The Hermetic Tradition: From the Renaissance to the Founding of the United States, 1987

by: Roger Weir

Home » Presentations » The Hermetic Tradition: From the Renaissance to the Founding of the United States
The Hermetic Tradition: From the Renaissance to the Founding of the United States

8 of 13 presentations available
Thursdays, Jan 1, 1987 to Mar 26, 1987

  • Presentation 1
      Recorded: January 1, 1987
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  • Copernicus, Kepler, and John Dee
    Cosmological Transformations, Mathematics, and Angelology in the High Renaissance
      Recorded: January 8, 1987
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  • Walter Raleigh, Edmund Spenser, and Sir Philip Sidney.
    The Hermetic Tradition of Sacred Language and Utopian World Matures.
      Recorded: January 15, 1987
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  • Giordano Bruno and Galileo
    Italian Mind Matures in the Cosmic Infinite and the Starry Messenger
      Recorded: January 22, 1987
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  • Shakespeare and Cervantes
    Twin Pinnacles of the Art by Which Man becomes a Microcosm through the Alchemy of Mind and Character
      Recorded: January 29, 1987
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  • Bacon, Boehme, and Boyle
    The Rosicrucian Hermeticists Move toward Science and the Royal Society in London.
      Recorded: February 5, 1987
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  • Andrea, Maier, and Fludd
    The Rosicrucian Hermeticism Culminate the Occult Tradition into Its Archetypal
      Recorded: February 12, 1987
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  • Comenius
    The Hermetic Educator Plans the Cycle of Transformation for Mankind as a Whole through His Maturing Character and Mind
      Recorded: February 19, 1987
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  • Rembrandt
    Portraits of the Human Being in his complete Life Cycle of inner transformations
      Recorded: February 26, 1987
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  • Spinosa and the Pietists
    Philosophy of the Integrated Universe and the Pietist Society Move Toward a Historical Bridging
      Recorded: March 5, 1987
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  • Leibniz
    The Sacred Language at Last Formulated and the Occult Traditions Transformed into a Universal Philosophy
      Recorded: March 12, 1987
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  • Newton
    The Transformation of Alchemy into Mathematical Physics
      Recorded: March 19, 1987
    no audio available

  • Benjamin Franklin: The New Man in the New World.
    Open-ended Transformation of Mind and Character in the Person, Science, and the Experimental Utopia
      Recorded: March 26, 1987
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