The Ancient Hermetic Writings, 1990
by: Roger Weir
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The Ancient Hermetic Writings
13 of 13 presentations available
Thursdays, Apr 5, 1990 to Jun 28, 1990
The Corpus Hermeticum is the classic body of Hermetic writings. Alexandrian in origin, Egyptian in spirit, Greek in tone, they teach in ancient hierophantic dialogue the synthesizing core of Western Civilization. Here is the basic education; and consciousness as the perfume of that sacred flower. This course continues Mr. Weir's life work on restoring the Hermetic Tradition to a universal scale that can structure and proportion a civilization for all people.
Course Notes
- Poimander
The Classic Hermetic Work, Part 1 (c. 90 A.D.)
Recorded: April 5, 1990audio part 1
audio part 2
- Hermes to His Son Tat
On the manifest yet hidden God
Recorded: May 10, 1990audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Eighth Reveals the Ninth
From the Nag Hammadi Library
Recorded: June 28, 1990audio part 1
audio part 2