The Mystic Century, 1983
by: Roger Weir
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The Mystic Century
12 of 13 presentations available
Tuesdays, Jun 7, 1983 to Aug 30, 1983
Second in a series tracing the descent of the Alternative Reality Tradition, highlighting Mr. Weir's review of the 'Mystic Century' with the lives and works of some of the greatest mystics and gnostics of the 13th and 14th centuries. Weekly presentations of the history of this era from the Foissart Chronicles will be included.
- Rumi (1207-1273)
Mystical Poems, Masnavi. Literary Seeds and Transcendent Experiences
Recorded: June 7, 1983
no audio available - Dante (1265-1321)
The Divine Comedy: The Architecture of the Interior Temple
Recorded: June 14, 1983play audio
- William Occam (1295-1346)
The End of Scholasticism in the Logic of Negativa
Recorded: July 5, 1983play audio
- Richard Rolle (1300-1349)
The Fire of Love and The Meaning of Life
Recorded: July 19, 1983audio part 1
audio part 2
- Cloud of Unknowing (c. 1375)
Anonymous Apex of Interior Temple of Perfection
Recorded: August 2, 1983play audio