Asian Spiritual Classics, 300 A.D. to the Present, 1982
by: Roger Weir
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Asian Spiritual Classics, 300 A.D. to the Present
12 of 12 presentations available
Thursdays, Jan 7, 1982 to Mar 25, 1982
- Patanjali (4th Century)
The Yoga Aphorisms. Organized Knowledge of the Disciplined Mind
Recorded: January 14, 1982play audio
- HuiNeng (7th Century)
Platform Sutra of the 6th Patriarch, Ch'an Master
Recorded: January 21, 1982play audio
- Li Po (699-761); Tu Fu (712-770)
China's Two Greatest Poets. Tang Dynasty Contemporaries
Recorded: January 28, 1982play audio
- Santideva (9th Century)
Arthur of the Bodhicaryavatara. Entering the Path of Enlightenment.
Recorded: February 4, 1982play audio
- Tibetan Book of the Dead
The Bardo Thodol of Recensions edited by W.Y. Evans-Wentz and Chogyam Trungpa
Recorded: February 11, 1982play audio
- Milarepa (1040-1123)
The St. Francis of Tibet. Fount of the Kargyupa Lineage. Buddhust Poet of 100,000 Poems
Recorded: February 18, 1982play audio
- Ma Yuan (1170-1230); Hsia Kuei (1160-1230)
Southern Sung Dynasty Chinese Landscape Painters. The Chinese Phrase which Translated Means, "Spirit-Vibration-Movement"
Recorded: February 25, 1982play audio
- Sesshu Toyo (1420-1506)
Japanese Landscape Painter Carried Ma-Hsia Vision to Japan. The Long Scroll is His Masterpiece
Recorded: March 4, 1982play audio
- Matsuo Basho (1644-1694)
Zen Poet. Originator of Haiku-Haibun Travelogue Master
Recorded: March 11, 1982play audio
- Hiroshige (1797-1858)
Ukiyo-e Master-Landscape Tradition of Spiritual-Sight-Journey
Recorded: March 18, 1982play audio
- Gandhi (1869-1948)
Mahatma of the 20th Century. Satyagraha and Ahimsa. Returned Sages from Mountain Retreat to Family and Market-place
Recorded: March 25, 1982play audio