Plotinus: The High Wisdom of the Classic West, 1989
by: Roger Weir
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Plotinus: The High Wisdom of the Classic West
13 of 13 presentations available
Thursdays, Jul 6, 1989 to Sep 28, 1989
A series of presentations exploring the biographical history and legacy of Plotinus.
- Plotinus, The Western Sages
His Life and World Significance as the Greatest Religious Mind in the Western Philosophical Tradition
Recorded: July 6, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Fourth Ennead, Tractates One and Two
On the Essence of the Soul
Recorded: July 13, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Fourth Ennead, Tractates Three, Four, and Five
Problems of the Soul
Recorded: July 20, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
audio part 3
audio part 4
- The Fourth Ennead, Tractate Six
Perception and Memory
Recorded: July 27, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Fourth Ennead, Tractate Seven
The Immortality of the Soul
Recorded: August 3, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Fourth Ennead, Tractate Eight
The Souls Descent into the Body
Recorded: August 10, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Fourth Ennead, Tractate Nine
Are all Souls One
Recorded: August 17, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Fifth Ennead, Tractate One
On the Three Initial Hypostases
Recorded: August 24, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Third Ennead, Tractate Eight
Nature, Contemplation, and the One
Recorded: August 31, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The First Ennead, Tractate Six and The Fifth Ennead, Tractate Eight
On the Beautiful and On Intelligible Beauty
Recorded: September 7, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Second Ennead, Tractate Nine
Again the Gnostics
Recorded: September 14, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Third Ennead, Tractate Four
On the Kinds of Being
Recorded: September 21, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2
- The Fifth Ennead, Tractate Seven
Is There an Ideal Archetype of Particular Beings?
Recorded: September 28, 1989audio part 1
audio part 2