The Dark Ages Myth: Justin Martyr to Roger Bacon, 1984
by: Roger Weir
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The Dark Ages Myth: Justin Martyr to Roger Bacon
12 of 26 presentations available
Tuesdays, Mar 6, 1984 to Aug 28, 1984
- Justin the Philosopher, Martyr and Irenaeus of Lyon
Recorded: March 6, 1984
no audio available - Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and Plotinus
Recorded: March 13, 1984
no audio available - Eusebius of Caesarea and Athanasius of Alexandria
Recorded: April 17, 1984
no audio available - Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian
Recorded: April 24, 1984
no audio available - Gregory of Nyssa
Recorded: May 1, 1984
no audio available - John Chrysostom
Recorded: May 15, 1984
no audio available - Avicenna
Recorded: May 22, 1984
no audio available - Cyril of Alexandria and Severus of Antioch
Recorded: May 29, 1984
no audio available - Dionysius the Pseudo Areopagite and Proclus
Recorded: June 12, 1984
no audio available - Maximus the Confessor, John Damascene, Sophronius of Jerusalem, and John Climacus
Recorded: June 26, 1984
no audio available - Justinian I
Recorded: July 10, 1984
no audio available - Presentation 21
Recorded: July 24, 1984
no audio available - Gregory Palamas
Recorded: August 7, 1984
no audio available - Georgios Plethon and George Scholarius
Recorded: August 21, 1984
no audio available