Great Spiritual Classics of the Orient: 2500 B.C. to 300 A.D., 1981
by: Roger Weir
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Great Spiritual Classics of the Orient: 2500 B.C. to 300 A.D.
13 of 13 presentations available
Thursdays, Jul 2, 1981 to Sep 24, 1981
- Rig Veda
The Written Origins of Vision and Ritual in India by the Earliest Poet-Philosophers
Recorded: July 2, 1981
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- I Ching
Fu Hsi and the Pa Kua, King Wen and the Hexagrams, The Ten Wings, and Contemporary Works
Recorded: July 9, 1981
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- Upanishads
Early Teachings of Mountain Sages in Northern India. Especially Isa, Kena, and Brihadaranyaka (Great-Breath-Forest-Sermon)
Recorded: July 16, 1981
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- Tao Te Ching
Lao-tzu in Early China, Tao, Taoism, and Natural Mysticism
Recorded: July 23, 1981
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- Analects
Confucius, or K'ung-fu-Tzu and Chinese Classics; "Jen" as Human Heartedness and as Civilization
Recorded: July 30, 1981play audio
- Dhammapada
The First Shaping of Buddha's Words. The Path of Truth according to the Old Tradition
Recorded: August 6, 1981play audio
- Jataka
Animal Tales of the Buddha's Former Lives. A Kind of Spiritual Aesop
Recorded: August 20, 1981play audio
- Book of Mencius
Classic Confucian Sage. Translations from Legge, Lau, Hughes, and I.A. Richards in Multiple Definitions of the Mind
Recorded: September 3, 1981play audio
- Chuang-Tzu
Third Century B.C. Sage, Great Stylist, and Wisdom Storyteller
Recorded: September 10, 1981play audio
- Ashvaghosha
The Awakening of Faith. A Second Century Buddhist Classic
Recorded: September 17, 1981play audio
- Prajnaparamita Sutras
The Great Wisdom Teachings of Mahayana Buddhism. Ranging from 25,000 Words to One Syllable
Recorded: September 24, 1981play audio