Jesus in Alexandria, 1992
by: Roger Weir
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Jesus in Alexandria
12 of 13 presentations available
Tuesdays, Jan 7, 1992 to Mar 31, 1992
- Pythagoras
Origins of the Western Mysterium Communitas
Recorded: January 7, 1992audio part 1
audio part 2
- Alexandria The First Cosmopolis; City for the Oikumene
Recorded: January 14, 1992audio part 1
audio part 2
- Septuagint Greek Bible (ca. 270 BC); Language Mind Interchange
Recorded: January 21, 1992audio part 1
audio part 2
- Teacher of Righteousness. Dead Sea Scroll Psalms, Books of Daniel and Job Founder of Qumran and The Essene Community
Recorded: January 28, 1992audio part 1
audio part 2
- John The Baptist: Last Qumran Leader, Cousin and Forerunner of Jesus
Recorded: February 4, 1992audio part 1
audio part 2
- Jesus: Hellenistic Sage, Perfecting Wisdom and the Essene Messiah
Recorded: February 11, 1992
no audio available - Augustus Caesar Founding the Roman Principate; The Aeneid; The Ara Pacis Augustae in Rome's Forum
Recorded: February 18, 1992play audio
- Therapeutae Alexandrian Pythagorean Contemplatives and Healers
Recorded: February 25, 1992play audio
- Philo Alexandrian: Jewish Philosopher and Contemporary of Jesus
Recorded: March 3, 1992audio part 1
audio part 2
- Jesus In Alexandria: From the Monastery Back to the City, Ad Urbem Mysterium
Recorded: March 10, 1992play audio
- Jesus in Palestine: Carrying the Alexandrian Mission to Palestine
Recorded: March 17, 1992play audio
- Focus of the Mission: Founding the Mysterium Communitas in History
Recorded: March 24, 1992play audio
- Mary Magdalene: Mysterium Coniunctionis and Resurrection Shared Presence
Recorded: March 31, 1992audio part 1
audio part 2