well, how can this be? Well, one of the evidences is a Chinese stone anchor found in San Diego's harbor and squelched so that one doesn't understand it very well. But when you take a look at the classic minds with their facial features and their understandings, one can still see the Chinese influence.
One time at the Philosophic Research Society in the early 1980's, I brought in a film made by Rolando Klein about Chac, Chacmool in the highlands of the, uh, Mayans in, um, southern Mexico, uh, Guatemala. And one of the it was all made with villagers. And one of the villagers matured by that time was brought with Rolando to the Philosophical Research Society Auditorium, where I showed Rolando's Chac. And their questions were asked not only of Rolando, but of the Mayan villager now able to speak fine English. He looked exactly like a classical Mayan. Had those Asiatic qualities with the Indian features. Extremely, uh, literate in not only, uh, Spanish and English, but in his native lacandon Mayan.

We're going to take a little break. But what we are doing is we are learning to explore remembering and the art of prismatic person in a scalar, which is characteristically needed to live and for all of life to occur on this planet, in this star system. All of it precarious currently.

Let's take a break.


Let's come back to a moment of extended distribution about what we are doing, of what we are saying, what we are hearing. We live in a new time form of civilization which has confused reference waves. One of them deals with the capacity that is not just the math amortization of language but becomes the facility to have a 1-0 binary mathematic to express itself in computers, etc., etc., etc. The other carrier wave is that of a millennium that was apocalyptic. That was excellent in its day and still has a historical excellence. But it's like oil and water with the reference wave that we have for our carrier wave. And so, it is rare, almost as rare as hen's teeth to find someone that can comb through the snarls that ensue.

In 1972 our triumphal celebration of a crowning achievement of the previous time form came to a close, abruptly, suddenly. And that was with the final blast off from the moon, going back to the command module and bringing Apollo 17 home. No human being has been to the moon since. That's 42 years. One of the Apollo 17 outspoken astronauts, Eugene Cernan, put a book out to that effect, a couple of three, four or five years ago, Last Man on the Moon. His confer as the last men on the moon, uh, Harrison Schmitt. Jack Schmitt. Um, largely keeping mum.

It is a quality in 1972 that the educational branch of the United Nations, UNESCO, which is centered not in New York but is centered in Paris. Is centered in Paris, gorgeously preluded by a reclining Henry Moore sculpture. So that the Paris UNESCO in 1972 founded with a brilliant idea. The establishment of World Heritage sites. This is the 2012 publication that is the 40th anniversary. And now in 2015, we're still celebrating the 42nd anniversary, not only of Apollo 17, the last time that human beings were off world being in orbit is not being off world it's being tethered. Going to the moon there ain't no tether. There ain't no tether even mathematically because you can't get to the moon from the Earth. Both are in motion. The whole star systems in motion. The whole galaxy is in great spiral. It takes nine times and that spiral to go back to its beginnings. That spiral is not just a spiral, it's a double chiral spiral. If you draw an axial through the center of the Milky Way by where its spiral arms come out and view it that way, one finds that one goes to the left and one seemingly goes to the right, and you get the spiral of the Milky Way. It's a double chiral spiral. What does that mean of going to the moon? Because it isn't just there you have to have an ability to have frames that change not only second by second, but sometimes nanosecond by nanosecond in order to keep the computation accurate. So, you can not only get to where you're going, but you can get specifically to where you're going to be. And it's true that Neil Armstrong with Apollo 11, had to personally pilot to make sure that they could get to a there that was going to be land able. But the fact is, is we can get you a quarter of a million miles to the vicinity to where you can nudge as a pilot wave person that that accuracy is going to be there. You're going to get touchdown that's stable.

Pilot wave persons on a civilization scale get us close enough to where we can do that extra personal refining in World Heritage sites. This year today, no. is a new scalar of World Heritage, not sites so much, but a whole new evolution of the types of sets that sites that there might be. That there need to be.

Now this volume published by Firefly Books and Firefly books are Canadian. They have an American office, but they're largely, uh, Canadian. And it is by UNESCO so that on the cover one sees, uh, Fourth edition World Heritage Sites A Complete Guide to 936 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, uh, UNESCO Publishing Firefly Books. The director of the World Heritage Sites in Paris is a woman. And her name is Irina Bokova. Among the illustration pages to the presentation notes and those who attend here live, get those presentation notes, and those who listen to the CD's and order them. get them, uh for very few just nominal sum. We have the cover of the Volume 2012 40th anniversary. We have the annotated first page. We have the annotated second page. We have the annotated third and fourth pages, which are by Irina Bokova, foreword director General of UNESCO in Paris. And she writes, "These pages tell us also the evolution of World Heritage Convention itself, with the emergence of new categories of sites. Today is about the New Jerusalem Planetary Park. It is timed."

One of the volumes commemorating Jerusalem is this Eastern press edition of The Illustrious History of the Holy City. And its cover becomes one of the illustrated pages for the presentation notes for this particular presentation. There are a lot of books on Jerusalem. Some of them are extremely rare. This one is, uh, published in, uh, 1930 in Jerusalem at the University Press and with the good offices of Oxford University Press helping. And it's translated into English from the Hebrew and the authors are E.L. Sukenik and L.A. Meyer. Both of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. E.L. Sukenik was the fouther...father of Moshe Dayan, the great Israeli general who won the six Days War in 1967.

But E.L. Sukenik was not only an archaeologist and an antiquarian. He was brilliant because he is the first person to really comprehend and all of us resonances the new find of the Dead Sea Scrolls. And made sure that those Dead Sea Scrolls were not dispersed or destroyed. Because one could understand this undercuts potentially everything. No one has planned or prepared for these to have survived. Just like no one has planned or prepared for someone presenting what is being presented at all. And yet, not only here it is, here it's been for 50 years, assiduously.

The title of this monograph by E.L. Sukenik and his friend at the University Hebrew University in Jerusalem, The Third Wall of Jerusalem. And there are many other volumes. Uh, Hershel Shanks, the editor for a Biblical Archaeology Today, Jerusalem's Temple Mount: From Solomon to the Golden Dome. And the Golden dome on Temple Mount is a mosque. Al Aqsa. It is the golden dome and the center of this cover of Jerusalem, The Holy City. Because the Temple Mount is not only Jewish, it is also Islamic.

How so? Because they both have a source in Abraham. Yes, Abraham begins the patriarchy, not by himself so much, though they can be counted as one. But the patriarchy is that it was passed on. And it was the first time in which it was passed on. And the first time it was passed on was to Isaac. His son, Isaac. But before Isaac, there was a first son before the patriarch first son. And that first son was Ishmael. And Ishmael's mother was Hagar, the Egyptian. So, Ishmael is an Egyptian. Which means that he is a non-Hebrew that has African roots. Whereas Isaac is a Hebrew, having those roots, his mother, Sarai, who became Sarah with his birth. Is the way in which that is passed on in the Jewish tradition. And Ishmael is passed on in the Islamic tradition, which is filled out to an amazing extent that even in the truncated remembrance and chronology of Moses in Genesis. Abraham had children not just by Hagar and Sarah, but also by Sarah's, uh. Uh, and Hagar's, other third bearing wife of Abraham. And, uh, her name mentioned only once Keturah. She had six sons with Abraham. So that Isaac is one eighth of the sons. Ishmael is one eighth of the sons. That's a quarter of the sons in terms of numeracy.

The other six sons are largely from the Arabian Peninsula area and cognate areas. Midian was one of them. Moses had to mention all of this. In passing it was. Truncated it was. But nevertheless there. Because one of the descendants of Midian, many, many generations was the wife of Moses, Zipporah. And Zipporah, the father. He was the father, and she was the mother of their sons, three sons. The oldest one, Gershom.

And it is when Moses' vision called him after all this time to go back to Egypt, from having run away from it, having left, having killed an Egyptian military officer who was maltreating a Semite, a Hebrew. And Moses understanding by that time that he was Hebrew too. His mother, was Hebrew, had put him in a basket. Very much like Sargon was put into a basket on the Euphrates River a millennium before Moses. And was found by someone in the royal entourage. For Sargon his adopted father was the keeper of the date palm orchards of the royalty of the Sumerian king at that time. Which is why the date palm was always the symbol of Inanna in **Inaudible word or two** writings, because she was the daughter of Sargon and made sure that everyone understood that this is how all of this works. And not just the mists of Inanna, making sure that there is a understanding of the divine attractive yet protective quality to the feminine, but that all the disparate Temple kingdom mosaic was put together in one large picture of the scalar of them all in her 42 temple hymns. One hymn for each of the separate city temple priesthood clicks. So that they all together then where this whole spectrum and enriched by ideas all the way from India in the Indus civilization to the Mediterranean, to the Cyprus, uh, civilization.

So that you had from all of this a quality of remembrance that seeped into Moses when he realized that he was a descendant from a certain Hebrew lineage and his wife was a descendant from a certain Egyptian Arabic lineage. And yet they had the same father, Abraham.

So that when you look at Jerusalem, you have to begin with an extraordinary vision, the vision of the promised land. And Abraham moving not just his wife Sarah but moving all of the other, um, ways in which there was a son in law Lot his family, all of their herds. And when they finally got to the crest, the crest of the vision of the promised land that was in Jerusalem. And in Jerusalem, Abraham was, as Shakespeare so beautifully wrote, well met. And he was met by a visionary king. Whose name was in Hebrew, Melchisedech. Melchizedek, in English. And he referred to by Moses, was a priest of the most high as well as the king.

And that's how the preservation of a hierarchy in a patriarchy was given a confirmation, as well as the reliance on the cognate non-Hebrew female son Ishmael and the non-Hebrew sons of Keturah. All of this then became confirmed to Abraham when he was able to refine his vision that there needed to be a founding of their legitimized legal precedent presence in this promised land of the promised land vision. And he bought a burial place for himself and his wife and their children and children's children. Not in Jerusalem but south, not all that far in Hebron. And he insisted they were going to just give him. Well, the land is around this ancient cave. The cave of Machpelah. **Inaudible word or two** we respect you. We'll, we'll give it to you. No, I will pay for it in silver. That was the first stable still there place. That is the pivot of the promised land vision in the promised land. Not in Jerusalem, but in Hebron.
So, when we're looking at Jerusalem, we have to look with really seeing, learning eyes. And it's true that archaeology by the 21st century is able to go back and understand that, yeah, this Jerusalem area was settled and even though sparsely nevertheless it was populated, consciously, more than 7000 years ago. By 5000 B.C. already before there was the time forms of civilization, there were settled people present in the site of Jerusalem.

But that's nothing, because 5000 years before that occurred archaeologically in Jerusalem, it occurred archaeologically in Jericho, down next to the Jordan River. Some 12,000 years ago. It was the common threshing ground of all the harvesters of the new grains and the celebration of those common feasts so that Jericho goes back and is one of the earliest seeds of urban clustering of men and women, of human beings in the world. Of this world.

Well, we're talking about the New Jerusalem Planetary Park. It requires a taking off of blinders of all kinds. They don't come off easily. And the fears are the fears of apocalyptic science fiction horror. One of the scariest films made in the early 1950's, starring Ray Milland, The Man with X-Ray Eyes. He became a great healer because he could look x-ray eyed at what was wrong with people and recommend us that and so forth. But unfortunately for him, it kept increasing and evolving so that eventually he was not able to look at anything without seeing x-ray ally through all of it. And finally, his eyes were these huge black pupils that scared him into silence because he could see the reality behind the universe. And the film ends with those big eyes staring.

When one looks at Sumer before **Inaudible Word** and Sargon refinement. One finds those big eyes. That visionary penetration becomes those who are able to see. They are seers. They are seers. They're seers. And it becomes cognate in all kinds of groups. One even finds them before Sumer in the late Paleolithic before the Neolithic. One finds them in the Mesolithic sculptures and drawings of these large eyed figures. And I'll bring next week a volume quite large published by Oxford University Press a couple of generations ago. Elizabeth Zweig is the author. Authoress. It's about those ancient visionary eyes then, and how they occur sometimes as a very close-set pair that looked for all the world like an infinity sign etc., etc.

The ancient family of interpreters of omens and Greece the **inaudible word or two** meant those who can see. They're the only ones that can see into the riddles of the divination. And there has to be a cognate group who can understand what they are saying and then interpret that because almost nobody can understand what it is that they're saying, because it is to them garbled, because it's an overlay that just strains the abilities to have a grammar. Even when it's filtered and delivered oracular only, the oracular delivery at best is a riddle. Like the Oracle at Delphi. Yeah, you can understand what she said. What does it mean? Socrates is the wisest of men. All right. What does that mean?

The quality of our being able to see with x-ray eyes first occurred in the 1890's. X-rays were discovered in 1895 exactly when H.G. Wells wrote his first great classic work, The Time Machine. And the very next year as if it were an instantaneous explosion of dimensions occurring Wells wrote his second, which was The Island of Dr. Moreau. A man who is able to tamper with evolution and turn beasts into men now in the laboratory in the house of pain. And the difficulty is, is that they keep reverting back to the bestiality. One has to do something. And the peculiar thing in The Island of Dr. Moreau is that when he tried to make a woman, he was having problems because it was unsure if she was a woman. And, oh, this guy miraculously shows up from a shipwreck. He wants to go back to his, um, home shipping base in the **inaudible word**, which is in the, uh, Indonesian archipelago. It forces him to stay until he sees if the woman, he created out of a, uh, leopard is able to attract him as a woman. And will she respond like a woman? The Island of Dr. Moreau.

And at the same time the discovery of the electron. The atom has parts. Now x-rays and the electron, The Time Machine and The Island of Dr. Moreau begin a cascade that develops with frightening speed. It took only one generation that first experience that to come up with quantum theory at the very same time that Joyce was haggering the English language with Ulysses and then knocked it out with Finnegans Wake. Or T.S. Eliot writing The Wasteland that ends, uh, with the Sanskrit riddles are actually ends with dah, dah, dah ta dum. What does it mean? And even someone as astute as Ezra Pound was having trouble reading and understanding it and finally realized that it's a, it's a scramble of languages. And so, he thought, well, I'm going to scramble the English language with a Chinese poetic. And in those cantos, one finds him experimenting that this, that and the other and so forth. And we're in the fourth generation since then.

It's a cascade into fearfulness when it's complicated by a reference wave time form that references a millennial apocalyptic fever that they're not going to reclaim as their promised land our promised land. And they're not going to dominate the world with their kind of schematics when we have our own that are better etc., etc. So, we have a lot to talk about that the rest of the year we're going to talk about. And this is just the beginning.

We mentioned William Blake's great 1825 epic, Jerusalem and the plate before the title page is this play. In 1825 this was about as far out as a visionary artist could go recognizing that one is entering a place that is labeled above it, abandon all hope ye who enter here. And carrying a visionary sphere of lights of lights. There's a lumen, a lumen de natura, the light of nature. Phenomenal matter. Then there's a lumen de lumen. A light of light.

One of the great books on **inaudible word** of Alexandria is entitled By Light Light **inaudible word or two**. In 13 volumes of the Bollingen Series published by Princeton, Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, that it spreads into a harmonic that we haven't even begun to be able to hear yet. And now we're talking about a new Jerusalem planetary park. There's a whole lot of learning going on.

More next week.


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