Presentation 5

Presented on: Saturday, January 31, 2015

Presented by: Roger Weir

Presentation 5

Transcript (PDF)

The Future and The New Past
Presentation 5 of 52

Presentation 1-5
Presented by Roger Weir
Saturday, January 31, 2015


That will change the 21st century. It is a very difficult for anyone to be present in 2015. Not only because there are time delays. Memories of various pasts and some of them quite deep. Or those expecting and predicting, prophesies yet futures. Hardly anyone is present. And it is very difficult to detect that minute fraction of those who are present. Who behold and who are not in a present moment. But who are in the flow of history which takes a kaleidoscopic consciousness to have that current.

One of the interesting qualities of 2015 is the way in which there is a stacking up of particular images coming out of science. And in the history of science. And in the prismatic persons who make this history yield that science. Whose visions are not just theory theoretical, but theorea in contemplative. That contemplative vision is differential consciousness, that vision through the prismatic persons who are artists in life. In their person. In their lives. In what is coursing through them as a continuity are the makers of history. That is the kaleidoscopic conscious trans flow that becomes real science.

The latest issue of Science, which is the international journal for many, many decades of the American Association of, uh, Science. This is, um, 23rd of January 2015. And on the cover is a photograph from the Rosetta Spacecraft that is sitting now on a comet discovered by two Russians. It's abbreviated as Comet P-67. This is a photograph. This is an electronic message to us that the comet is not some kind of abstract thing but is here mountains and screes of dust and pits. And is a whole complex landscape that begins later on to have a gassing out as it nears our sun. It is still many tens of millions of miles away. So that what we are doing is we are looking with a very far-reaching resonance out.

One of the characteristic great mottoes that was there in the America of the 1940's, which was very much a Hermetic America still. was the phrase onwards and upwards. It was a motto as I have regaled you with a number of times over the decades. It was the motto of my good friend, the science fiction writer. The very great science fiction writer, Theodore Sturgeon. But he wrote it under a symbol, which was the symbol for the male gender in the human species. But that arrow was not just up. He said that arrow points outwards. So that the tensor of the two vectors onwards in time, upwards in space, is an outwards in space time. But with someone like a Sturgeon in his work there was always the understanding that outwards had a recursive quality of inwards at the same time. So that one had to be in a very masterful third resolution continuity to be able to appreciate the complexity. Which presents behold.

So, our presentations, not only with the 23rd of January 2015 issue of Science, but also, we understand, uh, here is the, um, January. Well, no, it's up to March. March 2015. Already dated in the future of astronomy. Astronomy is the, uh, competition to sky and telescope. Popular astronomy magazine of, uh, long standing. It's in a suburb of Milwaukee published in Waukesha, Wisconsin. Just to the west of, uh, metropolitan Milwaukee. A very lovely town. One of my closest friends at the University of Wisconsin, some half a century more away, uh, was from Waukesha. I spent a lot of time there.

500 coolest things about space. And number 500 is a photograph by Carl Sagan. And it is entitled. the photograph is world famous now. In fact, it was the title of one of Sagan's last books, Pale Blue Dot. And here is a photo of our planet from 4 billion miles away. Out into the star system. Training the cameras to look back. And it took Sagan a long time to convince the NASA people to reverse the cameras, the posture, of Voyager two so that it looked back upon where it had come from. Two photos are outstanding from that event. He finally convinced them.

Sagan could convince. He was at, uh, the time able to convince a great network to do his 13-part series, Cosmos, which is has been seen by so many hundreds of millions of people. They re-did Cosmos in a so-called updated version in 2014. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Ann Druyan, Sagan's second wife. His first wife, Lynn Margulis, was always an outlaw, uh, scientist. And, uh, she raised their children. Dorion Sagan, uh, co-authored with her many fine books on the development of the way in which, uh, evolution, uh, travels in very large, comprehensive groups and groupings. Scientifically.

The Pale Blue Dot is hardly perceptible as a dust speck in this whole range of dust specks in between in the 4 billion miles of space in our star system because outer space is not perfectly a vacuum. It is, in fact filled with many things, including light waves to give this photo. This distance is out in the range of where Pluto is. And so, one of the interesting covers, this was the month previous of Astronomy is about our Nasa's probe New Horizons already working its cameras, looking forward to Pluto, which is about 4 billion miles out. So where Pale Blue Dot was looking back now after Voyager Two in the early 1990's is looking back in 2015, a quarter of a century later, looking forward to Pluto and it's Great Moon Charon, which is about a third the size of Pluto and its four smaller moons. And who knows what else we'll find. Already the cameras are able to pick it up. And just as Pluto is being picked up by New Horizons cameras in the middle of the star system. You have to imagine now four smaller inner planets in an asteroid belt. Four gas giant planets and a Kuiper Belt. And that Pluto with Charon are a characteristic binary in the Kuiper Belt, not really a planet, but the largest example of the Kuiper Belt. So we are going to the largest example of the Kuiper Belt.

At the same time, in a parallel, the largest object in the asteroid belt, which is Ceres, is being approached by a probe Dawn, which had already gone into the asteroid belt and spent a whole year orbiting the second largest asteroid, Vesta. And so, we're going to the largest asteroid and the largest Kuiper Belt object at the same time.

For those who do not understand pairing in a presencing mode, this seems rather surprising. That pairing when we look at the kind of current science is a super symmetry. It's a super symmetry that has dimensions of consciousness active in it. So that the four dimensions of space time are not just onwards and upwards. Or possibly outwards and inwards. But a confluence of a threshold of fields. So that fields are larger than any kind of order of objects or groups of objects or groups of groups of objects, etc., etc., including the universe. Larger than the universe are fields. There is a zero field. There is an infinite field.

And their threshold of complementarity is to make zero fertile and Infinity alive. We occupy that threshold of complementarity with a cycle of evolution with all of its punctuated equilibriums etc. And it's marrying with the infinite field of consciousness paired as differential and kaleidoscopic with the infinite and the zero coming together the quality of our species is rare but recognizable throughout the universe. But only recognizable throughout the universe with the dimensions of consciousness in complementarity with the dimensions of space time as an integral. So that the differential hyphen kaleidoscopic and differential hyphen kaleidoscopic with the integral gives us a three quality a resolving third. It is a quote outwards. It is a going out in the sense of going out to the harmonic. That the groups of residences that are there in space time that are there in an integral cycle. In a determination of phenomena, actions, results. Now is not only expanded upwards and onwards and outwards and inwards but has a quintessential quality of vision.

And it is this, uh, vision which comes into play with a pair of genders in our species, male and female. And two exemplars of the genius of these genders now. One is from Nature. This is the, uh, 22nd of Jan 2015 issue. Nature has been around for 130 some years. The International Journal of Science. It has a three-part article headlined Laser Focus with a photograph of our female scientist protagonist. By firing lasers into the sky Claire Max, she's now 68, has transformed the capabilities of current and future telescopes. She is the one who figured out how to translate adaptive optics to telescopes to make sure that one has an accurate way of recalibrating.

The most potent word that we have now is not revolution. It's not reform. It's not even renaissance. It certainly isn't recurrence. Its recalibration. Because in order to work with an integral spacetime universe at all, we need to have measurability. The difficulty with looking out with telescopes is that they are space time bound to conditions that are operative within that limitation. And on our planet, it used to be called Earth, it's better to call it Terra. More poetic. And not just the moon. There are many moons. This one is Luna. Terra Luna is a binary double planet. It's a paired planet. Like Pluto and Charon, paired planet. The further one goes out into the Kuiper Belt, the more paired planets, planetoids, pair dwarf planets, that are ones that you find. The largest object so far found in the Kuiper Belt called Eris now. The discover here in Southern California was so taken with the surprise of it that his original name for it was Xena. The heroine of a mythological, uh, television series where Xena is sort of like a super duper Wonder Woman character who is, uh, better sword's person than Conan and more resourceful than, um, even Wonder Woman used to be. But they renamed it Eris. E-r-i-s. And Eris has a moon, Dysnomia. It's small but nevertheless, paired materia is more stable. When it's further out into the star system. So that as one moves out, they not only pairing, but sometimes tripling. And what keeps the stability of the planet. Structure of our star system are the giant, gas giant worlds that all have multiple moon systems and rings. There are rings to not only Saturn, but there are light rings to Jupiter, to Uranus, to Neptune. And we know now from very powerful telescopes made available, largely by Claire Max over decades and decades of work, we can see that there are rings around planets, around other stars.

What is important about Claire Max? She understood that because we can have very large telescopes now, not only large, but very large telescopes. There are, uh, possibilities of if one were to look at a chart and the thumbnail on this thumb would be the size of the Hubble Space Telescope. The whole hand would be the size of very large telescopes being built on Terra. We're about to have not only a golden or platinum, but a beyond capacity in astronomy through telescopes that are not only very, very large, but they have movable parts that are computer connected that are able to modulate the curvature, the complex curvatures within curvatures, within curvatures of their focus. But they can only do this so that a focus occurs if there is some way to calibrate what that focus is going to be when it's in focus.

In, uh Jacob Brodsky's, uh, precursor to Carl Sagan's Cosmos and as a successor to Sir Kenneth Clark's, uh, Civilization Series. Jacob Aronofsky's series was The Ascent of Man. As Kenneth Clark, Sir Kenneth, had made art the arbiter of civilization in his 13-part series. The first of that kind on a television BBC 1966, 1968, uh was extremely important. The Ascent of Man had a portion in one of the episode's, late episodes where A man, a person was placed in front of an array of equipment that had the entire electromagnetic spectrum covered in its various qualities of seeing. The only place in the vast array that there was a focus where you could tell who it was. You could see the face, the features, and recognize who this was. That person. Was invisible light. Because our eyes focus in such a very narrow spectrum of an electromagnetic spectrum that vast as it is, is only one spectrum in the cosmos. But our eyes are able to focus. Not only to see within the focus of the electromagnetic spectrum to the resolution of a person. We can behold in a very high Dharma consciousness all of the dimensions of consciousness of that person in space time as well. So that the entire complementarity, four dimensions of consciousness, four dimensions of space time make together in a complementarity, a ninth dimension.

One of the great Hermetic treatises found in the middle of the 20th century was The Eighth, Reveals the Ninth. A nine-dimensional quality of being able to behold now the complex presence but a shared presence, which in its complexity of complexities has the capacities of zeroes and infinities at the same time. Like two hands. Like two eyes. Like two genders. And when we look at a gender of the female, like Claire Max. She spent many, many decades making sure that we would have adaptive optics that would be able to focus. She figured out that you need to have a laser beam that focuses on an intermediate star. She was, uh, working at the time at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, an atomic research Laboratory, and very powerful, very secretive. You think it's tough to get into Area 51? You try Lawrence Livermore. At least back in the sixties when we first went out to see it, um, it was formidable. She was there. She was one of the head scientists there. She figured out that one could fire a laser with a focus on an aspect of the upper atmosphere which had a sodium atomic quality to its, um, layer. And that you could tune the laser to shine on a focus in the sodium. So, what would occur is a red star like focus in terms of what the laser picked up if you hooked the laser to a small telescope within the laser beam. And that if you then had that ensemble tuned to the very large telescope, it had a focus by which it could tune itself to whatever it was able to look at, however distant it is. However, many billions light years away, one could focus on it and extend that focus minuscule, minuscule, minuscule ratchet by ratchet until it came into focus. So that we can now see planets around other stars and with the very large. Not just hands. like the Hubble thumbnail to the whole hand. There are very large. They're called extremely large telescopes coming that are measured in tens of meters. Not a 40-inch telescope, but a 40-meter telescope, etc. Where we will be able to look and focus on stars 10 billion light years away and see the first stars, some almost 14 billion light years away.

We're poised in 2015 within the next decade to be able to do this. To behold in focus an extension just of the universe. But concomitant to this is a tuning of consciousness. A tuning of the science, of the history, of the art, of the vision of these as dimensions. Of these as phases that extend the four dimensions thought posited in four phases. So that the phases are like intermediary between the four seasons on our planet. And the four phases of an integral cycle. And the four dimensions to meet the other four dimensions of consciousness. And resolve into not only an ninth but into a ninth, which like all of the other phases and dimensions are paired. So that the ninth being revealed also has a concomitant 10th dimension. In string theory this is called hyperspace. And this is where interstellar civilizations after commerce they do business. They do research. They are. And we're about to become free on the interstellar frontier. That's what all this is about.

We're going to take a little break.

The second figure is a Chinese American, Yang Zhong. Yang Zhong. And he has won a very huge mathematical prize. The prize was for a mathematical problem that had not been solved for 150 years. It was not solvable. It required being able to tell how far do prime numbers go in the sequence of numbers. A prime number is something that is divisible only by one and itself. Prime numbers start with numeracy. One is prime. Two is prime. Three is prime. Five is prime. Seven is prime. The further you go in the onwards of the numeracy of measurability the more rare and the more farther until it would take a book of digits to characterize what by supercomputers we now know is the farthest prime number, it's not the end. He found that it is a solvable mathematical problem. By visioning something that in between the numbers are gaps. He found a mathematical way to express the bounded gaps of numerous. All by himself. With such men and women alive and working, it behooves us to begin learning on a whole new scale and scaler of scales.

Let's take a little break.


Let's come back.

Let's come back to the approach to a threshold heightens the compression. What compresses is the integral dimensions. As the integral dimensions compress the conscious dimensions diffuse. The integral becomes more intense, and the differential seems to evaporate. So that the moment, if you're just following space time present, becomes startlingly singular. In the Sanskrit, the word for it, it's well known for thousands of years, that singularity. It's called Ekagrata.

What happens with one because it is a prime number. It's only divisible by itself and one, which becomes a tautology and that singular point. You take note, you singularity buffs, links out. Gone. And winks back in. Full of actually what is occurring. Called in Japanese Satori. All of this is well known. What is not understood is that it cannot be understood without the further dimensions. And the more further dimensions are in that barrier of the threshold of the lure of singularity to oneness, the unity of it all. The completeness. And the nothingness that accompanies it.

In the Second World War, one of the most struggling poignant of the philosophers. Hobbled by the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl. Jean-Paul Sartre encouraged in part by Simone de Beauvoir, who understood him very, very well. Sartre came to write a great tome called Being and Nothingness. He said the ego is transcendent of what can be identified as a whole. The whole. Our center than nothingness as a whole. Oddly enough, very much like a black hole. No light escapes. No understanding escapes. It is nothingness. And the organic resonance of that is nausea. Not just fear. Fear is for nightmares. Nausea is for terror. Not that it is approaching you, but that you are what It is as you approach. This is a whole feeling of the refusal to learn etc.

Sartre and the chapter in the center the pivot of being a nothingness called the whole. Says we will do anything to fill that gap. Anything. And because nothing can work about filling that gap to assuage the nausea. To let us be attracted with the realization one of the most potent things that we can put there like a covering, like a filter, like a bridge over troubled nothingness, is the idea that ideas are able to dismiss this.

What young Jean thought about for decades, largely by himself. He refused to be interested enough to get his advanced degrees in mathematics. His field was pure mathematics. Bertrand Russell, uh, once characterized pure mathematics as a refuge from the dreary exiled of the material world. It was the whole hole that elicited from him and from his call for air at the time, Alfred North Whitehead, to write a three-volume tome published by Cambridge University Press Principia Mathematica. Of which it was so complicated even on the graduate level, one was just given the first 56 sections of Volume one to study. And that this would baffle you enough that you would realize that anybody who claimed to understand it was a professor not to be asked questions because you didn't know enough to even know that you didn't know, etc.

Yang won the great prize for mathematics and pure mathematics. Because he was able to write a paper about the bounded gaps of the infinite number series. The whole problem of bounded gaps is quite interesting. One of the figure who is being paired with him, Claire Max's whole realized problems was that in order to do her laser pilot focusing focus so that one could have super large telescopes focus deeper and deeper, billions of light years into the universe was that, um, the adaptive optics were expensive enough. And then to have them refined to include her laser beam. They built the first one at where they worked. She and a couple of friends at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Southeast of Berkeley, about an hour's drive. It was very expensive. And in order to convince other astronomers or especially those patrons, those funding entities, etc., that this was workable. Even after it was shown to be workable well, it's, it's technically very demanding. Well, yes, here's the solution for that. Well, it's very expensive. And she was genius enough to be able to wade and then finally swim in the problems of super massive funding, because for really large telescopes that cost $1,000,000,000. A great deal of that expense is by tuning the adaptive optics so that it can see. So that ekagrata of the focal point occurs without the blur of the fears that one is not going to be able to be accurate enough. And then what's going to happen to us if we are?

She was able to get it included with the adaptive optics now for 40-millimeter, 40-meter telescopes coming up in the next 5 to 10 years. They're being built now. We will be able to see to the ends of the computed universe in focus. Do you understand? In focus from Terra. From here to eternity. What will happen then? It's a great compression fear. It's a great evaporative nightmare.

As we pointed out, all of this has been recognized long before. One of the most poignant phases, ages, when this was in its finest focus for the first time on a, what we would best call a planetary scale, was the founding of Alexandria in Egypt. In the 300s B.C. It took someone with a vision of human beings as a single family. The big Greek word for it is Oikoumene. O-i-k-o-u-m-e-n-e.
The Oikoumene was the one family man of man. The family of man. Which he learned from his mother. Not his father King Philip, the second of Macedonia, was capable warrior administrator. King so forth. Who feared his wife, Olympia. She was not only a high priestess from Samothrace. Like Pythagoras' Mother Pythias. That's the name she took at Delphi after she realized she was pregnant with a very special being. Olympia when she was pregnant and recognized that she was carrying a manifestation of the deepest mystery of the Greek Egyptian worlds. She birthed Alexander the Great. And she raised him to be aware and then finally conscious. And made sure that he was provided with the best of all the limited learning available in the Greek language world. His private tutor was Aristotle. With a group of confreres, other young men. Aristotle taught them the precision of what this four-dimensional space time world has to offer in terms of inquiry to get exactness and completeness and to be able to refine it and go as far as you can go and then go further with it.

But Alexander got something else from his mother. He got the incredibly deep, feminine wisdom that there is mystery in wisdom. Because there are more dimensions in wisdom that to the world, even in its finest limited completeness, does not know. Because the limited world is built on cognition **inaudible word**.

One of the pioneers of cognitive theory, CT, is featured in this December 2014 issue. Actually, it just came out in January. January 20th. As a matter of fact, 2015. ISIS's The Great History of Science Journal. It's over 100 years old. It's published by the University of Chicago Press. Its original editor, George Sartin, founded it. And, uh, was there for decades. And then the follow up editor for it was I.B. Cohen, who founded the History of Science Program at Harvard and etc., etc., It is one of the high watermarks in the world like Nature or Science or Icarus. It is the epitome. One of the articles here is by Rachel Rosner, and its title is The Splendid Isolation of Aaron T. Beck, who is the founder of Cognitive Theory. Which turns out to be eventually computers and A.I., human plus. Aliens who have to mutilate animals to find out. All that.

The mystery of wisdom was passed on to Alexander so that when he became super king. Not just King of Macedonia and its attendant little conquests. He visioned the mystery of the one World family of man and that he was the carrier in a masculine way of that great feminine wisdom, vision, mystery. And he had to find out because his mother had taught him. She was still alive. She said in order to find out who you are for real, you will have to go to Egypt. And you will have to go to the far deserts, those western desert areas of Egypt, and you will have to go to the most remote oasis there, the oasis of Siwa. And there you will find a mysterious temple. To the pinnacle of the Gods whom we call in the pinnacle of the Godhead Jupiter, Amun. But the Egyptians recognize him as Amun-Ra. He is the ram headed Divine Man whose resonances in the rarest of all the chosen inheritors of his species wisdom mystery will have a quality of ram's horns over his brain, in his brain. It will make him the ram headed one who is able to vision it all in recognition. Not just cognition. Not just Aristotelian, but in this deep Egyptian feminine wisdom which is from the get-go paired in a symmetry with the Olympian. I guess her name was Olympias because her parents understood she was really something. The Olympian mythology. The Olympian Gods of classical Greece.

The pinnacle of which is not Jupiter in Greek. His name is Zeus. But even Zeus sitting on the top of Mount Olympus with his lightning bolts and so forth, has a wisdom beholding aspect which in those ancient classical times was called an oracle. Like Apollo had his oracle at Delphi Zeus had his oracle at Dodona. In the, uh, Western, uh Northwestern part of the Peloponnese. Where there was an oak grove of the Dodona. Oaks are not really characteristic of Greece. One can understand the olive is. The Oaks are more indicative of, uh, Northern Europe.
The founder of Dodona and the founder of Siwa, were two black African girls. At the same time. They were the young prophetic recognizing wisdom carrying feminine girls. There were the oracles of Thebes, Ancient Thebes in Egypt on the Nile.

The first person to know this, to recognize this, uh, was the author of this book published, uh, in London, uh the Bodleian published it. This is Siwa: The Oasis of Jupiter Ammon by C. Dalrymple Belgrave. And Belgrave, uh, had an introduction by General Sir Reginald Wingate, uh, and Wingate was one of the most sophisticated of all the wisdom generals in the British Imperium. And he enters in introduction is the only one who was able to say that there is a presence in Islam that comes from the ancient quality of the highest resonances of Egypt, not only Egypt along the Nile, but Egypt out into the desert, the western desert, out into the eastern desert. Going into Sinai. Going across the Gulf of Aqaba, into western Arabia. And that this quality in Arabic is Zikr. Z-i-k-r. Z-i-k-r. Zikr. It is the beholding of presence.

She, in this, Sir Reginald Wingate says of Belgrave that he is the one who was shown at Siwa for the first time. He was the first Westerner to ever be held the teaching of Zika at Siwa. Is what presence that Alexander the Great went to consult to find out if he was real. And he was. Here is on page 77 of C. Dalrymple, uh, Belgrave's 1923 volume. Remember now 1923 is the beginning of the quantum theory, "Herodotus and whose works there are frequent allusions to the Amonians," The people in Siwa largely a confluence of Ethiopians and Egyptians with a smattering of other elements. Because it was the temple of Amun-Ra. They were called Ammonites by Herodotus. He wrote about 450 B.C. Describes, uh,
The oasis of Amun as being colonists from Egypt and Ethiopia. Speaking a mixed language and calling themselves Amonians owing to the Egyptians worshipping Jupiter Zeus Ra under the name of Amun. He relates that the colonist instituted an oracle in imitation of the famous one on the Isle of Meroe.
Meroe is an ancient city on the Nile. It's in what is today called Sudan. But not just Sudan. It was the interface between Egypt and Ethiopia.

And mentions the following account of its origin,
Two black girls who served in the Temple of Jupiter, Amun at Thebes were carried away by Phoenician merchants. One of them was taken to Greece, where she afterwards founded the Temple of Dodona, which became a well-known oracle.
The Oracle of Zeus.
The other was sold into Libya and eventually arrived at the Kingdom of the Amazonians. Owing to her strange language which resembled the twittering of a bird.
What is the net icon for Twitter? A bird in silhouette. Do you understand? Do you understand? The mystery of the holding is upon us. Right now. Here. Everywhere. Always.
She was supposed by the inhabitants to possess supernatural qualities. Her reputation increased and her utterances came to be regarded as the words of an oracle.

Tuned to Zeus, Jupiter, Ra. Amun-Ra here. There is a different version of the same fable in which the girls are represented as two black doves, one flying to Greece, the other to Libya, etc. Diodorus Siculus. As he writes, an ancient Greek historian reckoned that Siwa Oracle was founded about 1400 BCE. 3400 years ago.

If you're worried about custom. If you're defending tradition. If you're hoping that you're in the right lineage. You better take the blinders off. Big time. What was not here in the book because it was not known by anyone at the time. In fact, had not been known for several thousand years. Only came to light in Alexandria in the first century A.D. And that only very esoterically. And only matured into an expressiveness that was in the least bit public, though very, very rare. It was just to a very small community of friends, men, and women. Where the thrice greatest Hermes began to write under that name. What we have today is the Hermetica. Because it's the third Hermes. Well, yes, everyone knows that the first Hermes is actually in Egypt called Thoth. What is Thoth? Well, Thoth is the God who invented writing.

What is lost in the translation. Is that Thoth in writing has not a reflection but a pair. That there is a woman who is writing as well. Her name is Seshat. What Thoth writes on his, with his, stylus on his pad. Imagine Thoth 4000, 5000, 5000 years ago, writing on an iPad that takes writing. That's Thoth 5000 years ago. And as he writes in his hieroglyphics on that tablet, she writes originally as the mystery of what he is writing, which makes it have veracity in four dimensions. She is writing in four conscious dimensions on a leaf of a tree in Heliopolis. It's called a persea tree. And what name Seshat writes on that leaf guarantees that they have arrived in paradise eternally. The witness to her writing that an eternity and Thoth writing that in terms of what can be put onto a tablet is Osiris. That all of this is true. Beyond death. Beyond dismemberment. Not just permanently. That's minuscule. Life eternal.

The problem is between that first Thoth Hermes and Hermes Trismegistus there was a second Hermes who is Ethiopian. He was black. A black Hermes. He flourished about the time that Siwa was founded and the oracle of Zeus at Dadona paired was founded in a cemetery. And Thebes was the fount from which those two young girls had been put into the oracular beholding by their forebears who were not their mothers so much, but they were, um, the ones who, um, spirit mothered them. So that they would be able to pass that on and down and on and on in such a way that it wasn't limited by their death. Or their birth. Had a continuity, and so they, mysteriously, are still with us.

Now in this scale of recognition the aliens better sit down and learn. Because there are mysteries of mysteries that obviously are way beyond them if they're mutilating capital and abducting people to try and find out what's what. And they will have to, like all of us, not just queue up and sit down but to endure the struggle to learn.

There is a quality that comes into play on the level of not just ten-dimensional hyperspace, but on 11th dimension, which is the fertile zero. That the fertile zero field, she, is fertile because of the interface with the infinite field. Of differential kaleidoscopic consciousness become a high dharma poetic.

In Virginia, which references Thomas Jefferson, in a nation that used to reverence Thomas Jefferson. There is a national accelerator called the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator. One of the most powerful scientific instruments on the planet. This is an article from the Science issue January 23rd, 2015, with Comet P, 67 photos and so forth. Probing the Proton. This is a whole scramble. Not of chaos but a scramble of electronic wiring for the Thomas Jefferson nuclear accelerator. A newly upgraded accelerator explores the seething maelstrom at the heart of matter. When your ala Claire Max to focus into that seething maelstrom of subatomic matter a stability comes into focus, which is remarkable. It is more stable than the universe. No proton having emerged, doesn't just emerge and then is, but it emerges in such a way that it has a vibration out of pure nothingness, out of infinity, and has a stability which is beyond. The universes capacity to time it. Protons made continued to vibrate. How do we look at them? How do we focus on them? Well, it turns out when one focuses on them, something mysterious occurs. Again, the super symmetries seem to always be there, inviting us to be comprehensive.

There are two stabilities in the nucleus of every atom of every element, the proton, and the neutron. No one ever thought about a neutron until 1932. When it was finally by a couple of people begun to think of and Carl Anderson finally wrote the paper. But Paul Dirac was one of the geniuses in it. The...

Paul A Here at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility is everything a science fan would want in a physics lab. The cylindrical cavern, 24 meters high. 24 meters high. From floor to dome and twice as wide. It's 48 meters wide. Meters. Half a football field wide. It's a science instrument. "From high on the wall, a silvery pipe extends finger like to the center from which fan out to vast machines. Multi-tiered assemblages of steel pipes, wires and electronics that sweep up to the roof." Think of it all as part of a giant electron microscope. We're going to look at protons and neutrons in focus.

Turns out they're, again paired. They're paired in a way in which the complementarity is conscious of. The way in which symmetry has an interesting this and that. The proton has three quarks. The neutron has three quarks. The proton has two up quarks, one down. The neutron has two down quarks and one up. And they, they get along. They're very stable. Not only are they stable, they are stable together. And once you get past the one of hydrogen into the two of helium you begin to have an atomic nucleus that has its ability to evolve in structure. So, you get to 92 uranium. Which science in the 1940's already was able to leap beyond into plutonium.
And next week, we'll take a look at the way in which the beyond keeps getting beyonder. More then.


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